Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, January 19, 2018

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a good week.  Today I'm headed to the big city to do some shopping and have lunch with the Mister.  I've been homebound and haven't worn makeup all week.  I hope that I remember how to put it on.  If not, I will just consult my favorite makeup artist.

Both beautiful homes today are in the beautiful state of Connecticut where I was born and raised. 
They may not claim me, but it's true.  

To see more of this gorgeous waterfront home, click here.


This is Phoebe Cole-Smith who owns this heavenly home which also has a working farm.
How come I don't look this cute when I garden?

Love this kitchen!
For more photos of this charming home click here.

You can find 28 decorating secrets from the pros right here.
You just have to promise not to tell anybody!


I am in the market for some new bedding for our master bedroom.   Needless to say, I have been spending waaay too much time on Pinterest.  I came across this article that has great ideas for a sophisticated bedroom.
Yup, that's me... sophisticated.

Has anyone tried the new dessert hummus?  
Thanks to Shark Tank, it just hit the shelves.
I'm not sure that I can trust a dessert that is actually good for me.


Do you need some new ideas to serve while you watch the Patriots Superbowl?
Here is a motherlode.


I mentioned recently that I have developed a taste for tea.  
This article has good news for all my fellow tea drinkers.
Sorry about this pic of me.  
I was really bloated that day.

Do you have a sleep disorder?  Someone in my family does, and his name rhymes with twister.  I'm worried that he's going to blow the shingles off our roof with his snoring.  Here are some other sleep disorders and what the experts say about them.


Speaking of sleeping... do you wake up in the middle of the night at the same time every night?   The good news is you are totally normal the bad news is your mind and body may be trying to tell you something.

Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you hanging.  
You can find out here.


Good news for people like me who are sick of their 2018 stupid diet or healthy lifestyle.

Note to self: buy a new scale.


If you're sniffling and achy and not sure if you have a cold or the frightful flu, check out this page.


If you have read my blog for awhile, you know that I am a big fan of audiobooks.  A reader with an irritating voice can ruin a book for me.  Here is a very interesting video explaining the process of reading an audiobook. 

If they let me read it at home in my PJs, I would audition.


Guess what's coming back?

Good thing because I still have a drawer full of mine.
I just wish someone would have told me they went out.


The best revenge is living well.
Ann Curry is coming back with a show on PBS which highlights reunions called We'll Meet Again.  I bet there is someone that she never cares to see again.

Btw Matt... Ann has her own production company too.


This story appeared on CBS Sunday Morning last week.  
It brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my lips.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Hi Katie
    Love these finds.I saw a few of the same stories. Did you watch the interview on CBS Morning with Ann Curry? Have fun in the city! laura

  2. PS I love the photo of the gardening outfit. I may need to step up my game this spring. laura

  3. Go Ann Go...I was so upset when she left the Today show. She is a lovely lady. I have been drinking more green tea on these cold days.

  4. I clicked on lots of these links, especially the decorating ones! I saw Ann Curry on CBS this week, and say more power to her to make a comeback. Have a wonderful weekend in the city!

  5. Enjoy your time in the city. We are thawing out here.

  6. Another great post. That last video was so heartwarming and I loved the kids' reactions. Blessings to you and have fun in the city with the Mister...rhymes with Twister...xo Diana

  7. I love your posts! You always make me smile. I love audio books, too!

  8. You always make me smile, too. So glad that you blog.

  9. You always make me smile, too. So glad that you blog.

  10. Man karma is a b****! Love me some Ann Curry! I reckon you doooo look that cute in the garden! Mmmm still on the fence with the Dessert Hummus, I just need to grab a graham stick and dip! Hope you and the Mr. had a grand day!

  11. Come spring I really have to find a nice garden apron and dress nicer for garden work and find some of those new crunches for my ponytail. Loved the gorgeous house and all the decorating tips. I also need to read about sleep habits so I'm headed there to find out why I wake at the same time. Happy Saturday Katie........

  12. Well, I guess I'll have to switch my scrunchies from the napkin ring drawer back to the hair accessory drawer.....the article tells me that waking up between 5 and 7am means I have emotional blocks. And here I always thought it was just my stomach, telling me I was hungry, to get up!
    Have a great weekend. Hope your day in the city was fun!

  13. How I wish you would just come over to my house one day and go over all these things in person! We'd sip hot tea (I'm just now liking hot tea - but never sweet Southern iced tea- Yikes!) and we'd chat for hours and hours! Going back up to click on the house photos now and planning on making the football game snack, whether I watch the game or not! Happy cold weekend to you!

  14. Oh Katie, I always fall down the rabbit hole when I read your fun Friday Files, so many great links! Good for Ann Curry, I always thought she got the shaft! Have a great weekend and thanks for the fun!

  15. Hello Katie my dear
    How are you? I hope you are back to your supermodel wife self after your day in the city. The snow and bad weather are over here as well, so I know how you felkt last week.
    I love the house tours of Connecticut! I did not know it was your childhood home and have always thought what a pretty place it is.
    Like you, I prefer to be near or on the water.
    I hope you are enjoying the weekend, my dear friend
    Spring is coming
    Sending love to you

  16. Katie, my gardening wardrobe needs a little work! I hope you enjoyed your day in the city! Connecticut has some of the prettiest homes...love all the inspiration photos. I have a fun evening planned clicking on your links while I enjoy a cup of hot tea!

  17. Can't wait to welcome Ann Curry back to television. She's a good fit with PBS. And loved the gardening shot. I'd be embarrassed to hang around Phoebe!

  18. The farmer gal has an apron on by ROUGH LINEN..in my HOOD!I have the same aprons they MAKE LINEN SHEETS!!!!!!!!!NO elastic corners........I am NEVER GOING BACK to COTTON SHEETS!They are expensive but I LOVE THEM!CHECK HER OUT she is BRITISH and LOVELY!
    NOW POP OVER TO MY BLOG....................THATS AN ORDER!!!!XX

  19. Love the kitchen !! Looks so homely !

  20. Thank you for the decorating tips. I am so glad for the pillow recommendations as Sassy has chewed all of the ones we currently own including the needlepointed that I have had for decades.
    annie g


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