Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, October 16, 2014

A couple of Wonderful Days

Hello dear friends.  On Monday, I drove to Westport, Connecticut to meet one of my favorite readers, Dawn, and her darling daughter, Jordan for lunch.  It was a beautiful warm day.  I got there a little early so I took the liberty of taking some photos for your viewing pleasure.

I grew up in the area and have been to Main Street many times.  A lot has changed in twenty years.  At one time this street had many small, eclectic shops.  I bought my prom dress in a shop on this street.  My date told me that my dress looked like a table cloth.  I hate to admit it - he was right.

Now Main Street is the home of many upper end chain stores.  

This is a cute home accessories shop.

I met Dawn and Jordan at this quaint little restaurant.  The last time that I had lunch there was about thirty years ago.

I had so much fun meeting these beautiful ladies.  I wish I lived closer to them so we could do it all the time!

Little Miss Jordan is a girl after my own heart.  She even let me have a couple of bites!

A fabulous afternoon with two very special ladies!

That evening, Sista and I met in New York.  We had a few laughs at dinner and tried to contain our excitement for what was in store for us the next day.  

On Tuesday, Sista and I met some other lucky bloggers at this gorgeous home for the luncheon of a lifetime.  I'm sure that most of you recognize this magnificent estate as the home of Tina who writes The Enchanted Home.

The minute I drove in the entrance, my breath was taken away.  Sista and I got out of our cars and stood for a few minutes to soak in the magnificence. 
Even though I have seen Tina's home a million times on her blog, nothing compares to the real life moment of being there. 

Tina served the most delicious lunch that began with Bellinis and the best darn crostinis that have ever touched my lips.  Not only is Tina a decorator extraordinaire, she is also blessed with razor sharp culinary skills.  The table was set to perfection and Sista and I just oohed and aahed throughout the entire meal.  Tina utilizes a lot of accessories that are sold in her shop.  We made mental Christmas lists that would consist of practically everything in her shop.

It was also so wonderful to see all the other bloggers.  The last time we met was late July.  Sista said as we left,  "that is one impressive group of women."  I'll second that, Sista! 

You're probably saying... where are the pics?  Well, I didn't take any because I wanted to inhale every detail.  But I have good news,  you may see the specifics of this incredible afternoon on Tina's blog as well as Karolyn's blog, The Relished Roost.

When I look back and reminisce about  that warm Tuesday in October, I will remember it as the afternoon of enchantment.

Happy Thursday!

Lord Teddy, young master of
The Enchanted Home

I told Tina that in my next life, I want to come back as Teddy!
Gives a whole new meaning to the term
"Lucky Dog." 

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. katie, you've made me so jealous! i'd love to visit Connecticut and NYC...and especially Tina's fabulous home! that place boggles my mind and i can't even imagine seeing it in person.

    i bet your weather is wonderful.....we're just starting to have some cooler temps but that's typical here. today we sat outside on the "veranda" at my mom's nursing home....she loved being outside.

  2. How fun! I usually don't get over to Tina's blog very often, but just yesterday, I came across the post about the luncheon and had no idea you were there! How lucky, because it was gorgeous!!! What total fun you and your sister must have had.
    Now . . . I want to see a photo of the tablecloth prom dress!

  3. Always fun meeting up with fellow bloggers. What a beautiful setting for a luncheon. Tina's home is beyond exquisite and reminds me of many of homes I adored from afar while a young girl on Long Island. And, Karolyn is just beautiful and talented. What a fabulous group, so jealous!!

  4. You and your "Sista" were two lucky gals Miss Katie! I cannot even imagine driving up and seeing her lovely home (mansion), let alone a luncheon that was presented in grand style! That was just breathtaking! I have followed Tina and her beloved Teddy for some time....how blessed y'all were to be a part of such a beautiful soiree!

  5. Wow you really do konw how to make me feel like a million dollars! Thank you this awesome "review". What fun we had, so many laughs....but i only have one regret. Forgetting to check Nadine's purse on her way out the door, I trust you did that for me.... lol.
    So great to see you both, hope we can do it again soon. And look at you up there like a bonafide celeb hanging with "the fans", that is so cute! Sounds like it was a fun couple of days and happy I was one of the highlights:)

  6. WOW...what a wonderful home and great fun. This is the way life is supposed to be lived.

  7. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!! What a beautiful home! How fun that all of you talented gals were able to get together for a blogger's power lunch!
    Westport looks like a New England town from the movies. The nice movies, not like a Stephen King thriller. I loved seeing the pictures of your fans! But I'm with Leslie Anne, do you have a picture of the table cloth prom dress??
    Looking forward to our lunch in a couple of weeks!

  8. Love that we're just criss crossing the same paths! It was WONDERFUL to see you and Sista at Tina's on Tuesday. Felt like a dream, didn't it?! I just wish I had gotten to chat with you longer. Next time!!!! I was just in Westport yesterday, so we are definitely on the same roads! Wishing you many more enchanted fall days. But, Tuesday really does top them all!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  9. You are the funniest!! I know that I will always smile or chuckle every time I visit you blog so please never stop posting its my therapy!! I think I would like to come back as Teddy as well!! LUCKY dog!! xo K

  10. It was such a treat to meet you and Sista at Tina's! Wasn't it just a delight? I wish we could have chatted a bit more, the afternoon just went too fast. I couldn't agree more, what an impressive group of women. Too bad I don't live a bit closer to you all! Hope your fall continues to unfold beautifully! XOXO Jeanne

  11. I am living an enchanted life - vicariously - through your blog and Tina's. I enjoyed both very much. Have a great weekend. ~Paige

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  13. It was so wonderful to finally meet you....Jordan is still talking about it! That house is WOW; I mean WOW!!! So glad you had a great lunch with your blogger peers. Mr. Teddy is just adorable! xoxo, Dawn

    1. Hope you and sweet Jordan and DH have a wonderful weekend, Dawn!

  14. Does your "Sista" know how lucky she is to party with her rock star sista? I mean you gals sure know how to get around. I am a bit embarrassed that I did not bring any party favor schwag to the luncheon. Next time, I will know better. I better get busy now. Now, please go write that book or screen play.......because I never want your posts to end. You make me laugh.
    Did you check "Sista's" bag for any belongings from the Enchanted Home? I wanted to move right in.

  15. I'm so jealous for both outings and especially meeting up with some of our very favorite bloggers. Tina is a favorite of ours and I can't even imagine seeing her home in person…know it's amazing!! You're not going to the HIgh Point Market are you…just didn't want to miss you if you were!

  16. Sounds like you had a nice time! I love New England but haven't been there for several years. Looks like Lord Teddy could give Lord Grantham a run for his money! Lol

  17. Oh, my goodness, I am so JEALOUS!!!! What fun both events must have been and can't even imagine a home such as this. Goodness, looks like something out of Downton Abbey. Happy week!

  18. Katie I am so glad you were with the other great ladies at Tina's! What a treat, I only wish I lived closer to you all! I know it was a wonderful luncheon!

    The Arts by Karena

  19. Caroline Lacroix aka Sweet CarolineOctober 19, 2014 at 11:26 AM

    Bonjour Katie! Coming back from Paris to Charente. The Enchanted Home is one of the three or four blogs I read daily and I like it a lot because it gives me ideas for decorating. I can easily imagine how nice your luncheon was. Blogging certainly brings you a lot of goog things! Très bonne semaine.

  20. Katie, What a fun few days you had with one of the highlights being able to visit with such a wonderful group of blog friends! New FRIENDS and making memories:) Happy Sunday! xxleslie

  21. Hello Katie, Im here on Monday wishing it were Friday..You have had a truly 'Enchanted' few days last week, what wonderful memories to share with us of your visit to Tina, her home, Teddy, the luncheon, the friends......all so gorgeous, its just breathtaking.
    One day I will tell the lovely story of how I found blogs...Tina was the first I read, as we share many tastes and loves
    So that is how I found you too...oh happy day :))
    Have a lovely week my dear xxXx


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