Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, October 26, 2012

Dude's Favorite Things

Who's Dude, you may ask?  Mary Anne Dude is one of my oldest and dearest friends.  We went to Camp Tegawitha and high school  together.  How did she arrive with a name such as Dude?  She can thank me, although I'm pretty sure she's not overly excited that it has stuck with her for all these years.

Dude works in NYC in the fashion industry. She has a very handsome son that will some day marry my daughter.  He doesn't know it yet.  I have two girls - he can take his pick.

I have asked my dear friend to put a list together of her favorite things.  She was nice enough to oblige.  Just like every other "favorite things" guest column, I reserve the right for commentary. 

Benziger Chardonnay...just because I love it!  It also is a great family story. Thirty years ago, the Benzigers moved their entire family from New York to Sonoma to fulfill their dream of building a winery.
I concur - Benziger Chardonnay is a great wine and reasonably priced.  I told the Mister I would be an absolute dream of a wife if he would build me a vineyard in our back yard. 


If you're going to have cheese and crackers to accompany your Benziger Chardonnay, at least part of your appetizer will be healthy!  Mary's Gone Crackers are organic and free of everything - wheat, gluten dairy and trans fats.  Best of all... they are delicious!
I have not tried these yet.  Dude says they are sold at Whole Foods.  How the heck could they be that good without those good things like artificial preservatives?

My favorite recipe - kale, cucumber, celery, apple and lemon.  It's a delicious dose of "health" to balance out all my "unhealthy" choices!
I remember the days in high school when Dude had two breakfast choices - cocoa puffs or fruit loops.  PS...If it's good enough for Oprah, it's good enough for moi!


Williams-Sonoma salad chopper scissors help prepare salads in minutes.  Greatest invention!
These look great.  Will have to put these in the Mister's stocking this Christmas.  He's a sucker for new kitchen gadgets!
The Kitchenaid expandable colander.  Sits over the kitchen sink.  Great for draining pasta, washing fruits and veggies.
Helloooo Santa!  Another "must have" for the Mister's stocking!

Love the LL Bean Canvas Tote (mine is extra large).  First of all, it lasts forever!  I've had mine for 25 years and it's still in great shape.  It's my go-to beach bag, boat bag, catch-all etc.  In fact, a friend of mine, Clare, always gives it as a wedding shower gift, with the couples' last name or initials on it.  She then fills it with bath towels.  A great gift!

Note to self... steal Clare's idea and take all the credit myself!  

Love this product!  Benefit's Brow zings is a great product to fill out my shapeless brows.  First, you apply the tinted wax to the brows, then tinted powder on top (it adheres to the wax).  It is awesome!  Just gotta make sure I'm not driving while applying!
I need this stuff ...just put out an APB last week to find out where my eyebrows went!

 Sunday NY Times Styles Section!  Fashion, parties, weddings, socialites... an awesome Sunday morning read!   "The Social Sports Pages!"  These pages make my Sunday so special with a cup of coffee and flipping through every word and photo.
The McKinney Gazette doesn't seem nearly as fun....note to self... order a subscription to NY Times.  

Love the NY Times crossword puzzle!  Mondays are the easiest - and forget Saturdays. 
And I remember the days when my good buddy, Dude,  had difficulties with the People Puzzler!


Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer the board game to online Scrabble or Words with Friends.  There is something about being in the same room with the other players that makes it more interesting and fun.  I also enjoy Travel Scrabble on the plane or the beach.
Aha... now I found out how my old friend graduated from the People puzzler to the NY Times Crossword puzzle!  Note to self... put Scrabble on my Christmas list.

Thank you dear Dude for calling  me (from vacation)  right away when I texted you that I was writing a blog. There was nobody more excited for me than you!  You texted everybody in your phone book and told them to read my blog. You're a great buddy!

Dude & Me
Convent of the Sacred Heart
Halloween 19??

Have a great weekend!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!

1 comment:

  1. love this list! Benziger wines have been a favorite in my family since my mother taught a Benziger child in elementary school in White Plains, NY aeons ago. And calling your friend "Dude" is hilarious!


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