Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, January 12, 2018

His/Hers Favorite Things

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Friday.  This is the first week in awhile that I actually knew what day it was.  That holiday schedule really threw me for a loop. 

Every so often I will receive a note from a reader asking about a product or book that I had previously mentioned.  Due to my failing memory, I usually have to go through my posts to find the item they were asking about.  Because of this, I have added a tab at the top of my page called My Favorite Things which will link you directly to my Amazon page where I do the majority of my shopping. 

When I was working on this post, I asked the Mister if he had any items that he wanted to mention.  He said he had a few.  So because I feel that age should precede beauty, we will begin with the Mister's latest faves.   

This cap is the newest addition to what the Mister calls his "Snowmageddon Survival Kit."  I know you're thinking that this little gem of a hat could not get any better but fasten your seatbelts, it can.  It has foldable ear flaps.    

He loves this hat.

Don't tell him this, but he reminds me of someone...

The Mister stocks up on these"Hot Hands" as soon as he sees the first leaf fall.  He's got a pair of these in every coat he owns.  He believes in always being prepared.

Would it shock you to find out that he was an Eagle Scout? 

I gave him a pair of these just in the nick of time for the bomb cyclone.  He says that they are super warm and waterproof. 

Can you tell that the Mister has anticipated a bitter winter?

The Mister got a Sous Vide from #1 for Christmas.  I had never heard of one of these before, which doesn't say much.  I can't really tell you how the whole thing works, (you can read about it in the link) but I can tell you that the results are positively delicious.

Every year The Mister tells me NO FLEECE when sharing Christmas wish lists.  He doesn't believe clothes should be considered presents.  Only toys, technology, and items for his winter arsenal are acceptable gifts.

As usual, I didn't listen to him, and I gave him this little Patagonia number.  Now I refer to it as his weekend "uniform" because he hasn't taken it off.

The Mister says nothing warms things up more than a great Nelson DeMille novel... especially when it takes place in Key West and Havana.  DeMille is one of the Mister's favorite authors, and this one did not disappoint.



I mentioned this little gem of a body cream six years ago.  If you have super dry skin, Gene's is for you.  I have even used it on dry patches on my face and my turkey neck, and it works wonders.  I first bought it at Sam's Club at my #2's suggestion.  I don't know whether they still sell it there because we are out in the boondocks and don't have a Sam's near us.   Another bonus:  it's reasonably priced.


Last Fall, I went to my eye doctor with what I thought was an odd complaint.  One of my eyes felt like someone poked me in it.  It was a little red, but not exceptionally.  My Doctor diagnosed me with dry eye and told me to take two of these vitamins a day.  Ever since I started taking these, my symptoms have disappeared.  
Added bonus:  these are also good for the heart as well as the brain.  I feel that I am getting smarter by the minute.


About a year ago, my buddy Hoda of The Today Show fame talked about how much she loved the UGG robe that she got for Christmas.   The Mister surprised me this year with one under the tree.  I have never loved a robe so much.  

It's got a touch of spandex in it which gives it a good fit.  But the best part is that it is lined with the softest fleece in the world.   


I just finished this fast-paced psychological thriller.  It is cleverly written by two sisters that live in different states.  The book is jam-packed with twists and turns and keeps you guessing throughout the pages.


I've been using Sparkle Bright jewelry cleaner for years.  It keeps my wedding rings sparkling along with my gold jewelry.  The bottle says that you can use it on all jewelry - including pearls, but I wouldn't take the chance.  They also make a fabulous tarnish remover which works wonders on my silver serving pieces.


With all the rain and snow we've had, I have ordered a few more candle warmers.  My house had taken on the distinguished odor of wet dog.   Instead of burning candles, I place the candle on a warmer.  It takes awhile for the aroma to become known because the wax has to melt.  I turn mine on in the mornings and have a sweet-smelling house all day.  

Now the Mister doesn't have to wake me out of a sound sleep to ask me if I blew the candles out.  

Mid-afternoon I like to have a little treat to keep my motor running.  I tried these yummy bars a couple of months ago and boy, are they ever delish!  Not all grocery stores carry them, though.  They are definitely worth the search.

What are your favorite things?

Until next time...

When I walked into the nursery laundry room this morning, I found my two crazies in one bed, which is a rarity.

Linking up with:
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I went to the eye doctor this week and got multifocal contact lenses. My life has seriously been changed by wearing these miraculous contacts! Anyway, she told me that I also have dry eye and recommended the same thing, along with Refresh eye drops. As usual, I love perusing your recommendations! Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh my, I bet I haven't cleaned my rings in a year! I'm so glad you mentioned that.

    The ice cream bars look amazing. I love anything with a tiny bit of salt added.

  3. I love reading posts of people favorite, tired and tested items! I am off to order the vitamins, as I age although I do not wear glasses my eyes sometime hurt.

    Your husband may need all of his warm clothes again this weekend, more snow and ice coming!

    Have a great weekend Katie, I know how you feel about the Christmas schedule throwing you off feel the same and am having a hard time getting back on track.

    Love the photo of your cute puppies!

  4. I always enjoy this type of post Katie...I learn of something I need to purchase.:) Thanks for reviewing these products. I may have to get a Patagonia pull over if it stays cold in Alabama.

  5. Number ONE bar none is an electric heated mattress pad for my bed. Nothing, no NOTHING is better than to climb into a nice warm bed at night and not shiver. Unbelievable!!! Best money spent ever! I turn it off before going to sleep. I turn it on as I am getting ready for bed. Try it please!!!

    1. Sounds right up my alley! Thanks for the tip. Have a great weekend! I love Nashville, btw!

  6. Ok, glad you mentioned the supplement for dry eye. I need to go have mine checked since I am now having to rely on my reading glasses a bit more. Distance is perfect since I had Lasik, but that caused dry eye. Will inquire about these.

  7. So weird- I just left a nice long comment and got a frowny face when I hit publish. You didn't block me because I am wicked, did you? lol

    Anyway-always love your favorites- jotted down Mr's book today and the Gene creme.

    Have a great weekend, Katie- Fondly, Diana

  8. I want to know more about the candle warmers. Do you have to buy candles made specifically for them? I think we need a few around here....

    1. No it fits all candles including the bath & body works 3-wicks which I hoard! Have a good weekend, Ricki Jill.

  9. Fun post as usual Katie. More protein, less sugar is my diabetic love language - Ill be looking for those ice cream bars!

  10. You always show us some great things here and I will go visit a couple of them! Thanks for sharing and I will definitely be looking for those ice cream bars! Yum!

  11. Katie what a great idea! I really love hearing about your favorite products, of courr I’m drawn to the book recommendations but I need those vitamins for my eyes too!

  12. Can’t wait to try the vitamin e cream. I’ve been buying enlightened ice cream too and love it!

    1. I hope you like the cream as much as I do. My favorite flavor of the Enlightened is the chocolate and peanut butter with that huge chunk of peanut butter in the middle. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, Natalie.

  13. I bought the microwave popcorn popper you had on your blog before Christmas...we love it. I am going to recommend the vitamins to my two team members who complain of dry eye. Also I sen the link for the cap with ear flaps to Hubster, he is buying it as I write...one of our Son-sters gave Hubster a Sous vide for Christmas, I can't wait for him to use it. Oh and I received the robe you mentioned, I love it.

  14. Snuggle buddies! Looks like Sadie "sharing" my pillow! Yasso caramel bars are delicious too. Made from yogurt. Stay warm!

  15. I am currently reading The Last Mrs. Parrish. So far it's good but since I'm technically listening to it instead of reading it the vocalists performing it are not my favorite. Girl, I still use toothpaste to clean my rings! Haha I'm so old school. I hope your weekend is fabulous! Stay warm.

  16. Oh, I want that robe! And the lotion - I have developed the strangest dry patches around my eyebrows. More joys of getting old! I think my husband needs that hat. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful things! Have a great weekend.

  17. I bought the candle warmer you recommended - and I carefully microwave my candles for 1-2 minutes until they melt a fair amount in order to give the warmer a head start.

    A friend received an Ugg robe for Christmas, and she loves it too.

    My son has a sous-vide machine and he loves it, especially for cooking steaks (and finishing them on the grill).

  18. Thanks for sharing tips on some of your favorite products. I am finding you a good resource:) That robe would certainly feel good this morning, 15 degrees. Yikes, we don't like this. Also, I want to try the cream. I didn't know about the vitamins, I have dry eye too and you are right, you feel like something poked you in the eye! I keep drops handy at all times! Enjoy the weekend and stay warm...........

  19. Laying in bed, in Ohio after a long night with snow, sleet, power out (and now back on 😊), I am chuckling and smiling while reading your post. I am usually a come and go quietly blog reader, but you must know, I think you are absolutely the best,

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words, Tina. They are very much appreciated!

  20. This is worth it if for the sparkle bright and peanut butter protein ice cream bars alone! And a reminder I am out of handwarmers. And this year I need them!

  21. Two crazies in one bed.... they must have been cold. So sweet.

  22. Get out, I got Mr. Nine a Patagonia fleece as well, so teddy bear soft! I’ve been known to leave a candle or two burning....I completely forgot about a candle warmer! So fun to read yours and Mr’s fab Amazon Finds! Happy weekending, stay warm, you may have to hop in with the precious pupsters!

  23. So many good things here. That ice cream looks yummy! Debbie over at Mountain Mama sings the praises of the Sous Vide too. (notice how I'm targeting the food items first?). One of my nieces brags on the Ugg comforter, so I don't doubt the robe is amazing too, especially on a weekend like this one. Stay warm!

  24. Definitely going to try the dry eye supplement. I need it desperately! I was wondering where did you get that darling blue and white lamp? I have been looking for on and have not been able to find one that is just that, perfect.

    1. Hi Michelle! I bought that little lamp at my home away from home, Homegoods a couple of years ago. Have a great week and thanks for taking the time to read my blog!

  25. You have such beautiful dogs! So cute that they were laying by each other! I love this post, and I love that you post about your favorite things. I haven't heard of most the products/companies here. I always love finding new things that others love. Enlightened Ice Cream? I love the name and only 80/90 calories? Yes, Please! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Cindy. If you like peanut butter like me, you're going to love the Enlightened Peanut Butter and chocolate! Have a wonderful week and thanks for stopping by!!

  26. Love all of these but especially the vitamins for dry eye. Have mercy, I have been using Retasis for over 8 years to the tune of $250 a prescription and no one has ever mentioned these to me. Will have to see if I can find the Enlightened. Happy weekend!

  27. I have dry eye too, and got tired of being gauged by the price of restasis...I finally just tried using OTC systane 2x daily instead and it works great. How big are the ProOmega D pills? I have a terrible time swallowing big pills, but I'd love to try them if they not giant...let me know when you get a chance, thanks Katie

  28. Katie, I always enjoy a favorites lists! My hubby would not be without Hot Hands! They apparently work really well! I love a comfy robe,I just might have to check it out!

  29. NOTHING SPEAKS TO ME FROM THE MISTERS LIST but your list my ears perked up about THAT ROBE!I usually have a MINK slung across me in the mornings in my office...........MY AUNTS or my MOTHERS..........OLD STUFF people.It keeps the CALIFORNIA DRAFTS AWAY and PLUS the CAT LOVES to curl up in my LAP!
    Off I go to shop AMAZON!

  30. The Mister got some great gifts, I think all that fabulous cooking paid off. My favorites of your favorites are Chow and Chili. Do they help you keep that fabulous robe clean?

    Thanks for the reminder on the candle warmers, I plan to order them today.


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