Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall pics

Before Pinterest came along, I was a decorating magazine hoarder.  Back when the girls were little, the Mister insisted on doing the grocery shopping because otherwise I would come home with diapers, baby food and $100.00 worth of decorating magazines.  And then I  would never throw the  magazines out...which drove the Mister crazy!

But now I never buy magazines because I have Pinterest.  He's happy and I am happy.  Life is good.  Pinterest just might be the secret to a happy marriage...at least in my family.

So I decided that this is a good time to share some of my pictures from my Fall board since it will turn into mean old Winter soon.

Love the "pop" of the single white pumpkin. 

I have three window boxes on our house; wish just one of them could look this good. 
"BOO" signs have really come up in the world.  We used to have to copy a poorly xeroxed piece of torn paper and tape it in our window.  #2 used to take it down all the time because she wanted to get "booed" again! 

Love this idea!  

Another gorgeous window box to make me feel inferior.

Of course this is from Heather Bullard.  Her website is pure eye candy! 

 Two things I adore... pumpkins and hydrangeas.

Beyond words....


I leave this one for last because #2 made a few of these oranges with cloves in kindergarten.  Not only did I love the aroma ... it gives my heart a lift remembering those great days!
Hope you're having a great weekend!  

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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1 comment:

  1. Fall provides such natural beauty ~ great pictures! Hope you're enjoying some fall fun this weekend. I love your happy marriage hint :)



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