Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

A "Blogworthy" Day with the Mister


The Mister took last Friday off from work and asked me how I wanted to spend the day.  He said that he had the feeling I wanted to do something "blogworthy."  This is his new word.  Whenever he starts to tell me about something that is going on at work he tells me it is not "blogworthy."  If he sees something in the paper that looks fun he e-mails me the link with one word "blogworthy."  If the Mister loses his temper in traffic because someone cuts him off, he reminds me when he calms down that the previous minutes are not "blogworthy."  

So on Friday, an overcast cool day for Dallas, the Mister and I put on our sexy empty nester comfortable shoes and set out for the Dallas Arboretum.  Not only were they featuring Autumn at the Arboretum but also they were hosting the Dale Chihuly Exhibit of glass sculpture.   It was really something to see.  

Pumpkins galore.... love the presentation. 

This sculpture was one of my favorites.
Loved this and want to have a couple of these on our patio. 

Love the stonework on this bridge. 
 Wow.  This lady must have really liked the sculpture because I waited 20 minutes for her to move to take the picture.  She's probably still there... 

This is so much prettier in real life.

 This was definitely one of my favorites.
Thanks, Miss Deb... for taking this beautiful picture in the evening and sending it to me! 
Texas Star! 
This was also one of my favorites. 
This is one of the greatest places to bring children because it is definitely a "hands on" place of beauty and art.  The children are encouraged to run through the pumpkin houses.  Just hands off the  glass sculptures, kids.  
 How about the poor people who put this beauty together.  If I were in charge it would never look like this!
 I saw many parents attempt to read the big, beautiful storybooks to their children,  but the kids had better ideas.  All they wanted to do was run in and out of these fun pumpkin houses, can't blame them. 

 The children could even climb into the Cinderella carriage.  I tried to take my turn but the Mister said I had to give the kids a chance.  Next time....
Van Gogh House.  When the Mister and I downsize, I want to move into this little cozy cottage.   

Who cares if we have a lot of kid pop-overs?

Monet House.  Sista could live here in the cottage next door.


Can you guess what the Mister's favorite exhibit was?
As my #1 would say...
Happy Thirsty Thursday!
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!

1 comment:

  1. This was truly blogworthy! Great pics. Love those pumpkin/gourd houses.


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