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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Movie Reviews & Other News

Hello, dear friends.  Happy National Dress Up Your Pet Day!  I am sure you are not at home reading this, but instead out celebrating this auspicious holiday.

As I perused my social calendar, I realized that I have some great TV to look forward to in the next couple of weeks.  When you are housebound due to bone-chilling temps such as myself, this is sweet news to your ears.

We begin with my somewhat razor-sharp movie reviews.  

Wow.  Molly's Game is a good one.  The film is based on the true story of Molly Bloom, a former Olympic skier.  After retiring, she starts her own high stakes poker game.  The players are billionaires and famous movie stars.  Jessica Chastain gave her usual stellar performance, and the story is nothing less than fascinating.


Spielberg, Streep, and Hanks.  How could they miss?  Both actors gave their usual stellar performances.  Spielberg took a semi-complicated plot and weaved it into a provocative story.

Between you and me, I thought Meryl stole the show.
I smell Oscar! 

Murder on the Orient Express meets Taken.  I give it a C, and the Mister gives it an A-. 

Sidenote:  During the film, the Mister sweetly whispered into my ear that he decided to skip the train tomorrow and opted to drive to work instead.

I really enjoyed the first season of Divorce.  David Haden Church is magnificent as the sympathetic, somewhat goofy ex-husband of SJP.  Molly Shannon brings her A game with her comic timing and delivery of the well-written lines.

The second season of Divorce begins tonight on HBO.  If you don't have HBO, or you are out painting the town with your dressed up pet, you can watch the first episode for free here.  
Just tell them Katie sent you.

Side note: The Mister is always on his best behavior when he sees Divorce is on my watch list.  Probably because I told him that it is an instructional video.

Anna, from Downton, steps up and takes the lead role in this psychological thriller.  The Mister and I finished watching Liar last week.  The 6-episode series kept us on the edge of our seats.  

We took advantage of the free week trial that Sundance TV offers.
If you're looking for a series to binge watch, this one should be on the top of your list.


I love David Letterman and his new talk show on Netflix features 5-star guests.  We watched his insightful and entertaining interview with President Obama last night. 

No question about it, Letterman has not lost his touch.
But I wish he'd lose the beard.


I'm going to tell you a secret.  I enjoy Grace and Frankie tremendously.  But the real hook that draws me in is the gorgeous beach house and Jane's wardrobe.

The fun begins on January 19th on Netflix.

This show goes under the heading of now I've heard everything.  Before you watch this whodunit, you have the option of downloading the accompanying app that allows the viewer to choose different narratives in order to solve the crime.  
It seems like too much work to me.

One of my favorites, Beau Bridges and the Mister's favorite, Sharon Stone star in this one, so everyone's happy.

Too bad Sharon let herself go. 

Mosaic begins on January 22nd on HBO.


Call the Midwife is coming back next Sunday!  I positively adore this show.  You might even consider me to be a bit of a stalker.  I follow the stars on Instagram.  They all seem as sweet in real life as their characters. 

This season will go on without these lovely ladies.

Here's a look at what the stars look like in real life.

Btw... did you know that these Trixie and Rev. Tom have a baby together in real life?
I wonder what the nuns think about that!

What are you watching these days?

Until next time...

Again, my good wishes to all on this groundbreaking national holiday.

Linking up with:
Amaze Me Monday

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. We love Midwives. Such a good show and Joe enjoys it as much as I do. I always enjoy your reviews!!

  2. Don't watch any TV, but I'll have PBS Masterpiece on tonight for Victoria Season Two. Tell Chili that she looks fabulous, and Chow is as handsome as ever.

  3. I watch Floss Tube on You Tube....lol. I love my hobby and other ladies obsessed with stitching as well. I have heard so many raves about The Showman. Have you seen it? I also want to see the movie about Churchill...cant remember the name of it.

  4. I love your plethora of great entertainment. Yes, predict Meryl for the Oscar win!! Too funny about the train and Sharon, man does she ever look amazing! We watched the Lettermen interview too it was great, he is so good at his craft but yet, loose the facial scruff...old man much? Cant wait for the one with Clooney!!!

  5. I can't find Call the Midwife coming up on PBS! I'll be very disappointed if our local PBS channels opt out of it.

  6. I agree with your reviews except the Bridges/Stone show, only because I haven’t seen it yet. I am a total fanatic of “Call the Midwife”. I keep telling people how wonderful it is. I know someone who said it looked boring. Boring? Seriously!! I usually laugh and cry every episode. We have a group over on FB for hardcore fans!! I thought it wasn’t coming back until April. I thought it started in January in the UK.

    1. Sorry, I meant to say I haven’t see “Liar”. I searched it on Sundance but couldn’t find it.

  7. Thanks for all the info Katie, Molly's Game and the Post are definitely on the top of my watch list~

  8. Just Finished THE CROWN PART TWO.............I know I am WAY BEHIND!

  9. We watched Liar earlier in the year. It was riveting. We also just finished The Halcyon that we had on our DVR from Ovation. It was very good as well. I am disappointed it was only one season. The actress who plays Patsy on Midwives turned up on Victoria last night looking more like herself. We were a little underwhelmed by season 2 of The Crown but loved last night's Victoria. Thanks for your recommendations.

  10. I love Grace and Frankie, too, for all the reasons you mention!

  11. Wait a minute! Who's the redhead between the pictures of Patsy and Trixie (modern day). Is it Sister Winifred? Oh my! I'm hoping Barbara will be back after she and Tom went away in the Christmas special. I wish they'd finish up Sister Mary Cynthia. I hope they tie that up in the first. I love that show, too. The Post, Molly and several others are on my see it soon list. I'll skip the Commuter! And the Liar sounds GREAT! Got to catch up with last night's Victoria.

  12. Haven't seen Grace and Frankie, sounds like a good one to watch. Thanks...you've given us lots of great recommendations.

  13. Thank you for recommending some good shows. Always looking for something new to watch. Hope your new year os off to a great start!


  14. Ok, thanks to you, Sis, I am telling everyone about the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I absolutely loved it and tore through it. Of the brilliant things you list here today, I have watched the Letterman/Obama interview and agree with you that it was so insightful. I learned so much and yes, Dave needs to lose the beard. Now. As for Grace and Frankie, well I have the 19th circled on the calendar and of course have blocked out Sunday night for the Midwives. I did know that Trix and the Rev share the same child. How cool is that?

  15. So much good stuff to watch! I love the midwives, although I have to admit I can't understand them half the time :)! Can't wait to see The Post - Katherine Graham's biography was so good. Definitely checking out Letterman's new show. Thanks for all the great recommends.

  16. Thank you for the movie reviews. The last movie I saw was The Shape of Water. I enjoyed it; it's very artsy and probably not for everyone. I want to see Three Billboards next - and Molly.
    I'm watching season two of Victoria on PBS which started last Sunday.... so good and so true.

  17. Katie, I love seeing which movies you like. I watch very little tv but I do love movies so I am always looking for great movies. Thanks for your suggestions.

  18. Not so much interested in watching movies. Will make a try to see them after your post...

  19. I went to The Greatest Showman on your recommendation and LOVED it. I have now seen it twice.

  20. Thanks for the reviews. I have had my eyes on some of those. It is always great to get another perspective. Happy Wednesday.


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