Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, January 8, 2018

TBB Asks January Edition

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend.  Our main goal was to stay warm, and we achieved it.  We also saw a great movie which I will talk about at a later date.

Friday morning I woke up and the first thought that came to me was that I hadn't clue as to what to write about in my next post.  That is a very disturbing feeling for a blogger.  So I went visiting other bloggers.  My friend, Andrea over at Living on Cloud Nine was an answer to my prayers.  She mentioned in her post that she was participating The Blended Blog's Link, TBB Asks.  So here I am.

Andrea... now that you solved one problem of mine, can you help me with the other nine?

1.  Resolutions or no resolutions?

I have plenty of resolutions.
Keeping them is a whole different story.

2.  Love snow or no snow?

How about hate snow.

3.  Name a new place that you want to go this year.

Anywhere warm.
Btw... this is Sista and me on our last cruise.
I'm the skinny one.

4.  Would you rather have a new haircut or hair color?


Hair color any day of the week.

 5.  Name one special thing that you want to do for yourself this year.

I'm going to ditch my newfound exercise routine and do more of this.

If you want to hear the best news of 2018, read this.

6.  Least favorite thing about January?

Seriously, only one thing?
It's hard to decide between bitter temps, icy roadways, slick walkways, salty cars, sandy floors, wet dog smell, sandpaper skin, chapped lips, or maneuvering the entrance and exit of a car while being encased in nine layers of clothing.

Other than that it's a walk in the park.

7.  Most favorite thing about January?

It's one month closer to Summer!

8.  When do you take down your holiday decorations?

It's done.
Now I just have to find time to clean it up.

9.  Do you diet in January?

I hate to toot my own horn, but I diet every month of the year for at least 12 hours a month. 

10.  What area of your home do you want to organize the most?

I think it looks fine, but my persnickety husband keeps asking me if I am going to straighten out this drawer.

I tell him to keep his nose out of my drawers.
He thought it was funny the first time.

11.  Favorite Winter comfort food?

The Mister's beef stew and a loaf of warm bread slathered in butter. 
I wouldn't eat the whole loaf myself!
I'd give the Mister a piece.

12.  Favorite guilty pleasure?

I'm not proud, but I'm honest.

Until next time...

I have big plans in store for Chili's next grooming appointment. 

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh this brings a total smile to my freezing, icy, Monday!

  2. Well it is above freezing here for the first time in a week!! I am doing a happy dance. And it will get to 60 later this week so come on down Katie. I will admit that I have been taking hot bubble baths in my garden tub this week and it was so nice as it got me all toasty warm and made me sleepy. Marvin says I will have to contribute to the water and electricity bills this month!!

  3. Great post! I like your wry sense of humor! Your pup = too cute! My husband gets so angry at me when I watch those housewives shows - it just makes me realize how lucky and normal I am! Happy Monday!

  4. Yes, I have had enough of this cold. I think we all have one of those junk drawers. I organize mine and it stays perfect for awhile and then all hell breaks loose and it's a disaster! Enjoy your week!

  5. Love it, Katie. I think I need to join this group. I will have to figure out how to do that- I have never done a linky thing before. You and I would be a wicked combination together with our humor---probably NOT a good thing. Hope you have a blessed, wonderful week! xo Diana

  6. Adore you to the moon and back sweet friend. Go to my about page and email me so I have your email address and I’ll add you to the list of getting these prompts a couple weeks in advance each month! Your pups need a play date with our Miss Daisy! Stay toasty you HOT BEACH BABE-A-TOLLA!!!

  7. Very fun post! I, too, am at a point this week where my blog brain is more than a little tired. We'll see if I come up with something or just vegetate but this is a great idea!

  8. This was such a fun read! Hooray for being a month closer to summer! :) Wishing you a wonderful start to this fresh new year!

  9. Hilarious! Love your sense of humor. And yes, you Xmas tree is down. LOL!

  10. What a day brightener, Katie. I’ll be back for more, for sure. 😊

  11. Your post made me smile! You aptly described the winter I am experiencing in WI!

  12. Oh Good God, that DOG!!!! ROTFLMAO....I love how you answer the questions with photos. You crack me up!

  13. Again, you have brought a laugh and made my Monday morning a lot brighter. Thank you for also giving me official permission for those long hot soaks I so enjoy.

  14. So much fun to read your answers. I especially love the bikini babes! They are owning it!

  15. Oh, can't wait to see Chili's new look! I can't begin to relate to the winters in the northeast, but I know I would not do well. I'd hibernate all winter, only I'd likely be eating rather than sleeping through the harsh winters. Come back to TX!

  16. Love your answers...early dismissal for me today. Ice and snow means I get to sew. Have a great week. I think Chili will look fab in blue.

  17. I am SO into ditching exercise and taking more baths!! I'm a bath girl and could stay in warm water reading a book all evening!

  18. What a fun post to read this rainy morning in California. I love your sense of humor!

  19. I enjoyed your post!! I must be the only person on the planet who hates taking a bath! LOL I shower every day, but it has been years and years since I took a bath.

  20. Happy New Year, Sis! Please know that I have been thinking of you whenever I turn on the weather channel. Are you sure that's a photo of you and Sista? I could swear the gal on the right is me. Yes, I've enjoyed more than my fair share of wookies and cine over the past 2 weeks that I'm rather tired of them. Well, at least the wookies. See, I can't even bring myself to spell them correctly.

  21. I am loving reading everyone's answers! I wish I could take a long hot bath, but by the time you fill up our 1990s jetted tub the water is ice cold!!! Grrrr

  22. You are absolutely hilarious! So glad you are linking up with us at TBB. I'm a new follower!

  23. OMG, is that really your junk drawer? I've never seen so many readers!! How is it that you don't lose them? One day I have 5 pair and the next day I have 1!

    Happy New Year funny girl. :)

    1. The Mister says my readers, just like beanie babies of years ago, reproduce over night.

  24. I actually can't even imagine living where it snows. I hate cold weather and am quite sure I wouldn't survive one winter. I love your news about the hot baths. I can never find my reading glasses. Maybe if I try your drawer I might have a pair when I need them.
    Wishing you some warmer weather.

  25. I can only imagine how tired you must be of the cold and snow. A little goes a long ways. Every house has a drawer like that I think. Thanks for the chuckles to begin this new week!

  26. too funny!!
    I LOVE stew with bread and butter and I hate to admit, but I have like 4 or 5 drawers like that aroudn teh house lol

  27. Ha - love your take on this. Is there anything good about January? Thanks for linking up with TBB today!

  28. Oh, that stew! And that drawer full of readers, hehe. We're one week closer to spring, amen.

  29. Fun post! Actually it has been the highlight of my day so far. I think we have the same view of cold and snow. That hair color is definitely you!

  30. Katie, what a fun post! Sista may be upset with you revealing you are the skinny one! Can’t wait to see Chili’s new do!

  31. The Mister's beef stew looks good. I've never thought to put in celery.
    Everybody needs a true junk drawer... except maybe the Mister... and me.
    A little Bravo never hurt anyone!

  32. Hysterical as per usual! I finished my coffee before reading. Learned that lesson a while back! Have a a great week.!

  33. This post made me laugh!! Especially the diets question, I love it! And I'm not a big bath-taker, but I may have to start hearing that news. This was fun to read!

  34. Ohhh the junk drawer! That's one thing I should clean out more too...oddly enough I just add to it! And stew was a great one!! Yumm!!! One more day closer to summer! YAY!! Can't wait to hear about you movie review!!

  35. so hilarious, I HATE winter, I can't imagine living with ice and snow for months! At least you've got those fur babies to keep you warm!


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