Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, October 27, 2014

Witch Hunting

Good morning, dear friends.  I hope that you all enjoyed your weekend.  The Northeast was gifted with bright sunshine, which was a blessing after a week of rain.  

The Mister asked me early in the week what I had in mind for the weekend.  I told him without a moment's hesitation, I wanted to head for witch country.  So, off to Salem we went.

Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of The Scarlet Letter, holds watch in the town square.

This charming hotel is named after Salem's infamous author.

No witches spotted in the lobby.

We did some shopping for cauldrons and magic spells.

And ended up bringing this guy home with us.  We call him Roger Chillingworth. 

Lady Linda asked me if I wanted to have a reading done.  I told her no.  I was afraid she would tell me that we spent too much $ on the painting we just bought.

Evidently, I was not the only person that had the idea of going to America's scariest town a week before Halloween.

This lady had a whole new take on face painting.
I'll take 2 blisters and a bruise, please.

And one bloody arm.

One of her loyal subjects.

Lots of scary street tunes.

This guy definitely had his eye on me.  I told the Mister not to pick a fight with him.  He looked dangerous. 

At last!  I found my witch!

It was time for our two and a half hour Foliage Cruise.  When we boarded, we realized that the boat was packed to full capacity.  I looked at the Mister and suggested we jump ship and find our way to the patio across the water and enjoy a glass of wine and a nice lunch.  
At first I thought the Mister was going to dive in and swim.  
I never saw him move so fast!

Later... shipmates!

We found the patio hiding in this restaurant.

The Mister was very happy with my suggestion.

Foliage is totally overrated. 

When we arrived home, we did a little of this.  The Mister takes his ball throwing very seriously.  

And a little of that.

Have a fabulous Monday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. looks like a wonderful weekend, beautiful here in Chicago as well. I think the ball throwing was the best part of the weekend!

    1. Chicago is my kind of town! Yes, the ball throwing was the best part - at least for the Mister, that is.

  2. Looks like a great way to spend a weekend, you have so many wonderful places to go visit on day trips up there. If you were still in Texas you wouldn't have been wearing that gorgeous scarf and sweater...it was 90 degrees here Saturday! Enjoy the Fall weather and beauty!

    1. Oh Jamie.. Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons in Texas!! Have a wonderful week!

  3. In the photo of you reading the Salem Magazine I wondered why you were wearing a blonde ponytail. It took me longer than I like to admit to realize it was someone sitting behind you. True story.

    1. So funny... that lady behind me kept slamming her chair into mine, so we were pretty close!! Have a wonderful week, dear Dee.

  4. Salem is a place I have always wanted to go. Have you read any books by Brunonia Barry - The Lace Reader is my favorite. They are set in Salem and give a lot of local folklore.

  5. This reminds me of when my English Lit class did a production of The Scarlet Letter. We made a giant "A" on the venetian blinds with red tape, then at the precise moment . . . BAM! The horrible "A" appeared in the sky!
    Lovely day. I'd like to visit there someday. Without my Hester costume, of course.

  6. What a fun day - and the weather looks picture perfect! Chowdah and Chili are so cute!!

    1. We lucked out with the weather, sweet Gina!! Hope you had a great weekend!!

  7. Sadly Halloween/Salem just not my thing but you did have a glorious day to enjoy.
    Went up there to visit the Peabody Essex Museum to find it is closed on Mindays. Ended up at exactly that same restaurant!

    1. I hear ye, sweet Denise. Can't wait to see you next week!

  8. Every time I read your blog I am reliving my childhood...I don't think I realized how fortunate I was to have parents who took us to so many different places. We never did Salem at Halloween, but visited so many of the hot Salem tourist spots at other times of the year, House of Seven Gables, Hawthorne locals and even went to the beach there a couple of times. Your day looked lovely and if you've seen one red leaf sometimes you've seen them all.

    1. OH BEEMIE, thought I liked you but there are NEVER enough red leaves!

  9. So many excellent day trip destinations in your neck of the woods! Salem is the perfect week-of-Halloween spot to visit! I'm sure you saw lots and lots of fall foliage on the drive home but I'm with you - never enough!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sounds like a legendary weekend.
    Especially the part where you sat outside in October sipping that magical potion called wine. You and your Mister are both spell-bindingly charming.

  12. Another fun post! We took the boys to Salem last summer. Did you go to the Salem Witch Trials Memorial? I really enjoyed going through the House of Seven Gables.
    Post pictures after you hang your new painting.

  13. I have always wanted to go to Salem.
    Funny just talked to my husband about a weekend get away.
    We just moved to Stony Brook NY so still unpacking but Salem is on my bucket list.

  14. Looks frightening to me Katie;) The face painting station is really grouse..... and I love that photo of the fortune teller. She looks likes she's sedated?? What a fun spot to get in the Halloween spirit and I like the way you both "jumped" ship and opted for the lunch and your favorite beverage:)

  15. I always love a getaway and this looks like a great one, Katie. I remember visiting Salem with my family many years ago. It always looks like you and the 'Mister' have such a good time together. Scott and I were in Sonoma Valley wine country last weekend. It was gorgeous! Fun and spooky post! ;) xx


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