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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, October 19, 2012

My Favorite Fall Shows

Fall is my favorite time of year for many reasons.  I love the cooler temperatures, the changing seasonal colors (although limited in Texas), the big, cozy sweaters,  starbucks pumpkin lattes, but most of all I love the new fall season of TV shows.  I feel the same butterflies in my stomach that I felt on my first day back to school!  Don't judge me... I never claimed to be "deep."

There  are a few old shows and two brand new ones that I look forward to every week! 

Old Faves

Ok... here's the scoop.  The Mister does not like Parenthood and I absolutely love it. Thanks to my new best friend, my DVR, I usually watch it the next day while I am taking  a break from my gruesome household, trophy wife schedule. 
The writers of Parenthood have managed to make me cry at the end of every episode.  Between Haddy leaving for college and Christina's breast cancer, I am an absolute mess!
A few things I want to say about this season...
I love the way Adam and Christina look at each other.  You can see the love in their eyes.  OK, I know it's not for real.  It's not all about how actors recite the lines but also how genuine and believable the characters are while they interact with one another. 

Another thing....I always look for Adam to give a sideways glance to his sis, Sarah (whom he is dating in real life) but haven't caught them making googly eyes at each other...yet!

One more thing... I am enjoying Ray Romano so much on this show.  Hank and Sarah are the epitome of quirky chemistry.
I can't help but smile when they are sharing a scene. 

I think that Season 4 is the best one yet!

 Can I tell you how much I love this show?  The Mister likes it too, but it may have to do with Gloria and her wardrobe.  So happy that she is pregnant...not only will she "get fat" as Claire says, but it should lead to some great story lines.

 Every episode that features Phil and Claire's daughters make me laugh because they remind me so much of the two little stars in my life.

And don't even get me started on Cam and Mitchell.  Wish they lived next door... we could have so much fun together as long as Lily doesn't boss me around.

Modern Family is a show that my whole family can agree on and loves.  And believe me, that says a lot! 


Wow.  The writers start off with a bang.  The law practice in bankruptcy?  What's with Kalinda's creepy husband?   
There are no boring episodes.
  Just when I want this to happen...
He strolls in and redeems himself.
Love that Nathan Lane was added to the cast.  Every time I think I don't like his character - he does something nice and I love him again.
Quit playing games with my heart, Good Wife writers...

Jeff... I don't care how crabby and sarcastic you are... I still love you!  When Jenni gets married - will you hire me?  I will keep Zoila in check.  Promise.
New Faves 
I knew I would love Nashville the minute I first saw the trailer.  Connie Britton (whom I loved in Friday Night Lights) does a great job  playing the fading country music superstar.  Hayden Panettiere matches her talents as the upcoming teen sensation.  Boy, Hayden brings some real teenage attitude - take it from one who's had some experience in that area.
Now I have a very important question ....
 remind you of 
... or is it just me?  

Okay, I admit it.  I have had a void in my life on weekdays at 4PM  since Oprah left me.  Dr. Oz - I love you but I don't want to talk about embarrassing body functions and sounds.
Every week I am enjoying Katie more and more.  The first week, I think that nerves got to her and she put her perkiness in overdrive.  But now I think she is settling in and having more confidence in the show.  I was very moved by the interview that she did with Yardley Love's family and also enjoyed the show she did from her NY apartment. What I would have given to be at that show!
Katie, you haven't completely filled my the Oprah void...but you're getting there. 
One last thought....

I am counting the minutes until January 13th when these two lovely ladies take the stage as the co-hosts of The Golden Globe Awards.
What are your favorite TV shows?  I would love to add some to my repertoire!
Hope your weekend is filled with lots of love and laughter !

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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