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Monday, January 1, 2018

January Books, TV, and Movies

Hello, dear friends.  Happy New Year!  How was your holiday?  Our girls were home for just a few fights days because they had to get back to work.  The time spent with them was for the most part full of laughs and very relaxing.  I can't offer any photos because the girls declared it a no makeup/no photos holiday which is every blogger's nightmare. 

I did manage to take one shot of our in-house diva who believes that she doesn't need makeup!  She is the only family member that is not going to be happy when I take the tree down today.

What a great way to close one year and open another!  Yesterday, the Mister and I went to a fabulous party thrown by our friends, Annie (far left) and her handsome hubby, Bob.  I met these lovely ladies (from left) Louise, Robyn, and Constance. They all have something in common:  they have great taste.  How do I know?  They all read my blog.


I am excited about the January book releases.  Something tells me that I will be spending a lot of time indoors trying to stay warm.  

On another note, the NYT named the Best Books of 2017.  Not only have I not read any of them, but I never heard of most of them.  So take the following reviews with a grain of salt and a shot of tequila.

My buddy, Leslie Anne Tarabella who writes one of my favorite blogs released her first book last Fall.  It is a compilation of Leslie Anne's favorite blog posts and award-winning newspaper columns.  I read it over the holiday, and I positively loved it.   She writes about everything from the sentimental value of a charm bracelet to debating T.S Elliot's choice of the cruelest month of the year.  I couldn't help but smile as I read this book. 

You don't have to be southern to appreciate the humor and darling stories in The Majorettes Are Back In Town!

Leslie Anne... call me when you're in Bean Town for a book signing!

The narrator of Best Day Ever is a narcissistic sociopath.  Normally, I don't like books where the main character is lacking admirable qualities. But there is something about this guy that is different - his sarcastic humor had me chuckling throughout the pages.

This is the last book in Elin Hilderbrand's Winter series.  I enjoyed the first three, but this one fell flat for me.  I think that the reason I did not appreciate this one as much is the fact that my favorite character, Margaret, who is the anchorwoman, was barely in the story.    


I am smack dab in the middle of this page-turner.  One of the reviewers described The Last Mrs. Parrish as wealth porn.  Not to worry... no real porn in this book.  
What kind of girl do you think I am?

The Last Mrs. Parrish centers around Amber who knows what and who she wants, and nothing can step in her way.
If you are lucky enough to be going away to a beach this Spring, you must pack this little treasure in your beach bag.  Although it does get a little far-fetched at times, this is pure escapism at its best. 

I enjoyed Celeste Ng's last gem of a novel, Everything I Never Told You, and Little Fires Everywhere did not disappoint.  It's a story of a family who wants for nothing and lives in a wealthy suburb in Ohio.  A single mother and teenage daughter move into their rental property, and that's when the fun begins.

I have not read the following books.  
If you buy one and don't like it, don't blame it on me, I'm just the messenger.

The Woman In The Window tells the story of a recluse in NYC who drinks wine all day, watches old movies, and spies on her new neighbors.

Sounds like paradise to me. 

"Twisted and deliciously chilling" are the words used by a critic when describing The Wife Between Us.  Sounds like most of my old boyfriends.

Spielberg bought the rights and is making a major motion picture out of this novel.  If it's good enough for Steven, it's good enough for me.

I enjoy Jojo Moyes' books so much.  Still Me continues the saga of Louisa Clark and follows her exploits in NYC. 

I'm counting the minutes until this one is released.


Stuart Woods is one of the Mister's favorite authors.  Unbound is the tale of a CIA operative turned Hollywood movie producer who seeks revenge.

Hmmm... I might even like this one.

A young widow discovers that her late wealthy husband had forgotten to include her in his will.

If it were me, I would dig him up and kill him all over again.

Anatomy Of A Scandal is a suspenseful novel that centers around Britain's elite.  James is a handsome, successful husband that is accused of committing a horrendous crime.
Sounds like my cup of English tea. 


A woman in 1914 leaves her second husband for the glamour of Los Angeles and becomes a writer of flickers.  

If you don't know know what flickers are, then you better read this book.

This book revolves around a music shop owner and a beautiful woman who asks him to teach her everything he knows about music.   Reviewers say The Music Shop is right on key.


This novel is a fictionalized account of Andrew Carnegie's inexperienced maid who transforms him from being a crude, ruthless businessman into the first true philanthropist. 

Sounds like a rich novel to me. 


I read Burke's last book,  The Ex, and enjoyed it very much.  In The Wife, a brilliant NYU Economics professor marries a catering waitress he meets in the Hamptons with a deep dark secret. 

Hint: her secret doesn't involve napkin folding.
Bring it on. 

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I am Kelly Corrigan's biggest fan.   This book contains essays analyzing twelve powerful phrases that are linked to love and personal connection. 

Sounds like a great read. 

A family is delighted with their new perfect nanny.  
Need I tell you that she turns out to be no Mary Poppins?

Love the cover, btw.

This is your classic he said/she said story about a couple falling in and out of love.

Haven't read it yet but I already know that I'm on her side.

I had to wait until the last month of the year to see what turned out to be my favorite movie of 2017 but it was definitely worth the wait.  I highly recommend you seeing this one on the big screen rather than on TV.  If you like walking out of the theater with a smile this flick is for you. 

If you've seen one Pitch Perfect, you've seen them all.   It was cute, and if you have teenage girls, they will love it.

I highly recommend this film which was inspired by the J. Paul Getty kidnapping.  Michelle Williams seems to be the "It" girl in Hollywood these days and carried this film every step of the way.  If you recall, Kevin Spacey originally played the part of el cheapo Grandpa, and the director decided to shoot every scene again and replace him with the uber-talented Christopher Plummer.

Kevin:  you weren't missed.

Molly's Game is based on a true story of an Olympic skier who ran the most exclusive high-stakes poker game for over a decade.

This one sounds like a sure bet.

I have high hopes for this one.
How can it go wrong with Tom and Meryl?


This movie has true star power:  Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland.  It looks a little sad, though.

I am sad to say that The Syndicate is only six episodes.  The Mister and I just finished this series and highly recommend it if you are a fan of Downton
Or if you have a large staff that plays the Lottery.

I'm off and on with Nashville.  
The final season looks good though.

The Mister and I are both looking forward to this one.  The Mister loves fancy cars, and I love Jerry!


What can I say?
I love these two.

Jane if you're reading this...
send me you Doc's digits.


I enjoyed the first season of Divorce.
I look forward to the second.


I can't talk about TV shows without mentioning Skinny Delaney's favorite show!  

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Happy 2018 Katie! I did not realize that The Leisure Seeker was a movie. It is based on a novel by a Detroit author that my book club read it a few years ago and went to a reading at his favorite bar ( a real dive, but a UofD Jesuit hang out). It is a very moving story.

  2. Happy New Year Katie...so glad you are back with your book recommendations.

  3. Happy New Year to you and your family!! ALways love your recommendations! Yes, my teenager and I saw Pitch Perfect 3 and enjoyed it, though missed the guys from 1 and 2! Best wishes for the new year!

  4. I just got Winter Solstice, but haven't cracked it open yet...and I agree The Greatest Showman was fabulous - I enjoyed every minute of this movie. Hoping to see The Orient Express this week!

  5. Happy, Happy New Year, dear friend! Thanks for the reading list. You always have great suggestions. Cold here in TX so we are snuggled inside. My mister keeps hinting about a walk, but Sadie and I would rather snuggle under a blanket on the sofa by the fire. What I really need to do is get busy taking the tree and other decorations down to pack away until December rolls around again. At the rate life seems to be zooming by, that won't be all that long!
    Enjoy your beautiful warm and cozy home!

  6. It was wonderful to finally meet the Mister and you yesterday at Annie and Bob's house. You both are so warm , friendly and have a great sense of humor. Until the next time......Robyn

    1. Robyn... it was so nice meeting you! I have heard so many wonderful things about you from Annie and she was spot on! I hope that you and your fiance have a very happy, healthy new year.

  7. Happy New Year!
    I love your reviews and I always read them with a note pad nearby.
    Have a wonderful week-

    White Spray Paint

  8. Happy New Year, Katie. I just added a few more books to my 'must read' list. I so wish I had more time to read!!!! Looks like you had fun at that party and met some great new people.

    Hope your year is full of good health and unexpected joy along the way- xo Diana

  9. This made me smile....I just received my copy of Majorettes! Loved this post! Full of wonderful reads..wishing you a very wonderful NEW YEAR!

  10. what a fabulous list! Lots of books (overwhelmed with books!) and movies! Greatest Showman, The Post and Getty are highest on my list! But others too... is there EVER enough time?

    Happy New Year, my friend. May it shine brightly for you each and every day!

  11. Winter Solstice fell flat for me too, big bummer!! This is the 3rd time today that Little Fires Everywhere was recommended. Just went in the Amazon cart because well, 3rd times the charm as are you!! I love your recommendations and they are always so spot on!! Happy New Year beautiful, wow, how you brighten a room!!

  12. Reading a Truman Capote book right now, but definitely want to read Leslie's book...very excited...thanks so much, Happy New Year!

  13. What a great lineup! I'm looking forward to putting the last of the plaids away (hopefully today, but it seems like a never-ending, undecorating decathlon - x2!) and settling into some cozy reads in January. Looks like you better download or get out and get your books ready for this week's winter storm watch. Ugh.....

  14. I bet you will be reading a lot with the winter that New England is having so far! I actually liked the last Winter Street book better than the third, but thought they were all pretty good. I'm looking forward to some better movies this year. My three faves for 2017 were Dunkirk, Wonder, and Greatest Showman. Other than those, it was pretty slim picking for "grown up" movies. And I guess Wonder is more of a kids movie anyway! Happy New Year!

  15. Hi Katie
    What source did you view The Syndicate on?
    Enjoyed today's post. I've read several of the books you listed and will read some of the others. Stared Best Day Ever , yesterday. Happy New Year.

    1. Karen ... if there ever was a question to stump me it's yours about what source we watched The Syndicate on. I had to call the Mr. It is on Acorn. Do you believe how many sources there are? It makes me crazy!! Let me know what you think of Best Day Ever. I'm curious. Have a very happy, healthy New Year!!

    2. Yep Katie it's Acorn. Found it at last. You know there is a first season of it also , The Syndicate , Series 1.
      Thanks for the reply , stay warm!

  16. Happy New Year Katie, and thanks for all the great info! Leslie Anne is such a hoot, and her book is hilarious! We are absolutely freezing down South, please take your winter weather back up North where it belongs! Looking forward to lots of TT adventures for 2018!

  17. Hi Katie! Thanks so much for the kind words about my book! It has been so fun to write it and now interact with readers from all over, not just the South! I would dearly love to have a signing up your way, and who knows? Maybe 2018 will hold just that! Thanks for your kindness, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the book!

  18. Hello dear Katie and Happy New Year! What a great suggestion list of books and movies. How about that sweet Leslie Anne? She is a dear sweet girl and you will love her when you do meet her. Sounds like your enjoyed the holidays with family, same here and what i love most. Freezing cold in Alabama too, stay warm.........

  19. Happy New Year! Stay warm and thank you for the recommendations. xo

  20. Happy New Year! Love all your recommendations! My Amazon wish list keeps growing.

  21. I'm just saving this to have on hand for when I'm like - OK time for a book/movie/show! I believe we have similar tastes - win! xo

  22. Jerry and Tracy Morgan were in a diner in our downtown filming a couple of months ago. Pretty sure it was for this series. Would have loved to have bumped into them.

  23. Katie,
    Have been reading your blog for a while, and absolutely love it. But my favorite line was in this post...honoring your daughters requests for no makeup, no photos during the holiday. Thanks for keeping it real! Hope to meet up some day. Donna Dowd

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