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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A Heartfelt Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Valentine's Day!  I am celebrating this fabulous holiday at the dentist's office.  Lucky me.  Hope that your day holds much more fun than mine.

You know the drill.
If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1. When's the last time you had a heart-to-heart talk with someone?


I had to have a heart-to-heart talk with Chowdah about giving his sister space and letting her sleep in the morning.

A change of heart? 

I always have a change of heart when I discipline Chow.  
Chili, on the other hand, is not as forgiving.

Guess what they're getting for Valentines's Day!

Experienced figurative 'heart failure?'

The only time that I experience heart failure is when I do something silly like step on the scale.

2. Champagne, chocolates, flowers...what's your Valentine pleasure? 

No competition there.

Any special plans for the day?

After the dentist?

3. Are you a hopeless romantic or do you fall more in the category of practical and pragmatic? 

What's a gesture you find romantic?

Something unexpected.

4. Do you ask a lot of questions in life or are you pretty content with what you already know?

I don't need to ask questions because I know everything.
Even the Mister thinks so.

5. Your favorite power ballad?

That would have to be the first song that the Mister and I danced to on our wedding day.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Are you middle-aged and Single?

Do you remember your first love?

If he's single, I've got great news for you. 

Other great news:
Patti from Pandora's Box is sponsoring a fabulous MacKenzie-Childs give away tomorrow.

Until next time...


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I knew it wold be a classy tune..ahhh Moon River, my heart!! LOVED this of course and now I want to find the chocolate factory Lucy episode today! GOOD LUCK at the Dentist, I'll send you a Xanax! lol! Happy Valentine's Day beauty! xo

  2. Those pups! Tucker says to tell them woof, woof. :) I have to send the picture of the hairy heart to my brother who says he has more hair on his back than on his head. Well, my first love is single. Sadly, I am not. Ha! Have a wonderful day!

  3. The pups are too precious. A similar scene plays out here often. I always loved that scene from I Love Lucy...one of my favorites. That photo of you and the Mister is adorable.
    Happy Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday.

  4. Having a hard time with Ash Wednesday and Valentines Day on the same day. Going to get my ashes in bit too.

  5. I'm on Chow's side, just sayin.' LOL. Love MoMo River and the pic and love Audrey Hepburn! Have fun at the dentist. Hope you get Angel Hygienist. ❤️

  6. MoMo River??????? Hate this predictive texting!

  7. Any time you do a Hodge Podge, I smile. And I smile with the dogs. And Lucy. I'm smiling lots! Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. Your Hodgepodge is always fun!! And those dogs! And those kiddos wrapped in a get along shirt. Who could resist?
    I loved Lucy and Ethel working the chocolate line.

  9. Your wedding photo is perfection. And your first dance song ... perfectly dreamy.

  10. Ash Wednesday on Valentines Day and Easter on April Fools Day...crazy year!! Love the wedding picture of you and your sweetheart.

  11. Aw, Moon River! I look forward to your Wednesday Hodgepodge, always makes me smile! What a terrible start to Valentine’s at the dentist!

  12. I spent my Valentine morning at the gyno so could give you some serious competition as to which one of us is having the better celebration : ) I think I'll tackle my tax organizer this afternoon-ha! Enjoy your day...is your hubs cooking up something delicious for dinner?

  13. OH...Moon River...I love it! And what a sweet photo on your wedding day. And I just watched that very episode of I Love Lucy over the weekend! Your answers always brighten my day, Katie!

  14. Hello!
    I am so happy to have found your lovely space here!
    Thank you for visiting my little space.
    Happy Valentine's Day...
    And I am happy to be a new follower!

  15. Not sure what a power ballad is so I guess I have to remove myself from the I know everything list. :)
    xo Laura

  16. Sorry you had to start the day with the dentist katie, hopefully only a checkup. Dinner plans here too. Love all three, champagne, chocolate and flowers. My Valetine's Day begins with a sweet gesture, a card left for me to find in the kitchen where my sleepy day begins. Beautiful wedding photo of you and your mister. Happy Valenetien's Day dear friend.......

  17. “Can’t Help Falling In Love (with you)”

  18. Your dogs are adorable and I love Moon River.

  19. I thought I was the only one who spent Valentine's Day at the dentist! I have always loved Moon River, such a pretty song. I've never known anyone that had it as their wedding song, but it's just perfect. Loved the story from CBS Sunday Morning, too- my favorite show. Happy Valentine's Day!

  20. Oh, the dentist, hope you got a good report, I usually don't. And, poor Chowdah! Another enjoyable post!

  21. as always, loved reading your answers!! I may have screeched when I saw the hairy back picture!!!

  22. Stopping by to wish you and the mister a Happy ❤️Day! Hope it was filled with sweet treats and lots of love.

  23. Katie,

    Your random makes me think of old friend who I felt certain would marry broke up. The girl married someone else and had children then many years later after her children were grown and divorced, she connects again with her high school sweetheart and they marry. I thought that was crazy interesting but seriously you gotta think...there was a reason it didn't work the first time. That would be enough to make me hesitant if I found myself in that situation. Hopefully, I never will. I don't think I'd do well at the dating game. :) Moon River is such a romantic song. My heart goes swoon every time I hear Andy Williams' rendition. Wow-za, was he ever smooth! I bet Google asks you questions, am I right? lol The dentist off is not a fun place to spend Valentine's Day. I hope you were able to eat scores of chocolate afterwards. Thanks for visiting. I loved reading your responses like always. ;)

  24. Your pups always make me smile. I hope that you had a great Valentine's day, not at the dentist but after! Did the Mister make you a special chocolate dessert?

    Have a wonderful day!

    P.S. I love your wedding photo and song.

  25. I just left the dentist and the only good thing about going there is that I don't have to go back for 6 months!! Moon River? That surprised me! I always think of my parents when I hear that song! Beautiful wedding pic - you haven't changed a bit!! Thanks for putting the link on this post!!!

  26. I really am not a hopeless romantic but did enjoy the video of lost loves found. I have known a couple of people who re-found each other after the death or divorce of a spouse. Sweet stories.

  27. When I married my beloved SWMBO I knew I was marrying "Miss Right." What I didn't know at the time but have since learned is that her first name was "Always." Another truism comes to mind "Love is blind...but marriage is the eye opener.
    I enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for visiting my blog page and leaving a comment.

  28. Saw a cute greeting card yesterday which reminded me of Chow and Chili. It said, 'Happy Birthday - from the cute one and the smart one.' LOLOL (You know I love them both, but you know, that Chow takes up a wee bit more space in my heart.) xo

  29. I enjoyed your romantic post (excluding the hairy back).
    Uh oh - was Wednesday Ash Wednesday??
    Have an enjoyable weekend.


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