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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, December 21, 2017

My Holiday Home Tour

Hello, dear friends.  This is my last post of 2017.  As I attempted to articulate in my little poem above,  I am so grateful to all of you who take the time to read this silly little blog.  You have offered encouragement as well as support, and for that, I am eternally thankful.  

As I have mentioned many times, blogging has been a gratifying experience for me.  I have met so many delightful people, visited a lot of beautiful places, and in the process have made many lifelong friends. 

So when it comes to counting my blessings in 2017, my blog friends are on the top of my list.

This year, I took the minimalist approach to my holiday decorating.  I call it minimalist chic while others may refer to it casually lazy.

I have more filled red Rubbermaid containers in the basement than I have empty ones.  Please don't tell the Mister.  Before I know it, he'll be down there purging all my stored decorations that may make the scene next year.

Chili was still in hair and makeup when I took this photo.

We filled the window boxes with a combination of real and fake greens and bright plastic ornaments that Chowdah thinks are balls.  Every chance he gets, he steals one and hides it in the bushes.
The struggle is real, people.

I took this pic on the day of the first snowfall. 
It's exactly the kind of snow I appreciate - it looks pretty while it's falling and it doesn't stick to the ground. 

I bought a 6' preserved boxwood garland this year.  It was not quite long enough to go the full length of the mantle so I just looped it and called it a day.

My mantra for this season's holiday decorating:
when in doubt, use a pinecone.

This rooster survived six moves and over 20 Christmas seasons.

I decorated the kitchen in less than 2 minutes.
A world record.
I put those wreaths up two years ago at Christmas and never took them down.

Please excuse the photobomber.

A little holly and...

a pretty red ribbon.

I guess Chili forgot that she's not allowed on the couch.

This is Chow's "don't you see what she's doing?" look.

We only had a real tree one year in our marriage.  The Mister practically broke out in hives from seeing all the falling pine needles on the floor.  Have I told you that he is a bit persnickety?

This is a shout-out to my buddy, Kate the Great who sent me this ornament many years ago.  She is celebrating this Christmas in Ireland.  
Nollaig Shona
dear friend!

The sunroom is where we spend most of our time.  I put those little boxwood wreaths up a couple of years ago and never took them down.  

I'm not a huge poinsettia or cyclamen fan so I use a lot of red kalanchoes.  They are so easy to take care of and last forever.  Again my pinecones came in handy. 

My toughest critics except around mealtime.

Thanks for stopping by!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Please excuse the photo bomber. 

Until next time year...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Your home looks lovely and festive - I think I could really live in your sunroom (it's what I miss most from our prior home!) The pups seem to be enjoying all the comfort of your pretty home! They are cute! Enjoy the holidays!!

  2. Katie, your home is just beautiful, and of course Chow and Chili make it perfect. So happy to hear you did exactly what I did, I have those huge vases on my mantel (beautiful from TEH), but rather than take them down and store them, I just stuck some red berry stems in them and called it a day. Happy Holidays to you and your family

    1. Happy holidays, Cindy! Hope you have a happy, healthy new year!

  3. Your home is so beautiful. I pop in from time to time but don't comment but just had to. Your doggies are adorable! Merry Christmas.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. What do you mean the pups aren't allowed on the sofa???? Sadie wouldn't know what to think of that house rule. 😋
    I love the mantra of when in doubt use a pine cone. Sounds good to me. I have a box full of pine cones just for that reason. I also have plenty of Christmas ornaments and decor "in a holding pattern". Never know when one might need them!
    Merry, Merry to all at your charming home, Katie!

  5. Perfection....have a Merry Christmas...can't wait to hear from you next year!

  6. Your home looks beautiful! I love your decorating philosophy as well as your photobombers! Have a wonderful Christmas and cheers to the new year!

  7. Your house and decorations are gorgeous! If you want to see lazy, please come to my house. I wish you and yours a lovely Christmas!

    1. Thank you, Maggie! I hope that you are having a very Merry Christmas and happy, healthy new year.

  8. It all looks wonderful. I love those little boxwood wreaths and wouldn't have taken them down either. Have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy your family time.

  9. I took the exact same approach as you- less is better! I also have many unused bins of Christmas decor in my basement. When my #3 comes home from Boston this weekend, she may dig them out. I wouldn't mind, but she won't be here to put them away.
    Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and adorable pups!

    1. You too, Joan! Tell your #3 she's not missing anything as far as weather goes in Boston. Wet and cold! Have a very Merry Christmas and happy healthy new year.

  10. Your home is lovely Katie...I love red but I am not brave enough to embrace it fully in my home( and my husband is not a fan of red!) The Blue and White I love as well...I do have lots of it in my home. Simple is beautiful and as I get older, I am finding a little goes a long way. A Very Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  11. I love your home, inside and out, Katie. The kitchen is to die for! Funny about those boxwoods. All of mine have hung around for eternity. I thought I was going to have toss them after month or so. Nope. They look better than the ones in the front yard.

    I think having extra pinecones and baubles always helps when you need a little festivity here and there. I like that you have color and Christmas cheer without it taking over the room. I'm still learning, and yep, this year I actually have just a fraction of empty bins compared to full!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    Jane x

  12. I continue to just love your blog. And your photo bombers!!!! Your blog posts are a little mental vacation for me. Have a wonderful Christmas, a Happy New Year, and I look forward to "seeing you" in future blog posts.

  13. My dear friend
    A very Merry Christmas to you and all your family , and the two sweetie dogs. I do hope you will all have a most wonderful festive season, and enjoy being together at this special time of year.Your house looks beautiful and jolly.
    It is we who thank you, Katie my darling for all your warm wit and fabulous humour, all the days I read your blog I smile and feel happy. You are a lovely person and mean so much to us all.
    Thank you, and I hope you will have a very happy 2018. Your dad is amazing, and you will look forward so much to his birthday. Over here across the pond, there's a wedding :)
    All my love to you at Christmas
    Sally xxx

  14. I love the minimalist chic look, and you'll be able to leisurely enjoy that look long into January. I went a little crazy on the tiny string lights this year, and practically have a tub of batteries to recycle now that we're down to the finish line. I wish I could let go the guilt of all the [full] tubs staying in the basement. I know one thing, I'm ready to take all mine down, and get back to quiet and calm. I can only take the more is more look for so long.
    Merry, Merry Christmas to you, dear one, and to your family. Enjoy your time together, and may 2019 be bright.

  15. You and your impeccable taste make my heart sing! So much to love, the sunroom is magazine cover caliber as are the pups! They are just too precious! Heck, I believe your entire home and the love in it is magazine cover fabulous! Merry Christmas to you and yours beautiful!

  16. Oh Katie..how beautiful, how elegant and how merry! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  17. UNTIL 2018!
    I ADORE YOU AND YOUR DECORATING SKILLS........I forgot to open the rest of my decorating boxes this YEAR!Tree is up and thats about it!!!!!!!!
    HO HO HO............

  18. so pretty! Your dogs make me laugh everytime - I believe they are as full of personality as you are!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  19. Your home is quintessential Christmas in New England with understated festive elegance. You can't go wrong with pops of red. Enjoy every minute with your girls - and fingers crossed for nothing more than a dusting of snow. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  20. Wow - your home is so lovely! Decorations are fabulous! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year's with your sweet family!

  21. Absolutely beautiful. Love you pups!! I love your kitchen too. Merry Christmas!

  22. Merry Christmas Katie, your home looks just perfect and those pooch faces get me every time, so cute and funny!! Enjoy every moment~

  23. Dear Katie, I feel tha same way about pine cones but then again great minds do think alike ;). Chowder & Chili are just too adorable! Your home looks just lovely & I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family. I am glad Miss Kate was able to travel; I hope she has a grand time. Merry Christmas....until next year. xoxo

  24. Merry Christmas and Happy New New Year. I am so happy that I got to meet you and the Mister in person this year. Enjoy your holidays!

  25. Merry Christmas my friend....I'm still laughing at your persnickety mate...Mr. LBD is the same guy! -Laurel

  26. Minimalist chic, I love it. Mine was definitely minimalist this year, not so sure it was very chic, but......... Love all your decor, just beautiful. And, I'm not a dog person but Chili and Chowdah are just so stinkin' cute! Merriest of Christmases and see you next year!

  27. Your home looks beautiful. The fur babies are. Joy to see. We have covers on our sectional, so the two little doggies can sit there with us. Love the small wreaths in the windows. I do love red. Everything looks so fun and festive. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Thank you for your caring thoughts. Xo

  28. Hi Katie, I enjoy your posts so much! I look forward to every one! It might sound strange, but I feel like we're friends in some way! I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and good health and peace for the new year! From Annemarie

  29. Elegant and festive! The blue ad white and the tiny wreaths are my favorite. Merry Christmas to you!

  30. Katie,I pop in often to read, smile & covet all of your fun posts. Your sense of humor is such a bright spot & your husband's culinary skills are amazing! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year & thank you for a delightful blog that I so enjoy.

    1. Thank YOU for your delightful comment! Merry Christmas and have a very Happy, healthy new year!!

  31. It is absolutely lovely, Katie. I think you did a really fine job and you have just enough to be festive without overdoing it. I didn't do nearly as much this year either--some stuff is in storage---and some stuff is in bins in the basement....laziness or selectiveness....you pick!

    Merry Merry Christmas, Katie. xo Diana

  32. Have a very merry Christmas with your loved ones, may the holidays filled with joy and happiness! Thank you for your great entertainment all over the years! I enjoyed it very much and looking forward to 2018. I am wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year.
    Blessings to you

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment today and all the comments that you have left in past over the years. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

  33. Hi Ellen! Hope you are having a great Christmas and happy healthy new year.

  34. Your minimalism has maximum impact! I love every bit (especially your year round wreaths and your most decorative dogs!) I rotate things too -- your house is way bigger than mine and I couldn't put up more if I tried! And I do. Love the kitchen and also your gorgeous window boxes. Good luck with the balls! Oh, so pretty! I hope your Christmas was absolutely spectacular! Merry, Merry!

  35. Katie, your house always makes me swoon! It's so classically beautiful. I love your red, I love your buffalo checks, I love your boxwood wreaths!

    Chili and Chowda are a hoot too. :)

  36. Katie, your house is so pretty! And of course I love seeing your fur babies in the photos. :D
    I hope you're having a Very Merry Christmas!

    Ricki Jill

  37. Aw, Katie, I always love reading your posts. And this one is beautiful! Of course I love the ones with Chili and Chowder in them. You've got everything decorated so beautifully!! Happy Third Day of Christmas to you and yours! xo

  38. This is my first visit and I love your fur babies and boxwood wreaths! I would have left them up as well because they are just too pretty to take down. A little green in a room is good! Lovely post and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

  39. Your home looks so festive. I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas.

  40. I hope you had a VERY Merry Christmas and have a wonderful New Year! I have been SO delinquent in checking in on blogs lately...today, I actually had a few free minutes and am finally taking some time to catch up. Your home is beautiful all year round, but seems made for your lovely holiday decorations, especially Chow and Chili in their red bows! Cheers to 2018! xoxo

  41. Hi totally magazine worth. Just stunning and sure hope one of those pics of the dogs made its way to your Christmas card...too darling for words. Wishing you all great things for 2018, hope its a year filled with love, happiness and good health!

  42. Hope you had the Merriest of Christmases. Chili and Chowdah stole the show.

  43. Beautiful and elegant as usual. I went for the more is more look this year but I am definitely regretting now that I have to take it all down. Your pups are adorable. We lost our 12 year old Labradoddle this year and I miss him so much.


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