Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, February 2, 2018

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  For some reason, this seemed like an awfully long week.  It probably would have helped if I got something accomplished.  Why can't January, February, and March fly by as quickly as June, July, and August?

Bitter temps are predicted for this weekend.  The Mister and I are headed to the movie theater to see Phantom Thread.  Has anyone seen it? It was a hard sell to the Mister but I promised him an extra large popcorn and his choice of a war movie next weekend so he is on board.

Both tours today come to us from the Live Free or Die state, New Hampshire.  And just in case you are in the market, they both are for sale.

This beauty is located on Lake Sunapee.

Welcome to Green Gables which was built by Marshall Field.  It was built in 1906 as a wedding present for his sister. 
Nice brother!

To see more of this gorgeous house, click here.

Need some blue and white inspiration?
You can find it right here.

Is a bathroom renovation on your to-do list for 2018?
You can find plenty of inspiration here.

How about some healthy snacking ideas for the Superbowl?
They're right here.

Here's a recipe for a 3-ingredient chocolate mousse.
No calories!
OK, I may have made that part up.

If you have a senior in college who is beginning their job search, here's a list of the best jobs in America.

Here are some tips on when and how to start the job search.

And never fear, your assistant is here to help you with your search.
Here's how.
Not a bad idea for a graduation gift.

Have you ever fantasized about leaving it all behind and taking up residence in Italy?  If you have a dollar it could be possible.  
Find out the details here.

Are you thinking about taking a cruise this year?
Here's the lowdown on the most popular cruise lines.

If you committed to a cruise, here are some tips on what to pack.

Not only is next week a great week for football fans.  
It's also going to be doubly special for This Is Us fans.

Bad news.  This game day fanny pack is not for sale.
The good news is you can win one.

Kyle and the Mister have a lot in common.  For his entire life, the Mister believed that he was German on his father's side and Irish on his Mother's side.  His parents home is adorned with German beer steins and Hummel figurines.  And yes, when he was a child wore his lederhosen with pride.

Last Christmas, I bought the Mister a 23 and Me DNA Test.  
I think that you can pretty much guess what's coming.  

Here is the Mister's DNA makeup.  
As you can see, the Mister has more English in him than German.  

Is anybody in the market for some lederhosen or beer steins?

By the way, guess what the Mister ordered his little Irish lass of a supermodel trophy wife for Valentine's Day?  
Yup, a DNA kit.

Hope your team wins on Sunday!

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Well, I had lots of comments to make about things in your post until I got to the DNA part. I am chuckling as I type. If I made a mistake it is because you have cracked me up!!!

  2. Please review Phantom Thread, Katie. I have been wanting to see this one and have now resorted to recruiting a girlfriend to go with me. I have not done the DNA test because I know I am English, Irish and Scottish from doing my Genealogy research. But if I got the kit as a gift, I would do it!

  3. Loving the blue and white Coastal vibes and Green Gables....wow, wow, wow. Eeek sooo excited to find out your DNA heritage. Mr. “Nine” is indeed German but totally Irish From his mamas side! Saving the jobs list, I have a couple of lads that will need those. This is Us official Kleenex box ready, check! Football Snacks ready, check and wishing you darling lady a wonderful weekend, check! xo

  4. I am dying about the DNA results, how does the mister feel about high tea? My sister lives on Sunapee, I will have her do some searching for that house so we can pick in the windows when I next visit. Do review Phantom Thread for us please? It is on my list. Happy Weekend!

    annie g

  5. LOL about the DNA test--I think there are a lot of disappointed people out there when they get their results back...maybe we should all just bury our heads in the sand and pretend to be who we think we are? Just a thought! lol

    I have to go visit a couple of your links now. Have a great weekend- xo Diana

  6. Oh my gosh, that DNA test is just like the commercial! My son asked for 23 and Me for Christmas. He hasn't gotten the results yet. He ordered the version that gives all the medical information. I for one wouldn't want to know all of that but he does. We shall see.

    Now I'm off to look at one of those houses.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. I fear the Mister will not like Phantom Threads. It was weird! JB in Alexandria

    1. Mister... you better not have written this. JB.. if you’re really a person, I appreciate your review. I haven’t talked to anyone who has seen it and I may let the Mister off the hook!!

  8. I think I'd like Lake Sunapee and that wonderful home! Hoping to see Phantom Thread pretty soon -- I'll look forward to your review -- and the Mister's. And counting the days till I get my DNA analysis back. I hope it fits with what all I've dug out already!

  9. Dang. And I had the perfect line for the Mister when he wished to impress with a little German, Sis ... "Das ist die toiletten." Memorized it off of a sign in the salon where my daughter was getting gussied up for the afternoon wedding in the German countryside last summer. Right then. I shall brush up on my British. "Here's the loo" could be considered a potential option ...

  10. Yes, do review the movie as I've heard varying reviews. Love that room with the windows in the ceiling, not sure how you clean them, but they sure look good. My Dad and husband did their DNA and no big news so they weren't all that impressed. :o)) Happy super weekend!

  11. Saw Phantom Thread with a girlfriend last weekend. Really liked the fashion and storyline.
    Of course, Daniel Day Lewis was at his best; suspenseful with a touch of OCD behavior that was very interesting to observe since I married that type.
    Good for your to trade a war movie; hubby just said he would pay for my girlfriend to go with me after he saw previews.

    1. Gena... I know that OCD type very well!! Thanks for the review and have a great weekend!

  12. Those houses are amazing! I especially like the Green Gables one. That's funny about the DNA test. I'd be curious about myself. Always thought I was Scottish and German - who knows! -Jenn

  13. We did the DNA through Ancestry.com a few years ago and have had lots of fun with it. Those homes are just a little over the top for me... even if I won the lottery! Ha! Happy weekend!

  14. No matter the weather or whatever else is going on/wrong in my life, your blog posts always make me Laugh. Out. Loud. Thank you. (I don't normally do email thank you notes, but as this is a blog, certain formalities have to be loosened. I know you understand. :)

    1. I understand completely, Lisa. Thank you for your kind words. They made my day! Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Katie, the DNA test sounds so familiar! We have always been told that our great-great grandmother was Cherokee Native American. My brother and a cousin both did the DNA, not one smidgen of Cherokee was found. I am checking the blue and white link! Happy weekend!

  16. You and the Mister could do a TV commercial for the DNA kit! One of my cousins traced our family ancestry back to the Mayflower and beyond, and gave us all a big chart. Fascinating stuff, one of my distant ancestors was a witch in Salem MA! My husband loves to remind me of that... try to stay warm...

  17. Yes, I have a senior in college (and a high school senior too), but of course he knows far better than I on how to get a job. Can't tell the kid a thing. I love the rolled up cucumber ribbons for a snack. That's a great idea, but I'm not sure I can manage the rolling part. Back to the houses . . . clickity-click - there goes an hour!

  18. Another hysterical post! Can't wait for your DNA results. We had a scammer call us wanting my DNA. He claimed to be researching Queen Elizabeth's (the first one) descendants. Right.

  19. Love your house tours, green gables is awesome. Of course all the blue and white, I never get enough! I've sure had a good chuckle over the misters DNA results. Sorry, we have no need for lederhosen or steins unless they are Irish! Hmm, maybe I need to give my mister a DNA test kit too. Have a good week.


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