Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Taken 2 & Tooties too!

The Mister took Friday off and we knew exactly what we were going to do with part of the day. We had been waiting weeks for this day to come.

We had both loved the movie Taken which was released a couple of years ago.  We had no expectations for the first one and walked out clearly "taken" with Taken.

Taken 2 was very good.  I don't know whether it was as good as the first one because we had set our expectations so high for the sequel.  The storyline was very good, lots of suspense, and a few unbelievable chases via foot and car. The most implausible car chase happened while his daughter was behind the wheel.  Hate to brag but the only teen I know who can drive like that is my #1!

In Taken 2, Liam Neeson's character is a lot more dimensional.  By that I mean he showed his vulnerable side as well as his tough side. Neeson possesses all the ingredients that it takes to be a big screen matinee idol.  One minute he is beating his enemies to a pulp and the next he is looking lovingly at his ex-wife and picking up his daughter to teach her how to parallel park.

Famke Janssen does a great job playing Liam's ex-wife. Lots of sizzling chemistry between these two!   (For anyone out there who thinks she looks familiar and can't figure out who she is - she played a real oddball character on Nip/Tuck).


Maggie Grace (love her name!) makes an encore appearance as the daughter.  She is so pretty and a great actress.
So in conclusion, Taken 2 is definitely worth the price of the ticket.  It is a great escape movie for a weekend afternoon.

After the movie, the Mister and I tried a new restaurant that just opened in Allen.  Kim of The Good Stuff Rocks had just been there and said it was good.

Tootie's Pie Co. opened a cafe!  There are a few kinks to be worked out with the ambiance and service, which is typical with a new restaurant.  The good news is the food is great!
The Mister (very uncharacteristically) had a club sandwich.  He probably thought he should start "beefing up" after watching Liam for two hours.
I had a veggie sandwich made on the most delicious, freshest, marble rye bread I have ever tasted!
The Mister ordered this piece of chocolate pecan pie.  The waiter asked whether he wanted the pie heated up.  I replied "of course" at the same time the Mister said "no thanks."  Even though there was no way I was even interested in a bite, I feel that in order to reserve the integrity of the pie - it should be served nice and warm.  How could I have been married to this guy for what seems like a million  22 years and not know he likes his pie cold?  Since he was actually ordering the pie, I let him get his way with a cold look in my eye.   And besides, what do I care... I never eat dessert. 
As we exited the restaurant, I looked at my husband of 22 years and told him that yes, there are still things we learn about each other every day.  How was I to know he had been clueless on how to really enjoy a piece of pie a la mode?  And he looked at my face, with chocolate on my chin (which he neglected to tell me about) and agreed...because he knew he would be in trouble if he didn't.
Have a great Monday! 
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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