Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

A Smiling Hodgepodge


Hello, dear friends.  All I can say is that you're lucky that I gave up complaining for 2018.  Otherwise, I would have bored you to tears sharing the nitty gritty details of yesterday's snowstorm.

By the way... remind me not to make the same resolution for 2019.
It's no fun.

You know the drill.
If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1. Speaking of endings....at your wit's end, at loose ends, a dead end, burn the candle at both ends, all's well that end's well, or no end in sight...which 'end' phrase might best be applied to your life lately? Explain.  

Most Some days I feel that Winter has no end in sight.

This is how I feel when I hear that snow is on the way.

2. What was a must-have accessory when you were growing up? Did you own one? If so tell us what you remember about it.

vintage uk

The first thing I thought of was go-go boots.  
I could not wait to get my first pair. 
On my best day, my sorry nine-year-old self did not look half as good as this lady.  

3. Something that made you smile yesterday?

Smiles were canceled yesterday due to weather conditions.

But I broke out in a big ol' smile over the weekend when we received a Save the Date card in the mail for the wedding of Katie, who was my #1's best friend when we lived in The Woodlands.  Lucky for us, her younger sister, Mally and  #2 were best buds, as well.  And their Mom was a close friend of mine and walking partner.  
That's what I call a friend trifecta!

We can't wait to see this adorable family in June for the festive wedding celebration.

The girls in the good ol' days.

4. January 30th is National Croissant Day. Do you like croissants? Sweet or savory? We're having chicken salad for lunch...would you rather have yours served on a croissant, a wrap, a bagel, bread, or a roll of some sort?

Fuss Free Cooking

I'm not a big chicken salad lover, but I wouldn't mind sticking my fork into this croissant casserole to honor the National Holiday.

key ingredient

Or I wouldn't stick my nose up to chocolate cream cheese croissant bake either.

5. Sum up your January in fifteen words or less.

I'll save my 15 words for next week.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Recently, I had a portrait of the hooligans painted, and I am so pleased with it.  Jennifer, the artist, did a stellar job of capturing their personalities.  Jennifer has an Etsy shop and an Instagram page if you'd like to take a gander.  She finished the painting quickly, and she is remarkably reasonable.  

So, if your Valentine is a pet lover, this might be the perfect gift of love.  I liked the painting so much; I asked Jennifer to make greeting cards as well.

Until next time...

This is me trying to get out to the garage.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. So sorry you are inundated with snow again. Today it will be in the 50s and I am loving that! The picture of your pups is just adorable.

  2. How did I miss National Croissant Day? This is a great travesty. Love the snowman-FL photo and your dog portrait is outstanding! Jennifer knows her stuff, she captured them perfectly!

  3. You had me at the snowman and Florida sign. Giggled all the way through this post. So funny!

  4. Go Go boots...I loved them! My highest ambition at age 8 was to be one of those girls in the cages on Laugh-In dancing in their go go boots.
    Hope the snow ends soon for you, because I would have to let that resolution fly right out the window.
    I simply must check out that the Etsy shop.

  5. I'm so with you on winter!!! At least you have something really fun to look forward to in June. Love the portrait of that sweet pup duo!!

  6. Love the portrait of the pups! We have one of our boxer Kiki and it will hang on our wall for the rest our life :-)

  7. LOVE the painting of those precious pups! Aww look at those lil Girlies, how perfect, what a wedding it shall be. Predicting 10 degrees here now for tomorrow.. eek. Chicken Salad on croissant baby! Mmm mmm GOOD! Those boots were made for walkin’! Have a warm and cozy day!

  8. I am redheaded and of Scottish heritage. Your photo of me at 85 has me laughing and just a bit concerned. :-)

  9. Katie,

    It's been chilly but thankfully we don't have to contend with snow. *knock on wood* I remember wearing mini-dresses and skirts when I was little but by the time I got to high school knee length dresses were getting trending which made my daddy happy. lol These days, I prefer to wear shorter shirts and dresses to long ones but in the warmer months. You can't get me out of my sweats right now. :) I'll try to remind you to not to set such a ridiculous resolution for 2019 like not complaining. I mean, what possessed you do make this one anyhow? :) Have a good week and keep warm!

  10. Oh- Yeah----I can relate. I loved go-go boots and they were popular when I was in my teens. I had two pairs that I wore out...and also 'granny boots' that laced all the way up--worn with a mini-skirt, of course.

    Sorry about your weather- xo Diana

  11. I love the painting. Awesome! I had some go-go boots and I thought I was so cute in them. lol

  12. You were hit with so much more snow than we were in NJ...only a dusting for us yesterday! Love the painting of the hooligans! I should have one done of Rosie. The sliding dog video is hilarious! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  13. That is an awesome painting! I love it! I'm also with you on winter. I'm ready for dreary January to be done with!

  14. I watched that last video of the dog slipping' and sliding' over and over...thanks for the chuckle !!

  15. What is it about boots that give us that very cute feeling? Those came out when I was in my teens and I had a pair I loved. We have had cold weather, but no snow. I always enjoy a good snow, but not on a regular basis. What fun you will have getting together with your old friends in June. I love a wedding. I also think that painting is fabulous.

  16. That painting really captures the dogs' personalities. How fun that you have a wedding to look forward to in June. That really is a trifecta of friendship! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  17. Sis! I am floored that you are still dealing with ice and snow and slippery conditions. I shan't go on and on and on about our flowering snowdrops or burgeoning daffodil and crocus shoots or the unopened bag of ice-defroster ... Nope, I won't. I will say that I grinned over the go-go boots and the save the date invite. Now here's a thought. Pick up a replacement pair of boots and wear them to the wedding!

  18. Ahhh. The white go go boots. I was a proud owner of a pair. I sudder now when I think what I looked like. The painting of your “hooligans” is lovely...Maxine.

  19. I shudder. See how much it upsets me to recall the white boots?!?

  20. Your posts always make me laugh....omg...and that poor dog! And smiling was canceled yesterday due to weather conditions!!! I'm saying here....but this weekend younger daughter has a horse show and I think it's supposed to be 34 degrees and raining. Just shoot me now!

  21. I feel for you in that cold, cold snow!! You make me laugh, as always. :)

  22. Thank you so much for posting the link to my Etsy shop and Instagram page! Please let me know when you receive the cards!

  23. Love the idea if notecatds of the pups' painting, which is terrific.
    Your June trip sound like it should be a great reunion!

  24. Brrr just looking at this post. Actually the video clips are too painful for this Texan. Couldn't do it!
    Just had a call from Phylis, who said she shoveled snow today, and hopes it the last time this winter. She like you is ready to move on. The good news is she will be here for a visit soon. 😊
    Stay warm and cozy with those two fluff balls!

  25. Oye...can't believe I'm moving to a place where I'll have to deal more with real winter. Aren't I too old to learn these new tricks. I guess God doesn't think so. What fun to plan on enjoying a wedding with friends and an added plus that June is in summer...right? Enjoyed your hodgepodge!

  26. YES...go go boots...how could I have forgotten about go go boots?! I finally got a pair of cheap generic ones and thought I was HOT...along with my Nehru jacket...lol!

  27. Good old "go go boots". Those were the days :)
    I love your painting of your "hooligans". The artist did a great job.
    Hang in there, hopefully you'll get a break in the weather, soon.
    Kathy (Reflections)

  28. Oh, my goodness, go go boots. Haven't thought about those in years. And, I'm with you on the snow. Thankfully it happens rarely here. Love, love the picture of Chili and Chowdah, too cute!

  29. The snow is beautiful but I'm so thankful I live in Seattle where we only get a few inches every few years. That's plenty, thank you very much. And those Go Go Boots! What memories!

  30. I'll be sounding like you about the weather once summer hits. The temps down here are just awful every year. I have a friend whose DD3 is a self-taught artist. She painted a portrait of Tucker for me a couple years ago and I LOVE it! I might have to ask her if I can use it to make note cards now that you've put the idea in my head. :) I remember seeing go-go boots in movies but I never had a pair. Girls who climb trees and want to grow up to be football players don't really go for that sort of thing. LOL But I sure could go for that croissant casserole! Thank you for providing the link to the recipe!

  31. Awwwww...I know the East coast has been hit really hard with snow and storms, I think another is on the way, no? It can really put you in a funk for sure. I smile a bit at the last video of the dog sliding. My poor Milo is doing that a lot on our wood floors, and I only laugh because he has such a cute, humble look on his face.

    Hang in there with winter. It inevitably goes away.


  32. I always wanted go-go boots! Nobody told me it was National Croissant Day...I love a chocolate filled one! Love reading this fun post

  33. Would love to see more adorable posts like these ones.
    meet and greet in manchester

  34. Sorry to hear that you received more than a dusting of snow like so much of the Boston area.

    I loved to wear my go-go boots with my short-short pleather jumper and mock turtleneck.... groovy.

    The Etsy painting is so cute - so many talented sellers on that site. Minted.com is another good site for artwork.

  35. You make me smile. Thanks for such fun graphics and commentaries! By the way, please advise your hitchhiking snowman to head for SOUTH Florida. Northeast Florida has colder winters than I expected when we moved here last summer. Brrrr!

  36. I remember getting my first pair of bell bottoms--cotton, black and white swirls, and a white sash belt! And one of those gold circle chockers that we could hang a charm on. And now they are the hottest new thing and the kids think they discovered this amazingly uncomfortable piece of jewelry! I need to stock up on croissants for the upcoming storm! Linda

  37. My first must haves were a pair of Bass penny loafers, Etienne Aigner fishing keel shoulder purse, an Etienne Aigner straw bag tote with leather handles, plus any clothing by Villager, (until they went schlock) and lots of Fair Isle sweaters. While antiquing a few back I came across one of those charming straw bags- was tempted by nostalgia but resisted.
    I am a sucker for a good croissant- tried to make them once- disaster!

    1. OMG... I had the fishing creel purse by Aigner and fair isle sweaters and turtle necks were my uniform for years. Still wear turtle necks to hide my double chin. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  38. Now I HAVE to have a croissant! Sorry you are having a tough winter Katie, and the hitch hiking snowman is a hoot. We are finally back to normal around here, 60s this week...your friend trifecta is awesome, what fun you will have at the wedding. Your doggie portrait is fantastic! I have done a few, and it is not easy to capture our furry friends correctly. Tell the Mister you need a trip to the Bahamas!

  39. Not really a fan of croissants but that casserole looks fabulous! Winter has been a bit long here too, although we do not have the snow the cold seems to be dragging out for longer.

    The painting of your pups is gorgeous! I cannot wait to check out this talented artist.

    Have a great day!

  40. I loved that last video of the dog slipping and sliding ... we have a Bernese Mountain Dog... thanks for the giggles.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  41. aw….Just loved everything about this post and that adorable dog in the video, can't stop watching it. Going back for more after I post!
    Any idea why I get this email a day late every week? A little pathetic to admit, but some days it's what I look forward to the most.

  42. Oops….Thank last sentence did not come out right….but you know what I meant, yea?

    1. I did, Diana. I don't know why that happens but I've heard that from several people. Wish I could be more helpful. Thanks for your sweet words. Have a wonderful weekend. Btw.. I'm posting tomorrow.

  43. That painting of your sweet pups is great! As for the rest...thanks for the giggles! I'm behind because of company and trying to catch up!!

  44. I love your painting. My girls have a friend who does this and had one made of our pup for Christmas in 2015. She passed away in June of 2016 and I'm so happy to have the painting, which captures her perfectly. That croissant casserole!! Oh my! Looks so good and like it might have a million calories in it. Enjoy your weekend!

  45. Hi Katie

    Love the portrait of the pups! I will have to check out her Etsy shop. I can only imagine how tired you all of winter. It was 80 here today. The weather is scary. I cannot remember an 80 degree day in February in Northern Ca for as long as I have lived here. Have a great weekend

  46. I'm not a big chicken salad lover but i love this.
    meet and greet at Heathrow


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