Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A Lazy Crazy Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  The above picture says it all when it comes to how I am feeling this morning.  It is snowing like crazy outside as I type this dressed to the nines in my PJs.  At some point, I will have to talk myself into standing up and walking over to the coffee machine to refill my cup.

That'll be my cardio for the day.

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1. What keeps you blogging?

Besides the seven-figure income?

I would have to say that the wonderful ladies that I have met along the way inspire me to keep blogging.

2. Some people like to travel in the winter months. Do you enjoy the beach in winter? According to Southern Living the best U.S. beach towns to visit this winter are-

St Simons Island (Georgia), Hilton Head (South Carolina), Bald Head Island (North Carolina), Seaside (Florida), Bay St. Louis (Mississippi), Cape San Blas (Florida), South Padre Island (Texas), Folly Beach (South Carolina), Chincoteague (Virginia), Duck Key (Florida), Nags Head (North Carolina), and Fairhope (Alabama)

Have you been to any of the towns listed (in any season)? Which on the list appeals to you most this winter?

I have not been to any of those towns mentioned.  My first choice would be Fairhope because then I could meet one of my favorite bloggers, Leslie Anne and take in all the sights in the beautiful town of Fairhope.


3. What's a song you're embarrassed to know all the lyrics to? 

Years ago, my girls would always blast the song "Don't You Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me" whenever it would come on the radio, and I would sing right along.  My crazy girls surprised me by installing that catchy tune on my phone as my ringtone.

Are you really embarrassed or do just think you should be?

Knowing the words to the song was not the embarrassing part.  That part came along when my Doctor was knee-deep into my annual exam, and my phone rang.  And rang.  And rang.

I don't know who was more embarrassed... the Doctor or me.

4. When you were a kid what's something you thought would be fantastic as an adult, but now that you're an adult you realize it's not all that fantastic?


5. Share a quote you hope will inspire you in 2018.

It's better than last year's quote....

6. Insert your own random thought here.

If you think that I watch TV 24 hours a day, you are pretty close to correct.  Just goes to show you that everyone's an expert at something.   

If you appreciate breathtaking cinematography of the English countryside, mouthwatering food, and enjoy an intriguing storyline, Delicious should be on your menu.  It is on Acorn and is only four episodes long.  Perfect for the commitment-phobe. 

You can find a taste of my new favorite show du jour here.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Your phone going off in the middle of your exam: PRICELESS!!! You can't make that up!
    Great quotes...love British shows, but I don't have Acorn.
    That last picture about the blinker: that is ME!!! It's said that people around here don't use their blinker because they don't want people knowing their business. :)

  2. I need to find Delicious! What a cast! And cooking! Oh, biggest sigh...I haven't been to any of those beaches and it's so cold today (what happened to positive digits?) that I'd take any single one. Well, the warm ones.

  3. The ringtone is hilarious.
    I would most definitely agree about driving. When I was a little girl, I loved to sit in the car and pretend I was driving. Now, I would love a driver for everything.
    As for the beaches, we are even cold here at the beach this morning. Ice is on my deck. Yuk!
    Have a great day, Katie. Glad you blog.

  4. I hope you keep blogging for a LONG time Katie. I so enjoy your posts and they start my day with a smile. I want to watch Delicious because the wonderful Dawn French is one of the stars. I loved her in Vicar of Dibley.

  5. Katie, this is too funny...I was reading your Hodgepodge when I saw a notification that you just commented! Let me say how much you would love Fairhope. I always enjoy visiting and isn’t Leslie Anne amazing? Stay warm and cozy. Our wind chill is in the negative in Alabama!!!

  6. Lazy and Crazy is my favorite way to be! Ha ha, love that song but adore your memes even more! And you the most! XO

  7. Love the ringtone! Too Funny! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Always a fun read! And I'm pretty sure the person on the front of the Herb Alpert album was no lady. :-)

  9. Her book is on my to-read list and I'm looking forward to it. Just started The Last Mrs. Parrish which has gotten a lot of buzz. So far I don't like anybody in it, but I'll give it a chance. It's along the lines of a Gone Girl type tension so hoping the storyline picks up. It snowed here, but just enough to be pretty and make everyone feel like being lazy is acceptable : ) We all need a snow day now and then. Happy Wednesday!

  10. Love the phone ring story. Haha and your quote is perfect and I think I may choose to live by that this year too. Have a great day!

  11. Always a hoot to visit you. Your visuals for question #1 are spot on and such a plus in blogging. Laughed through all your answers. happy day to you...

  12. You win the prize for the best answer to #3! Ha Ha As always, I love your visuals, too.
    Kathy (Reflections)

  13. Oh, my gosh, Joyce should give a price for the most entertaining HP. You would win HANDS DOWN!!! The ringtone and the Dr. - hilarious!

  14. Hahahaha! Always a treat visiting your blog! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  15. I'm sold....I think I'll binge watch delicious while we're iced in....I sure hope we can get off this mountain tomorrow!

  16. I am shouting for Hubby to come read this for his laugh of the day. Actually, that's not true. The first one(s) were of me trying to do some sofa exercises a while ago. But, your post will be the 1st at NOT my expense. Have a great weekend, my friend.

  17. Wow, you sure have met a lot of blog friends! I have only met one!
    Enjoy your week!

  18. Ha! I love it. The show looks wonderful!

  19. Katie girl...I cannot write....I am crying-laughing.....you are a hoot my darling!

  20. Katie, you crack me up! I love your sense of humor....FUN hodgepodge answers!

  21. Interesting Hodgepodge today. Your life never has a dull moment, Katie!

  22. Oh my stars, I am still laughing over the tale of your annual exam. Talk about an awkward moment! Oh, and I love that quote....if only.

  23. I’m headed to Hilton Head for three weeks in March! Come meet me for lunch! The Don’t cha story had me laughing out loud!

  24. Oh, that annual exam would have been so embarrassing! I've got to check out Delicious...looks perfect for a winter day!

  25. Your ringtone story even made my hubby laugh when I read it to him. Thanks for the giggles! Loved reading your answers! We love Acorn TV and will look for Delicious!

  26. We are soul sisters. Maybe I'm giggling at your answers. Maybe I'm giggling at myself!!

    Thanks always for putting as smile on my face!


  27. I needed a laugh today and this post was perfect!

  28. Based on your recommendation, I just binge watched “Delicious,” the best film I’ve seen in forever. I’m hooked and anticipating the next season. Thank you for your suggestion. I love your blog..

    1. Linda... I'm glad you liked it. We finished it last night and now I am depressed. Have a wonderful week!!!

  29. I can't stop laughing, your ringing phone story is priceless! It was great meeting you in NYC. Hope you do get down south you would love Fairhope and of course Leslie Anne. Love the pic at the end, that's the husband!

  30. Yes please come to Fairhope!! Not this week though if you want warm weather!! I have been to most of those beach towns and they are just about all frozen right now...I wish you Northerners would keep the cold air up there!! I hope I can find Delicious, it sounds great. I hope you can stay warm and cozy!!

  31. I prefer female doctors especially in this region, the phone wouldn't bother me, lol How do you make money with your blog nowadays ? When I started in 2006 I had quite a lot of customers who paid for a link, today nothing !

  32. Yes, yes, yes! Please come down to Fairhope! We're colder than ever right now, but by spring, we should be thawed out and I'd love to have you here!


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