Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Victoria Kind of Fall

Hello dear friends.  Hope you are having a great week.  I am.  My two doggies are keeping me busy and give me plenty of chuckles.  I'm not going to tell you too much because they want to write a post and tell both of their sides of the story.

It seems like I get millions of magazines.  The reason I get so many is because I had to buy #2's quota for her sorority.  I find that most of them are jam packed with ads and the stories are getting shorter.  The magazine I have enjoyed the most, besides my beloved People, is Victoria.  I fell in love with these photos in this month's issue and now I am sharing them with you.  

My fave!  I'm got to attempt to replicate this one.

Hope you're enjoying the beautiful days of Fall!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. This is my favorite magazine in the whole world. I have every one of them since I started reading it in 1995. They are all in magazine holders on my bookshelf, and yes, I still read them. Have you seen the Christmas Holiday one yet? It is a special edition that came out just before this one. BTW, I have this current one in my briefcase right now, and I have been pouring over it every spare minute I can find.

  2. What gorgeous photos. I love that basket, too. Have a great day, sweet friend. xo Laura

  3. I used to get Victoria, and now I don't. There's two things you didn't know about me!
    I don't know why I don't get it because it's always has the prettiest things. Thanks for showing a few shots. I have a basket similar to the long one, so maybe I'll give that look a "go."

  4. Should I be embarrassed that I've never heard of this magazine? Based on these pictures just might have to subscribe.

    1. Dear Denise... I never heard of it either.. until I had a list in front of me with car mags and psychology today. I just checked all the decorating magazines and I'm glad I did! Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Love Victoria magazine. I need to make a run to our local bookstore a pic up some new fall ones. I cancelled every last one of mine a few years ago...too many ads, very little content.

  6. Shhhh, Denise, don't tell anyone but I've never seen this magazine either. But WOW! Are these some beautiful pictures! I love the use of the white pumpkins for contrast. Can't wait to hear from Chowdah and Chili! Hopefully they are being very respectful of one another and sharing the computer so each can tell their story! Happy Wednesday!

  7. First, how precious is that Chowdah! I honestly found myself chuckling about his cute name when I was out with Miss Molly this week.

    Victoria has been a long time favorite but for some strange reason, it is one of the only magazines I'm not getting right now. My husband is constantly quizzing me on my need for so many magazines! My dad arrives tomorrow from TX and I this is inspiring me to get the back patio jazzed up. Beautiful photos and ideas!

    See you soon!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  8. Bonjour Katie! "Victoria" seems nice and I will try to find it in Paris next week. I used to read "Country Living US" for several years and I liked it a lot but I don't know why I can't find it anymore. Maybe I should subscribe... Bon courage avec Chili et Chowdah!

  9. Hi Katie! I used to subscribe to Victoria and always loved the articles, let alone the photos. However, time to elminate subscriptions and now only remain loyal to Southern Living. Many times it seems better to read favorite magazines on line! So enjoyed this lovely post! Kiss the puppies!

  10. Makes me want to have a Fall Fest!! Love it!

  11. Maybe someday when my backyard is no longer the neighborhood sports field it can look like that...dare to dream!

  12. Never heard of it either.I hope they have it at my local bookstore.Love the pics.


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