Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A Trendy Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  I never thought that I would consider 41 degrees warm, but yesterday I did and it felt like Springtime.  This weekend may even hit the 50's.  It's supposed to rain but who cares as long as all the sloppy snow gets washed away.  

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1. January is National Mentoring Month. Have you ever had a mentor? Been a mentor? How would you rate the experience?

I have tried to mentor the Mister but he was not a willing subject.

I have also attempted to share my expertise with these two characters, as well.

Unfortunately, another no-go.

2. What current trend makes no sense to you?

My girls love them.
I don't get it.

3. I saw a cartoon on Facebook highlighting a few 'weird' things that make you happy as an adult. The list included-writing with a nice pen, having plans canceled, freshly cleaned sheets, eating the corner brownie, cleaning the dryer lint screen, and sipping coffee in that brief time before anyone else wakes up. (Credit for the cartoon goes here) Of the 'weird' things listed which one makes you happiest? What is one more 'weird' thing you'd add to the list?

It's a three-way tie.

For years I have referred to Mondays as Holy Sheet Day otherwise known to the Mister as the happiest day of the week.

When the girls were old enough to do their own laundry including sheets, Holy Sheet Day gave them one more reason to hate Mondays. 

I also appreciate a smooth writing pen.  
I have been known to accidentally throw one or seven in my purse at various doctor's offices.

And the thought of scoring a brownie end piece makes my eyes water with delight.   Btw... yummy recipe can be found here.

4. What's the last good thing you ate?

The Mister made delicious sliders over the weekend.
Fortunately for me, I had forgotten about my new 2018 diet. 

5. Describe life in your 20's in one sentence.

I didn't nab meet the Mister until I was 31.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

The minute I experience the slightest ache or pain, I google my symptoms and then call my lawyer and begin to get my affairs in order.  I am officially a self-professed cyberchondriac.  This article tells us what doctors think of my condition. 

Stay healthy.

Until next time...


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. LOL- I wonder if that Clean Sheets On Monday is a hold-over from childhood when most people did their washing on Mondays? I do the same thing and, once in a while if I am feeling slightly sinful, I will change them mid-week, too. I love fresh crisp linens! sigh...

    Another fun post from you, Katie. Hope you have a great day. We are up in the 30° range here today-feels like pre-summer. Fear not- back to the single digits this weekend. xo Diana

  2. I would agree with you on the three weird items you chose; those are wonderful choices. I would add the first sip of coffee, but I am never the first awake. I am slightly feeling my age as there are many trends that make me go hmmm.

  3. It was Holy Sheet day at my house yesterday! I even washed all the bedding in the guest room as I am doing my room by room clean and purge. Clean Sheets are truly one of the things in my life that makes me so happy. Being an old nurse, I am always sure I am tottering on my last leg. I try not to google as I can come up with worse scenarios in my own tiny brain. Enjoy the warm weather...in the 60s here this week. I am doing a happy dance.

  4. I had a laugh at your Holy Sheet day..it's Sunday at my house. Since I was always working Sunday seemed the best day to get that chore done. When we added on to the back of our house I lost my pulley clothesline on which I hung my sheets. How I miss getting into that fresh smell every Sunday. The trend I don't get is those patterned tights that girls around here are wearing instead of jeans. They are cute with a short skirt but when the butt is showing..not so much. By the way.. those sliders look delicious. Bravo to a hubby who cooks.

  5. OK, what's the story with the white shirt ladies? Clearly I'm not in the know.

    Yes to #3!! I love it when I have my coffee in peace.

    Holy Sheet Day is a favorite of mine too. Give me all the Downy smells.

  6. I imagine your daughters are fascinated with the Kardashians for the same reason we are fascinated with the housewives - except the Kardashians all seem to have jobs with sky high incomes, companies, TV shows, stores, products, labels, huge homes, fancy cars, expensive wardrobes and apparently one hellova good momager/manager! lol

  7. I'm with you, I do not understand anyone's fascination with that family. I think they are everything that is wrong with the world. And I have heard they are just not very nice people. They are known to buy high end clothing, wear it on the show (hiding the tags) and then return it. It's disgusting.

  8. I keep thinking the big K family will fade into oblivion but they just keep on truckin'. I've never been a fan and still do not get the appeal. We got into the 60's yesterday and it was glorious! Enjoy your week!

  9. I love how you tried to mentor your husband. It must have been great fun. For you. LOL

  10. Clean Sheet Day is on Tuesday here because that's when Sylvia comes. On occasion I'll change them out with fresh clean sheets for the weekend. Love sleeping on fresh, clean sheets! I also have to have a good pen, one that writes smoothly, not scratchy! As for the brownie preference, we bought a brownie pan that makes individual brownies so everyone can have the crusty edges. Do you have one of these pans? Also good for making bite size rolls.
    Enjoy the warmth!

  11. Don’t get the fascination with the K. family, either.
    I try to do sheets on the weekend so my boys can help with their beds but more times than not I end up doing it by myself. When did your girls become responsible for their laundry?

    1. I actually remember the day. It was when I discovered that they threw clean, folded clothes into the dirty laundry bin because they were too lazy to put it away. A momentous occasion. Enjoy your week, Melissa.

  12. Those sliders look great. It's nearly 11. It wouldn't kill me to have breakfast.

    It's also national organizing month. I'm doing about as well as that as mentoring.

  13. Katie,

    I'm with you on never thinking the 40s would feel warm but after last week, oh good heavens am I glad to finally see this morning's low at 41º. It's actually supposed to quite spring-like here today and tomorrow before it cools off again this weekend but just as long as we stay well above the single digits and 20s (lows), then I'm okay. Hopefully, we're over the worse part of winter. Generally, we have mild conditions but things do get shaken up in our area sometimes. Mmm, the sliders do look tasty. The Kardashians' I'll never understand or get the appeal. I have no person investment in this family so why do I care? To answer that, I don't and am happy about it, too. :) There's enough drama in my life without borrowing from another family. Bask in the balmy 40s and 50s while you can before Mother Nature gets a setback. Thanks for visiting. Have a good week!

  14. I love clean sheets as well. I am also the biggest hypochondriac. I can't even watch doctor TV shows and I spend way too much time looking up symptoms online. Have a great (and healthy) week!

  15. I am obsessed with pens and clean sheets. I’d say you mentor those angels of yours pretty good (the pups), well, the girls too! ;-)

  16. Hello my dear Katie
    I'm laughing as ever across the pond for hodgepodge. And wish I had also 'nabbed' someone in my 20s as now in my 50s :) but seriously although a small diversion from the subject I actually give thanks for having the best time in the 80s. I could go back to those shoulder pads, disco music and sequins in a heartbeat.
    Today is a special day for me, and it was so wonderful of you to get in touch. Thank you again my dear,
    With fondest love
    Sally xxxx

  17. I was 31 when I met my Mister too. Sometimes the best things are worth waiting for! :)

  18. Thank you so much for making me laugh today :) I always enjoy reading your answers, and your dogs are so cute!
    I usually wash our sheets on Tuesday, after I get caught up with the other weekend laundry. I like the term "Holy Sheet Day." Ha
    I'm glad your weather is warming up a bit, too. It almost feels like summer after last week!!!
    Kathy (Reflections)

  19. With you on the white shirt girls, Sis. Of course. And yes, met my hubs when I was 31, too. Of course. Please know you've got me delaying my writing (like that's difficult) by inciting me to hurl my sheets in the wash. I know it's not Monday but the sun is out for the first time in weeks and I'll do anything to avoid cleaning the windows ...

  20. Such a funny post. I so enjoyed the giggles. I wash my sheets on Saturday.

  21. I love your posts....I can always count on them for comic relief, especially if my day has been mildly suckish.

  22. You crack me up! I love this post and the pictures are the best!

  23. You need to be a stand up comedian for sure! I chuckle out loud every time I stop by. Of course, laughter is the best medicine, so you are contributing to my staying healthy. Have a great rest of the week funny lady!

  24. Your posts do give me the giggles most of the time! Love your sense of humor!!

  25. Oh I so enjoyed reading your answers...love your sense of humor! I love the pic of the dog in your header and the other two are darling as well. I so agree about the Kardashians and I remember getting pretty excited about writing with a great fountain pen! Can you still buy those??

  26. I love clean sheet day. I keep waiting for someone to come change them for me.

  27. I think we're the same person, living on different coasts. What is the fascination with the Kardashians? They're pretty, I guess, but other than that? Hope you're having a great week!

  28. Good idea to "decorate" the answers with pictures ! I also love Brownies !!

  29. At some point you made your kids wash their own laundry and sheets?! I didn't know that I could do that - darn.
    I do enjoy cleaning my dryer's lint filter - I have two gadgets to assist in the lint removal (one attaches to my vacuum).
    My sister was a cyberchondriac until her internist called her and requested that she never Google her symptoms again - or she would need to find another doctor (yikes).

    1. Yikes is right. I hope your sister's doc doesn't talk to my doc! Stay warm, Paige and have a good one.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. LOVE clean sheets...love them even more when Hubster is the one who takes the initiative to change the sheets, it's almost like winning the lottery only with the same amount of money in our bank accounts. Also, while you may not consider yourself my mentor in the blog world, you were the inspiration, now I just need a kick in the butt to get writing again...what are your butt kickin' skills? Have a great day.

  32. Clean sheets definitely. But I love a good pen too.

  33. That 15 seconds when all the laundry is finished, dried, and put away is pretty blissful, don't you think? I love clean sheets too, and an empty dishwasher. Sigh, Simple pleasures. Have a great day!

  34. Hi Katie, I know we are supposed to appreciate the little things, but cleaning the lint screen?? Really, somebody needs to get out in the world and live!! On the other hand, I do get an extraordinary amount of pleasure from having a clean pillowcase everyday so I would have to add that to my weird list. Yum, those sliders look like they were worth crossing one resolution off the list. Linda

  35. I have apparently succumbed to the Epizooti that is going around, a/k/a a nasty chest cold. So -- I am being self-indulgent, reading all kinds of useless stuff on my computer. Then I got to this: I feel better already! I saved your thing about kissing a lot of frogs: one of my favorite lines! I didn't meet Mr. Right till I was 42!!! Believe me there were quite a few dreadful frogs before! Don't give up on your mentoring of the Mister. I regard it as a worthwhile challenge, and having said this and being sick and all, I sent him to the grocery store about an hour ago. Another hour, he should make it home. He likes to engage every employee in the store to find the items on my list, although I have described explicitly where to find everything, and in some cases added diagrams and footnotes. Enjoy the respite from the snow -- it will probably return...

  36. LOL, great post. Those sliders look so delicious and look like what I enjoyed at Bar 65! Oh don't even mention the K family to me because your daughters will not like me when I tell you what I think about them. Oh yes, love Mondays for changing bedding, and it's even better when my mister does it. When I'm full of house cleaning energy sheets get a changing again later in the week. I get up early so I have my "coffee time" before conversations begin..............Have a wonderful weekend.

  37. Yes! The pens! There's just something about a smooth-writing, beautiful pen! Some co-workers and I were talking about all the people we work with who have been sick. By the time we finished I had a headache and was congested. (Not really but it felt like it!) :)

  38. Glad to hear you're having a warm up! I do sheets on Tuesday to make Mondays not so hard :) My favorite weird thing is plans cancelled, to me it's like a whole chunk of free time opened up!

    YES, they are pretty...........BUT THATS IT!

  40. I love your pups so much! They are soo photogenic!

  41. Katie, I have yet to understand the fascination with the family in white. I mean what is their talent? My holy sheet day is Friday when I wash the sheets in “diva” by Glamour Wash. Depending on the plans, I must admit I am relieved when they are cancelled!

  42. Thank you for brightening my day.

  43. Katie, thanks so much for sharing the sliders! I'm thrilled that your Mister made them, and that you enjoyed them! <3


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