Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Complimentary Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are having an enjoyable week.  After two days of rain, we are looking at a clear day today, and I couldn't be happier.  Today's cardio will be done in the form of shopping, and my reward for the strenuous exercise will be lunch with a dear friend. 

You know what Wednesday means around here.
It's time for Hodgepodge. 

1. January 24th is National Compliment Day. 
Is it easy or not so easy for you to accept a compliment? 

I'll take a compliment anytime I can get one.

Share a recent compliment you've given or received.

I get a lot of compliments on my ink.

2. Ten little things you are loving right now.

This is a fairly easy question because I just wrote a Favorite Things post recently.  If you already read that post, you are excused.  You may proceed on to question number 3.  

I've been inhaling a cup of this deliciousness for about 15 years.  Friends and family members have been known to refer to it as jet fuel.


I told you that I am late to the game when it comes to tea drinking.  This one is my fave.

This little jar solved my old dry skin problem immediately.
I've been using this it years.

My #1 turned me on to these daily peel pads, and I'm glad she did.

Goodbye dry eye... hello ProOmega-D.

This Karoline Ugg robe is the comfiest robe that I have ever owned.

My afternoon pick-me-up accompanied by my tea.

An oldie but a goodie... listening to Winter Garden on Audible.

I received an advanced copy of Sally Hepworth's latest novel.  It is due to be released on March 6th.  I can always depend on Sally for an intriguing storyline and well-developed characters.  

Even though I am only a quarter of the way through with The Family Next Door, I think this one might be her best. 

My buddy, Kate the Great sent me this gorgeous throw from Ireland for Christmas, and it warms my heart. 


My go-to glass that keeps my wine brain-freeze cold.

3. Would people describe you as a positive person? 
Do you see yourself that way? 

I am a half-empty kind of a gal.
Lucky for me, I married a half-full kind of guy.

I read here a list/description of eight things positive people do differently-

Positive people find something to look forward to every day, they celebrate the small stuff, they're kind, they stay busy, accept responsibility for their actions, forgive themselves, know when to move on, and resist comparisons.

Which action on the list would you say you do regularly?

The only thing on the list that I do is forgive myself on a daily basis.
The rest of the stuff is too much work.

 Which action could you add to your life to give you a more positive outlook? 

I would invest in one of these.

If you're a positive person, what's something you do regularly that's not on the list?

I recite my daily affirmation in the mirror* every day.
* Soon to be a skinny mirror.

4. Homemade chicken soup, beef stew, or a bowl of chili...what's your pleasure on a cold winter's day?

My favorite is snuggling with a great big bowl of messy Chili.

5. The best part of my day is....

The best part of my day happens every evening, around 5ish (4ish if it's a stressful day) when the hooligans and I go into the sunroom for our treats.  We refer to it as Yappy Hour.  The pups get a chewy stick, and I sip on a well-deserved glass of chardonnay while enjoying a good book.

 6. Insert your own random thought here.

I told you about the wonderful series, Delicious last week.  Well, I have another one for you.  The Mister and I have just started A Place To Call Home, and we are savoring it like an ice cream sundae.  One reviewer described it as a mix of Dynasty and Downton.  I wholeheartedly agree.  The best part of it is that it has four glorious seasons.  The fifth will begin filming next month.  This is another show that is aired Acorn TV.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Bengal Spice with honey and a splash of 1/2 and 1/2. It's the perfect blend of spice and sweet :-)

  2. Your two hooligans are the cutest ever. I hope they get seconds on treats. Your late afternoon ritual sounds delightful.

  3. I like your daily ritual of Happy Hour - wish I were your neighbor, I would join you!!

  4. Oh my gosh I wanna read that sally hep book!!! It looks so good!

  5. So many great products Katie. Those peel pads look like something I could use!! Checking them out.

  6. Daisy and I want to come to yappy hour! I wondered if that Ugg robe was amazing! I tell ya, a nod from dear Katie and I’m sold. And we’re having chicken soup tonight! Enjoy your mid week beautiful lady! xo

  7. Your blog is so entertaining and I really appreciate all the good tips today on products and books! Thank you! Those dogs are cute and I love the throw from Ireland.

  8. "Jet fuel" - I like that, a lot!

    Give my best to your 2 hooligans!

  9. Thank you for mentioning the Karoline Ugg robe. I feel it will make a wonderful 60th birthday gift for my friend Donna. Have a great week!

  10. Not only entertaining but positively informative! I must look into the ice cream bars. Hubby and I are embarking on a new cardio program and those after dinner sweet binges are hitting with full force. I will have to look into Acorn TV because there sure isn't anything to watch otherwise.

  11. I haven't checked out Acorn yet. We were late to the Netflix craze so lots to watch there still. Yappy Hour sounds like fun. Enjoy your sunny day!

  12. Thanks for all the good tips on your favs! Several of them caught my interest.
    I always love and enjoy your answers and the pictures that go along with them :)
    Kathy (Reflections)

  13. Katie,

    I'm interested in some of your skin care suggestions. I will look into these products for myself. Great reading your responses as always. Have a wonderful week and thanks for dropping in for a visit, my friend!

  14. Please tell me your opinion on Audible. I've been considering it for a while now. I haven't even heard of Acorn TV but I do watch every single British crime show offered via Netflix and then twiddle my thumbs until a new one appears or new seasons of the ones I've watched.

  15. Have you tried the newish Celestial Seasonings tea flavor, Vermont Maple Ginger? I'm loving that one!

    Have a great week!

  16. I always enjoy your sense of humor, Katie. I was also admiring that gorgeous chair and stool in the photo with your beautiful Irish afghan. I will be on the look out for pieces like that for our future farmhouse. And I have just recently gotten in on "A Place to Call Home" and I LOVE it! Like Downton Abbey, I came upon it late so I need to get on PBS to hope to watch it from the beginning. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  17. Enjoy your sunny day. Your Yappy Hour is great!!!

  18. Your posts always make me giggle. Joe and I have watched all of the seasons of A Place To Call Home twice. We anxiously await the next season. Love that show and all the characters. I will look for Delicious.

  19. Your pups always make me smile as do your posts! I love the idea of yappy hour, we do the same but we call it the waning hour of the day, the pups have a treat and we have a drink on the porch and read as well.

    Thanks for the vitamin E cream tip and the new show!

  20. That robe looks amazingly comfortable!! I am such a sucker for a squishy wrap!

  21. A great read that made me smile. We are so alike. The Pro-Omego...how long did it take for you to get relief of the dry eye? I suffer terribly.

    If I can get Acorn, I'd love to start a series.

    Happy Hump Day!


  22. I just jotted down both those programs. I haven't seen either of them. I have the Vitamin E cream on order-just by your say-so----I better look 10 years younger within 10 days or I will have to hunt you down. lol

    Have a wonderful night- xo Diana

  23. Making a shopping list of your creams. Sadie is snuggled up beside me as I type. I know your two are great snugglers too.

  24. from reading your blog, I would have assumed that you are a glass full person - so surprised to see that you are a glass half empty . . .really? I love your blog!

  25. Sadie girl and I would have so much fun at your yappy hour.
    Tried the Enlighten bars. Bought the Red Velvet flavor and really liked them.
    Agree with one of the other comments that I thought you would be a glass half full type of gal...
    Combo of Dynasty and Downton...gotta check it out.
    Love your blog! Thanks so much for taking the time to write.

    1. Red Velvet? Our store doesn't have that flavor. I'm going to have to make a request for them to order them. Have a great week Melissa. Wish you and Sadie could come to our Yappy Hour too.

  26. As always your posts make my day. I too would have thought that you were a glass half full person. Although I realize there are objections to Woody Allen, he did say a funny line in a movie once that he was a "glass half full person, full of poison". I can relate very well to that one! Love to the two precious hooligans!


  27. Pretty throw from your friend!
    Thanks for the book and program recommendations, always can use those! I have never heard of Acorn TV.
    Enjoy the Hooligans <3

  28. Like you, I am a half-empty kind of a gal who luckily married a half-full kind of guy.
    I enjoy Bengal Spice tea too; I like the lightly sweet and spicy taste.

  29. Katie, I always take notes when I read your post, adding the cream to my Amazon order. We sometimes have a happy hour when time allows, maybe something hot on a cold afternoon or cold on a hot afternoon while my mister makes dinner on the grill. I enjoy that a lot!

  30. You always have such great recommendations, thank you Katie!

  31. I like you yappy hour! These posts are so entertaining, Katie and the stronger the coffee, the better for me.

  32. Yes, I do give compliments and yesterday I was recognized as I picked up her receipt from the road......I yelled "Excuse me but you dropped your receipt!"The lady picked it up and thanked me and looked at me and said,Weren't you the owner of The Hen House?I smiled and said Yes........we were 50 feet from my old shop.She asked what I was doing now and the only thing that came to mind was I BLOG!

  33. Warmed MY heart that I was remembered.............it's been FIVE years come JUNE I SHUT THOSE DOORS!

  34. Enjoyed your post. Thanks for the Amazon links!

  35. Your two hooligans remind me of my grandpups. Enjoyed my visit today, thanks for sharing.

  36. That swig stemless wine looks terrific!

  37. Hello, I want one of those skinny mirrors and comfy robes. Glad you have a room to escape to for comfy hour.

  38. I suffer from dry eyes, the products I have tried so far don't work, I may have to try the Pro Omega-D thanks for sharing


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