Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Welcome Lori from Lori Lynn Designs

Hello Everyone!  I am very excited to tell you that my dear friend, Lori Burke, owner of Lori Lynn Designs has agreed to be a contributor to this blog. Lori Lynn Designs is a full service independent interior design company that specializes in commercial and residential design.  Lori owned a beautiful store named Design Collection in McKinney. She has won a lot of awards including "Peoples Choice Award", "Best Overall Design" from the Builder's Association of Dallas and the Dallas Parade of Homes Organization.

Besides all of those awards and business experience, Lori is a great lady and a good friend who I always look forward to doing lunch with.  She won't tell you, but she loves Real Housewives as much as I do!

Lori's thoughts....

Updating Your Home
The need to update the interior design of your home is a reality that can be difficult to face.  Leaving everything in the same place is the easiest thing to do - but it will leave you with a dated looking home that needs attention and change to become fresh and interesting again.  
Updating does not mean replacing everything and starting over. (I heard that sigh of relief from all the husbands out there!)  Your major pieces of furniture and art should remain in style for at least 7 - 10 years, with classic pieces good indefinitely.  Re-arranging what you have (and sometimes leaving a piece out) can create a needed change and fresh feel.  Painting is another relatively inexpensive way to achieve an immediate impact and change the space entirely.
However, investing in three key areas is needed where trends change more frequently.
        Move away from delicate, ornate, dark, beaded smaller shaded lamps.  Look for lamps with larger bases, with color/metallic design elements and shades that are smooth, large and simple in shape.

Retire dried florals, tightly packed silk flowers in unnatural colors and greenery on top of everything.  Look for simple, bright, airy arrangements of a few flowers with natural elements in streamlined bases or glass vases.  Grasses, topiaries and unusual trees help to add the colorful touches we need as accents.


Less is definitely more; the intricate layering of small accessories on every surface has been replaced by displaying a few larger, impact pieces that draw attention and give a cleaner, less cluttered look.  If your accessories are dark (too much brown and black is depressing), consider painting them for a greater impact or replace them to gain more color in your decor.




 Thank you Lori for such a delightful, informative post.  You will be seeing a lot more of Lori's expert advice right here in the months to come.

In the meantime, hop over and peruse Lori's website at Lori Lynn Designs. 
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. The takeaway for me is that the faux ivy plants that the cat has gnawed have to go :)


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