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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Holiday Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that I find you calm and relaxed.  If that is the case, you're either extremely organized or on meds.  Either way, good for you.

This is my second to last post before Christmas.  My final one will be a post on my holiday home tour.  I only have a few things to do before writing it like finding the tree in the basement, putting it up, decorating the house inside and out, writing a shopping list, buying presents, wrapping presents, buying some stuff for me, learning to bake, losing 20 lbs. and taking Chowdah and Chili's royal portrait.

Only kidding, the royal portrait is being taken by a professional.

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  Where have you found unexpected magic or delight this holiday season?

I don't get out much when the temps are below 40 degrees, so I can't tell you about a magical, heartwarming moment that I witnessed during the holiday season.

But I can tell you that I just finished a delightful, uplifting novel.  The Story of Arthur Truluv is a beautifully written, charming tale of two lovable misfits with a 60 year age difference who find each other and life suddenly becomes a lot more colorful and sweet for both of them.

I finished this book last week with a smile and a couple of tears.     

2.  What's your favorite type of holiday gathering?  Will you/ have you gathered in your favorite way this month?

No gathering is complete without these 4 rascals.
It will be a very Merry Christmas because both girls will be home.
Now if they don't break into a rip-roaring screaming match over a hairbrush like the old days, my holiday will be full of joy.

3.  Time has named 'The Silence Breakers' (women who came forward with stories of harassment) 'person of the year' for 2017.  Would you agree?  If not, who do you think deserves the title?

Yes, I think it was not only an interesting choice but also puts a face and voice to the end of an epidemic that has finally become unmasked.

I had a bet with the Mister that this guy was going to take the cover.  

Not to worry, I didn't lose my 5 bucks.  
The Mister's choice didn't win either.
He thinks James Bond should win every year.

4.  How did you spend your time this year?  
Are you happy about that? 

This is a bird's eye view of my typical day in 2017.

I get up around noon, splash some Bailey's in my cup of joe, and pray for something of interest to blog about.

Hours later, after my second nap, an idea finally comes to me.
I usually wear the same get-up every day and hope that the doorbell doesn't ring.

Later, I read my post with unbridled animation to my editors.  My hard work is met with deep sighs and disappointed expressions.

I then go back to the old drawing board and make some revisions and final edits.  I casually check the clock to see how many hours are left until cocktail hour, and most often than not, run into a technological difficulty. 

I then calmly call the Mister and tell him he needs to come home NOW because my dang computer is on the fritz again. 

When the Mister eventually arrives home, he usually pushes one button, looks at me with a blank stare, and solves the problem. 

*For those who don't read my blog regularly, this is not the Mister.
It is his body double.

I murmur an inaudible thank you and then quietly ask him what he's making for dinner.  

5.  Bid farewell to 2017 in ten words or less.

Any year that begins and ends with my family being happy, healthy, and safe is a good one.

I went over the ten-word limit, so I borrowed some words from a fellow Hodgepodger that didn't participate this week.

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

My #2 sent me this post on Instagram.

Hugo sounds like my kind of guy.

Until next time...

Would it kill these two to crack a smile?

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Your kids are all so cute! But I'll bet the furry ones were easier to raise. 😀 Have a wonderful Christmas. Now go put some clothes on or turn up the heat. Supposed to get really cold! xo from Wisconsin

  2. Wishing you a fabulous holiday with your family! PS: you look great in a purple bikini!

  3. I so enjoy your blog. You have a really great sense of humor that I love. I even read the funny one's to my hubs and he laughs too. Looking forward to more chuckles in 2018. Merry Christmas to you and your fam.

    1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Heather. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

  4. Katie, I went back and added Arthur Truluv to my top ten for this year. I just finished it on Sunday and I LOVED it. Elizabeth Berg is one of my favorite authors. And Vickie Lawrence as Mama is one of my favorite tv characters of all time. She is a hoot!! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed 2018. Roll Tide!!

  5. Your humor makes me giggle and snort, love it and thank you. As for Time magazine, hmm, my opinion probably won't be met with much affection but here goes....who reads actually reads Time anymore? The writing is shoddy, the articles completely predictable so it's not worth the time to turn the pages of the razor thin rag. My question is why now for all these women and their stories. Some stories were genuinely horrible, others were just plain silly. With the number of powerful women in Hollywood who are in control of their own fortunes why didn't they band together to combat this, or to start their own studio? I can't fathom that Meryl Streep, Jane Fonda, Angelina Jolie etc could not find the where with all to make things happen. Women keep saying how strong they are......really? Prior to this scandal we heard nonstop complaints that the roles just weren't there for older actresses. Waiting for men to solve their problems....how did that work out?

    As I said, this isn't a popular stance but that's my take on this pervalanche phenomenon. And I say this as someone whose career was spent in a alpha male dominated industry.

    Anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone! Peace.

  6. I’ve added the book to my list. Thanks for mentioning it. Enjoy your Christmas and daughters in the house!

  7. As always, I enjoyed your post! I love your sense of humor :)
    I hope your and yours have a very Merry Christmas!
    Kathy (Reflections)

  8. Glad you are keeping humor alive! Happy Hodgepodge to you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  9. Katie,

    Well, your post tickled me pink (my favorite color) as usual. I think your husband is right, James Bond, should win "Person of the Year" every year. Or, the likes John McClane (Die Hard), Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh (Lethal Weapon), Dirty Harry (this one needs no explanation), ... as these characters are winners in my book! It's been such a joy to discover you this year in Blogosphere. I look forward to getting better acquainted with you in the coming new year. Have a very Merry Christmas and God bless!

  10. I set my Holiday Tour for December 24th. Looking forward to seeing yours! The book sounds interesting. Glad your girls will be home, have a wonderful time. Enjoyed your answer for #4. Merry Christmas!

  11. Wishing you a very merry Christmas, Katie, and more than that, a new year filled with good health and immeasurable joy. All my best, Cathy in NJ

  12. Aw, Sis. That's a lovely, lovely photo of the fam. My dad was a bow tie guy. Wishing you all the very best this Christmas and may your wine glass always be full and the house cosy and warm. B sends his love.

  13. Love your blog! Thank you for making me smile this year!!

  14. Maybe RM will get it next year.
    Poor guy.

  15. You've got me laughing again. I can relate to the last pic about staying fat...ha, ha. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your girls!

  16. I know you are excited for the girls to be home. I have been seeing all the posts about kids coming home for college break and feeling sad. Those were such fun times when you could really do some pampering after the long semester. Enjoy Katie!

  17. I would have bet on Mueller too but it was a fine choice. So glad your family is all together for the holiday. I know yours will be very merry indeed!

  18. Thanks for the chuckles! I always enjoy and respect your book reviews! Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  19. Loved your post, but the two dogs staring blankly into the camera takes the cake. Have a great day.

  20. Katie, your blog is one of my favorites. You make me laugh everyone I read one of your posts.
    One more book to add to my list.
    Your girls are beautiful and I hope you all have a great visit. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. Merry Christmas to you Melissa. I always appreciate your kind words.

  21. Katie, I always enjoy your book recommendations. It will be wonderful to have all of your family together for Christmas. Heartfelt Merry Christmas wishes to you and yours...Maxine

    1. Merry Christmas to you Maxine! And I wish you a very happy, healthy New Year!

  22. I needed this tonight-after finishing up my next-to-last project before Christmas. I hope your family has a wonderful Christmas with no "hairbrush episodes"...I have seen those twice now---my own girls and now with grandgirls. It's a little easier the 2nd time around...they can go home scarred and it is NOT my fault.

    Can't wait to see your home tour. xo Diana

  23. Your mind and mine keep each other company in the gutter! How I love you.

    You never lead me wrong with a book, going to have a look at this on Amazon.

    So much else, Katie, I just can't...you are one of a kind. And you nailed your 2017 farewell, I wish for all the same.

    Happy Holidays to you and your family!

    Jane x

  24. Too bad we live so far apart. I think we would be great friends. If you are ever in Austin, TX, come for dinner....... if the Mister can cook it for us!
    Thanks for a great 2017, even if you did take a big chunk of it off from blogging.

  25. You keep the Merry in Christmas! Have a joyous time with your loved ones this Christmas. My house will be crazy on Sunday - 26 adults, 6 under 6. I'm already looking forward to a day in jammies following. Merry Christmas!

  26. I vote for James Bond too! Merry Christmas and a beautiful 2018 to you and those you love!

  27. Thank you for another year of enjoyable posts. Your sense of humor, adventures, topics, family and photos make it my favorite blog.
    Merry Christmas and all the best to the Clooney family in 2018.

  28. Agree about the book Arthur Truluv...it is heartwarming. We all need an Arthur. Chowder looks fab in specs and it's ok with me if any of the Bond's are always the man of the year. I like consistency.

  29. I know your Christmas will be merry and bright with the girls home. Eager to see your house tour. I'm working on a post, but who knows if it will get finished. 😏
    I called the Westin Downtown about the gingerbread house. I'm taking my nieces and grand nieces to dine within. The littles are most excited, and I think my nieces are too. Hope to get some photos to share. Merry, Merry to you and the mister and your beautiful girls. Chow and Chili will obviously have a merry time with the girls home. ❤️

  30. I always leave hear with a huge grin on my face, thank you for making me laugh on good and bad days! I hope that you have a wonderful and Merry Christmas with your family.

  31. Lovely post. Your cute dogs crack me up, especially the smile comment. I hope your Christmas is lovely time and many memories. Much love, Linda

  32. Your blog is the gift that keeps on giving. Giving us, your readers, a smile and a giggle every time you write. Wishing you and your adorable family (Jonathan too!) a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, and prosperous New Year!

  33. Any man that can cook like your Mister has James Bond beat hands down! I know you're beyond excited about your girls coming home...as for wrapping, I throw everything in a cute bag and go pop the wine! Merry Christmas Katie!

  34. Merry Christmas! You always make me laugh, your writing should appear in a book, or a magazine at the very least.

  35. Hi Katie, your girls and puppydogs are so beautiful and I can imagine it is logs of fun when they're all home together. How you spend your day really made me smile - thank you.


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