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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Valentine Gifts for the Guy Who Loves To Cook

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.  This post is second in a series of suggestions for Valentine gifts.  If you missed the first one, you could find it here.

I would like to introduce our guest writer, otherwise known as The Mister.  Due to my lack of knowledge of anything having to do with cooking or the kitchen, I consulted our at-home expert who somewhat willingly agreed to come up with Valentine gift ideas for the man who loves to cook.

Take it away Mister!


For the guy who uses every pot and pan in the kitchen.



How about a couple of books to inspire the buff man in your life?
Even if he's not, he'll appreciate the compliment. 

My go-to gadget for slicing and julienne.  
It's easy to use and to clean.
Btw... my wife still thinks a mandoline is a musical instrument.

We have at least a dozen cutting boards, but these are the only ones that we use because they are dishwasher safe and we're too lazy to wash them.

Our #1 gave me a Sous Vide for Christmas.  
We've had some great dinners thanks to my new toy.

These offer a little help along the way. 

What guy wouldn't love a new grill set?
Especially since the case looks like one that James Bond would carry.

And how about a little something to keep that grill sparkling clean?
This one works wonders.

The Mrs. asked me if I wanted one of these for Christmas.  I told her no, but since then everyone has raved about the wonders of the Instant Pot.  This is my way of telling her that I changed my mind.

If your man needs a little inspiration to get that pot cooking.

For the guy such as myself that considers hot dogs a food group.

For the guy who takes his shakes very seriously.

Hands down - the best omelet pan I've ever had.
Just used it this morning.

The Salt Experiment was a Christmas gift from # 2.  Great assortment and makes me feel like a scientist.


How about a utensil for the man who considers dunking his cookies an art form?


Does your guy complain family members (in my case, the Mrs.) steal his stash of ice cream?  Why not surprise him with a case of B&J's and a combination lock?


Our # 2 added this air fryer to her kitchen and sings its praises.


This is for the guy who can check how the roast is cooking while he's catching up on his emails.


Drum roll, please....the number one most used gadget in the Clooney Kitchen.  The Mrs. loves her spritzers.

Everybody needs a little confidence booster!


And last but not least, if you want him to get you a really great Valentine gift, throw out the coffee maker and replace it with one of these.  

Thanks, Mister, great ideas.
Just don't quit your day job.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Thanks for the great suggestions!

  2. Such great kitchen items! I put the mandolin in my Amazon cart.
    I was given an Instant Pot as a gift. This pressure cooker is great for people who cook a lot.
    The grill brush is so much SAFER than the old-school kind that has metal bristles that can fall off, get in food and cause internal damage.

  3. I've got to get on the stick with Rick's gift. I wish Valentine's day was in May!

  4. What a fun post!!! I have to say those mandolins scare me to death with kids in the house! I would love an Instant Pot, too. I hear they are just great.

    It's fun to see a post from the mister, Katie! xo Diana

  5. We love our Soda Stream! And on New Year's Eve, it was so rainy and cold here, we decided to stay in, and my husband volunteered to cook dinner - for the first time in, EVER! He did a great job, so I'm encouraged to keep him motivated. These books and gadgets are perfect. The only problem was, he was so excited to be cooking, I had to sit and watch him. "That's great, darling." "Good job!" "I'm so proud of you!" . . . And he gave me an Instant Pot. You can have it.

  6. That ice cream lock is hilarious! I would love to know more about the sous vide, is the food really as good as I'm hearing?

  7. Ha! If only I had one of those guys who loves working in the kitchen! Some great ideas here, though, for 'him' or 'her'!

  8. Great ideas! Locks on the ice cream.....lol!

  9. What great ideas! Unfortunately, I am the one who needs the ice cream lock!

  10. Thanks to the Mister! Excellent ideas! I’m terrified of a mandolin - I thought it was a musical instrument too - but this one looks like it has protection. Ice cream lock is clever, but my Mister would set and then forget the combination. :-( Happy Monday!

  11. Maybe Mr. Nine will get excited about all these nifty gadgets and cook me up some grub! ;-)

  12. So many great ideas! I did get an instant pot but I have yet to use it because I am a little intimidated by it. I have to pick a few things from this list for my husband because he loves to cook and grill.

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  14. So glad to see he’s a fan of sous vide! I’m always complaining that if just hasn’t caught on!

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  16. It’s no secret that a man’s ego has a powerful pull on him.

    In fact this hardwired need to impress and to WIN is so deeply embedded into the male mind...

    That nearly everything a man truly desires is based around this biological “drive” to prove, succeed and to win.

    It’s why so many men become workaholics, gym junkies or become obsessed with their hobbies.

    But what most women don’t know...

    ...is how deeply this “drive” is connected to his love, desire, and attraction for the woman in his life.

    And I’m about to show you how you can “tap into” a man’s ege to refocus that same drive and gut level obsession...

    ...on pleasing you, romancing you, and proving his love for you like you’re his sole purpose in life.

    Here’s how: ==> The “Go Ahead” Signal That Makes Him Obsessed With Winning Your Love

    Mr Gix


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