Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Missing My Old HGTV

Hello, dear friends.  We woke us to sunshine and about three inches of snow on the ground.  I can't complain though because the weather peeps are forecasting temps in the 70's for a few days this week.  Nothing I like better than a little tease of Spring.

Before the Bravo Network was even a twinkle in Andy Cohen's eye, I landed my first media crush on HGTV.  Instead of today's  Real Housewives' rants and tossing of tables, the sounds of hammering and perky designer hosts filled our home in the 1990's.  I looked forward to seeing my favorite decorating shows every week with the same enthusiasm that I had for meeting an old friend for lunch.

My first and lasting crush was on Kitty Bartholomew.  I adored her sense of style, in both design and size double-zero wardrobe.  I even thought about putting a grey streak in my hair, but the Mister nixed that idea.

I can't help but get a warm smile on my face from perusing pics of Kitty's darling cottage in California.  

I couldn't get enough of Kitty's clever use of color as well as her mix of checks, chintz, and toile.  I could move into this room today and not change a thing.

The Mister would be bothered by all the clutter in her darling kitchen but not me.

He would like Kitty's philosophy of cookie in each hand, though.

Can you spell c-o-z-y?

I would wake up in a good mood every day in this peaceful, bright room.

My next favorite designer show was Chris Madden's.  She was another one where I admired her personal style as well as her interior design.  I bought all of her books and still have them.

Candice Olson and her quirky crew always made me chuckle.  My Sista and I used to joke that Candice experienced a continuous growth spirt.  In some scenes from her show, she looked 7 feet tall. 

Speaking of perky, Paige is coming back with a Trading Spaces revival in April.  My favorite part of the show was when the receivers of the makeover first see their renovated room.  It was so much more interesting when you could tell that they were going to throw up as soon as the camera went off.

Remember Michael Payne from Designing for the Sexes?  I used to get a kick out of him when he would declare in his crisp British accent, "Let's go shopping!"

Even though I watched Lynette Jennings, I wasn't that crazy about her.  She reminded me of that PTA mother that liked to encourage "healthy snacks" for field trips and delivered a twenty-minute diatribe categorizing what was healthy and what was not.

I really enjoyed Chris Lowell's show.  
He was entertaining as well as talented.

And last but perhaps least were Shari and Matt from Room by Room.  You couldn't find two people more awkward with each other, let alone the television camera.  Even though I didn't learn one solid thing from them, they were fun to watch.

Besides, Shari and I shared the same taste in clothes.

Did you have any old HGTV faves?
Any current ones?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I also got a kick out of Trading Spaces and would cringe at some of the ideas - I would die/cry if I came into my own home and saw some crazy makeover! I had forgotten about many of these shows and also enjoyed them - the channel has certainly changed its shows! AND hahaha...we only got an inch of snow - which is uncommon - we are up to about 105" for the season!

  2. Oh my goodness. I had forgotten so many of these and YES, I miss them so. I hardly ever watch HGTV now, but I was addicted then.

    1. OMG is right . The original HGTV shows of twenty years ago were really helpful and inspiring . I am not as impressed with the 2019 shows . Partly because I've developed my own decorating style that watching these shows helped me get . You posted some of my faves .Thanks .

    2. Hello! I'm super late to this comment section, but came across this posting when I was trying to google some old HGTV shows. OMG indeed! I too had forgotten some of these hosts and miss these old shows. I'm a huge sucker for room transformations, but also design and design style. There aren't any shows dedicated to this anymore. I guess I'm old, but I'm used to, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," ethos to things. HGTV then, didn't need fixing. Also, I miss the gardening content,...ya know, the G' in HGTV. Anyways, thanks for this post and for the memories.

  3. What a blast from the past. I miss those decorating shows so much. I don’t even watch hgtv anymore because it seems that it is all about renovations or buying or renting homes. Where are all the decorating shows? HGTV is really missing the boat..and an audience...who love decorating their homes. There should be a channel which taps in to all those great decorating blogs. HOw can we influence HGTV to return to home and gardens. I miss Million Dollar Drives..remember that one?

    1. Exactly! There are no "design" shows. Technique...scale...color...style etc.

    2. You are right . These new shows don't try to teach you nothing . Seems they are more interested in trying to make you jealous you don't have anything as posh as what is on the tv screen .

  4. Good Sunday Morning!
    Thanks for the memories!
    I loved Trading Spaces...and agree...it was so much more interesting when you just KNEW the homeowners hated the redo!!! lol
    We also watched a show I have not thought about until I read your post...
    I cannot remember the name, but a man...Dean???...and a woman worked together to built or renovate houses. They were cute, and I always thought they should be a couple!
    Thanks for the memories!
    Have a cozy Sunday. : )

    1. Billie Jo, you might be thinking of Hometime with Dean Johnson and Joanne Liebler which was on PBS for zillions of years when I was working there. At one point, Joanne retired and everyone thought they had a divorce but they were never married!

    2. Or Dean Johnson & Robin Hartl.

  5. Oh Katie, you brought back so many memories! I remember that at one point, Christopher Lowell had a paint line and accessories sold at Burlington . I loved these decorating shows; especially because I was in my first home and was doing a lot of decorating. Not sure why HGTV has to focus so much on the houses themselves, bring back some decorating shows please! Sherri

    1. I loved Colorsplash and design on a dime.

  6. I loved HGTV a lot more then than now. Christopher Lowell, Candice, Kitty, the Room by Room folks and Michael Payne were all favorites. And there was one woman I liked who did decorating just by rearranging the furniture, hitting the attic and maybe painting. Wish I could remember her name. I think they had a $500 budget or something. Decorating on a Shoestring? Nope, i don't think so but like that. Began with a J, I think. Maybe not.

    Now it seems like all they want to do is rip out walls and it all strikes me as expensive stuff. I enjoy Fixer Upper to an extent except they're ripping out walls, too. How many of us do that -- and how many of those more than once? And I don't need to house hunt for four hours in a row. I think that's my big HG beef these days --back-to-back of the same thing. Gets boring. I'd love more decorating, garden and craft for the home again. I liked the old HGTV much better.

    1. I think the show you're talking about was Decorating Cents?

    2. Yes . It wasn't my favorite , but it had some good ideas . I don't watch HGTV at all anymore .

  7. Oh, I loved watching HGTV back then. Chris Madden was my favorite, and I also loved a show that I think was called Classic American Homes (or something similar) with Joe Ruggiero. I still follow him on Instagram. Thanks for a fun post!

    1. Totally forgot about Joe! I'm going to follow him too.

  8. Oh Katie, you read my mind. All your favorites were mine too! I used to record them all and binge watched on Saturday nights. The only thing I watch on HGTV now is Home Town....used to watch Fixer Upper but just can't take Chip's antics. The show got to where it was the Chip show and he got old real quick, especially after eating that roach (yuck). Thanks for the memories of HGTV, the good old days!

    1. Judy .. I agree. Chip can be a goof. The only one I watch is Home Town. I like them better than Fixer Upper because they vary with the decor. I also like that both husband and wife listen to the client and incorporate something sentimental in the design. Have a great week, Judy.

    2. I stopped watching Fixer Upper for the same reason - I don't like the precious air time spent on their kids and Chip's frat boy act. I hope the new show on her designs don't include him at all. I just want design time please.

  9. Fun post! We don't watch TV, so I've never gotten hooked on HGTV. I do have Chris Madden's books. Has Kitty published any books? I need to go check Amazon. Like her CA style.
    Happy Sunday!

    1. A laughable blog indeed ! Nowadays you're not missing much by not watching television . All of the old HGTV decorators have published a book on some aspect of home decorating . Amazon is a good place to begin looking . I found NO PLACE LIKE HOME by Stephen Saint-Onge at Amazon books . Stephen writes for BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS magazine and has a down to earth, affordable decorating style . His book has lots of photos with accompanying explanations . Only 182 pages

    2. Kitty did a book. Don't have the name but check Amazon by her name.. likely used copies.

    3. Chip had to be nice and/or goofy since Joanna so standoffish

  10. Kitty Bartholomew! Now that is a blast from the past. Her home decor is beautiful. One word. Chintz. I look forward to seeing darling Page again. I enjoyed Trading Spaces. I always felt bad for the family that received the ugly make over. I am not a fan of Chip and Joanna. I do not like shiplap or the fifty shades of white. Chintz. Hugs to the hooligans...Maxine.

  11. Loved all of these shows. Also, Designer Challenge. Now, the shows are all the same, just the “actors” are different. Makes me really miss the good old days.

  12. I also liked The House Doctor. Ann Maurice cut homeowners no slack!

    1. House doctor ! It's been years since I saw that one . I used to wish they could visit by mom's old house before she died .
      It needed help bad .Thanks for bringing that up .That was a good show .

  13. Kitty Bartholomew and Lynette Jennings were the best. I have their books. I never cared for Trading Spaces. I remember one woman going off camera and sobbing when she saw her new room. Not with happiness!


  14. I miss the old shows. Absolutely loved Kitty!!!

  15. Yes, I miss the old shows as well. Then we had a choice of what to watch instead of the same old thing all the time!! I will say that I loved Kitty Bartholomew best....but I also enjoyed Matt and Shari. Shari taught me the rule of three and I have used that in my home to make things interesting. I also enjoyed the crafting shows that were on back then...those seem to be gone for good.

  16. I was so glad to see those familiar and long missed HGTV hosts. Whose idea was it to change the whole direction of this station? We would only purchase cable programming that included that station. I have gotten so sick of the current shows and refuse to watch these predictable and yawn inducing shows. Kitty's decorating style was not mine, but I loved Chris, Candace, Lynette (my favorite and I have all her books) Michael and Christopher Lowell. I would even watch a couple years of reruns right about now.

  17. I hate to admit this, but I bought a border for one of my son's bedrooms because of Shari and Matt...tearing that down was a pain. Great post!

  18. Katie, I never turn on HGTV. I loved it back in the day with Kitty, Chris, and Joe Ruggiero. You actually could learn and every show was different.

    1. There you go ! Those shows seemed to be designed to teach the viewer something and not "flaunt what you got" like the today's shows seem to do . I stopped watching HGTV . I watch their reruns on the internet whenever I can . Their decorating style is thoroughly American middleclass and timeless .

  19. OMG...I loved all of these shows too. I miss Decorating Cents, and Nate Berkus' mom had a show too years ago. Nate would make appearances every now and then.

  20. I miss Candice Olson's show most. She is so talented! I've really enjoyed this walk down memory lane, and I'm super-stoked that Trading Spaces is making a comeback. I loved Changing Rooms on BBC-America, too!!!

    1. Same! Candace Olsen was a class act. And the BBC show was great!

  21. Oh, yes, I miss them all. Now HGTV is all about flipping houses...I don't watch it anymore.

    1. I don't watch anymore either . "flaunt what you got " isn't cool to me .

  22. I miss the old HGTV too! I especially miss Country at Home with Mary Emerling.

    1. I can't find any of Mary Emerling's old videos on the internet , but I have most of her books and old magazines . I can refer to them if I need ideas. She was a real good one too ! Thanks for bringing her up .

  23. My husband and I just talked about this. My favorite of all was Decorating Sense and his was Matt and Shari, just because he laughed at me thinking that could be done in 24 hours. There's one more male designer that I couldn't think of and I don't see him listed here either. I sure do miss those shows.

  24. Yes, yes, yes! HGTV was GLORIOUS back in it's heyday. I loved Trading Spaces on Saturday nights and all the others through the week. Now I don't watch a single show on HGTV. Man, this took me back. Loved it!

  25. I miss all those decorating shows too. I could never understand how the homeowners could let anyone from Trading Spaces in their homes! I loved Kitty, and Candice did beautiful work. Shari and Matt were definitely favorites. Did you know Room by Room was on for 14 years? I could relate to Shari since I lived in Ohio for 8 years. I also loved watching specials with Sarah Richardson. She is welcome to do my house anytime. I'd love HGTV to change their focus back to decorating.

    1. Room by Room . I remember that one . Thanks ! I don't watch HGTV anymore .

  26. I loved the old shows. You are so good remembering all the names.There was a show named Savoir Faire that I liked.Do you remember that one? I enjoyed Candice, Chris, Lynette, Joe and two Gardening Shows. Right now, I can't remember the names but they were great. Oh, how I wish they would have those types of shows now. I don't watch HGTV anymore.

    1. Neither do I . The new people just don't convey the same message about home decorating .

  27. Kitty was wonderful. I still have some magazine pages I pulled out and saved of her apartment. There was one show I really loved, but can't remember the gal's name. She would tour a house on each episode, and she had blonde page boy and a big smile. I don't hardly watch HGTV these days, but back then I wouldn't miss.

  28. had to add Design Time Saturday Night! I really got in trouble one Saturday night when I got inspired by the shows that night and decided to add a picture to our downstairs bathroom and dropped the pictures which dropped straight down the wall and sheared off the plastic plumbing hose (our house was brand new and apparently this was a new thing) and water went everywhere. Cost us thousands of dollars and had to have a restoration company dry out the wall to wall carpeting and put fans and heaters in the crawl space under the house for a week!

  29. I miss Homes Across America with Alexandra Stoddard and later Joe Ruggiero. I also loved the show and the work of Sarah Richardson. I don’t even watch HGTV any more. Such a shame. Why did they change so drastically?

    1. Alexandra Stoddard. Now that's a name you don't hear on HGTV anymore . I still have her book LIVING A BEAUTIFUL LIFE . And her BOOK OF DAYS with tons of optimistic quotes from famous people . Yes , yes ,yes.
      HGTV certainly has changed . I thought I was the only one that noticed it .

  30. Thanks so much for a trip down memory lane! I loved Chris Madden, Lynette Jennings, Candice Olson, Sarah Richardson. Thank goodness for Pinterest, Blogs and Instagram. I recently began following Joe Ruggiero on Instagram. Absolutely beautiful, classic design for home, food and fashion.

  31. Trading Spaces convinced me that I would never, ever turn my home over to someone else to decorate. Horrible! Unlike you, I loved Lynette Jennings and missed her terribly when she chose to no longer do the show. She successfully beat breast cancer and ended up being a motivational speaker for women and cancer. Lynette really spoke to me so I guess I like being lectured to!!

  32. I loved Joan Steffend's show and Design on a Dime with a girl named summer and two male designers. Also liked Matt and Shari. There was also Paul (?) the gardening guy. I miss all the old shows. Most recently, I liked Junk Gypsies and Nicole who was single handedly renovating Detroit. I am very tired of House Hunters International where all the couples are self-employed and are able to spend millions to buy a vacation home overseas!

  33. What a fun trip down memory lane Katie! I never liked Lynette Jennings either, too condescending or something...I did like Tall Candace Olsen, even though she was a little perky for me...I used to watch HGTV non stop too, but now days it seems like too much Joanna and the Prop Bros...

  34. Wow, I hadn't thought about some of those shows in years! I think I loved Sarah Richardson's shows the most. I enjoyed the series where she took a house from sale to resale. She went into such detail on each and every room. Now I'm hooked on Hometown and have you seen Big Beach Builds? It may be on the DIY network. Check it out.

    1. I love Hometown too. Thanks for the tip on Big Beach Builds. Enjoy your week.

  35. Oh how I enjoyed those shows....all you mention! I also have Kitty & Chris's books. I rarely watch HGTV anymore. Now don't even get me started on the food network!!!! It's become a game show network. How many times can you watch Chopped?

    1. The food network ? A bunch of obsessive compulsives . I stopped watching .

  36. I wish there was a channel of retro HGTV! Whatever happened to these people? They are so loved! I also remember a show, not sure if it was on HGTV, but I think it was — Edie someone, who profiled people who pulled up and moved to start a new life somewhere. I loved that show and can't remember what it was called. It really inspired us to leave Atlanta and move to little Fairhope. Thanks for the memories!

  37. WOW, you really brought back memories for me. Back then, my TV was always set to HGTV. The shows were useful and helpful and super interesting! To be really honest, it's been years since I have watched that channel. They totally changed up the shows, and I just don't enjoy them anymore. It is sad, all that great programming is now gone. I would love to know what happened to all those people. I remember when Christopher Lowell came out with his own decorating line! Thanks for all the memories, it brings me back to when my kids were in school, and life was so simple!

  38. Oh my gosh, this made me smile and reminisce. I was just asking my mom, whatever happened to Candice O? Loved her and Shari and Matt, and Kitty! Oh what pep she had. I did not know there is a reboot of Trading Spaces coming. I used to say, I’ll have what Paige is having! Lol. Gosh, now I really miss these shows, they should have a whole channel called Vintage HGTV and re-air all these.

  39. I don't remember a couple of those shows but LOVED trading spaces - do you remember the one where they glued flowers all over the bathroom wall!! I would have cried!!

    1. Lots of ppl did cry! The worse designer was a tall lady with brown hair, Hillary?? She could care less if they liked it or not

  40. I was once an author hostess to Christopher Lowell at our local reading festival and he was so very pompous. Even though I was with him all day, I was not allowed to speak directly to him even though he was three feet away from me. I had to speak to his assistant. I felt like a fool and after doing that for a bit, I just started speaking directly to him and let him deal with it. Oy.... On the other hand, another year I had Matt and Sherry and they were delightful and down to earth. A pure joy to deal with!

    1. ohhh... So disappointed in Christopher Lowell but glad to hear about Matt and Sherry. Hope you have a wonderful week, Debbi.

    2. Wow... I am disappointed in Christopher Lowell as well he was one of my faves. I guess he became at Prima Donna. Too bad. Really do miss those shows tho.

    3. I watched Christopher Lowell's show a few times . He is high style . Everything he used in his shows were expensive and totally out of budget for me .

  41. Oh my goodness, what a walk down memory lane! I love Room by Room, Candace Olsen, Trading Spaces, and Designing for the Sexes. HGTV sure has changed over the years. There's not much on that I'm dying to watch over there anymore!

    1. You said it . They changed a lot !!! I don't watch anymore either .The old shows taught me all I need to know .

  42. One of my favorite shows was Curb Appeal - they actually had practical and doable projects that made a real difference to the look of a house's exterior. About the only show I watch on HGTV now is House Hunters International - I like to see how people live in other countries and what they think are perfectly acceptable living spaces that we Americans can't imagine.

  43. Two of my favorites were Decorating Cents and Design on a Dime. Thanks for reminding me of some of the great ones from the early days. Visiting from Over the Moon.

    1. Design on a dime . A good one . Thanks for the reminder .

  44. Well- You hit a sore spot with many of us here, Katie. I loved most of those old shows. I don't watch HGTV hardly at all anymore. It has changed so much. I can't remember the name of the show where someone came in with inspiration pictures (from a room that had cost a fortune to dress) and then the designer would duplicate the design for a fraction of the price. I also loved the one with Doug Wilson(?) called Moving Up where three people moved from one home to another and the changes they made to their new houses---then the old homeowners came through. I liked him, too, and his sarcastic and kind of "who cares WHAT" attitude,

    I think you should send all of these blog comments right to the person in charge at HGTV so they can see the viewership they are missing. xo Diana

  45. I cannot agree with you more! I have not watched HGTV in about 10 years. I loved all of the shows you mentioned, Kitty was a favorite, Joe Ruggerio, and so many more. Remember Nate Burkus' mom, Nancy Golden was on there too,

  46. what a nice time that was, really learned things from HGTV. I don't know why they even include Garden in the network name, there are zero gardening shows. come to think of it they should just call it buy and sell tv. I loved the craft show with Carol somebody too, designing for the sexes and Sara Richardson and I just finished reading a Lynnette Jennings book I checked out from the library! Pamela

  47. Oh, I love this post! I also enjoyed Design on a Dime. It was amazing what they could do with rearranging stuff, although I always wondered if the other rooms were empty after they finished. ❤️

    1. Design on a dime . Loved the show . And I am still proudly designing on a dime . Thanks for reminding me .

  48. Thank you for the trip down memory lane! I too enjoyed each and every one of these shows and the calm they would bring to my hectic days. I would love to see a HGTV reunion show with all those mentioned above. :)

  49. Paige was, indeed, fabulously perky. I'm a sucker for competition shows so I loved Design Star. The fact that my favorites from Trading Spaces, Vern and Genevieve, were judges was icing on the cake!

  50. Well, that was fun! I liked Homes Across America with Joe Ruggiero and also Decorating Cents with Joan Steffend. I still have several sets of Chris Madden sheets I bought from JCP for our bed many years ago, and will heartbroken when they become threadbare. Yea, I miss those shows.
    Have a great week. Enjoy that spring tease!

  51. Trading Spaces! I had forgotten about that show! I didn't really watch any of the others but now I love House Hunters. I absolutely love seeing what houses go for in other parts of the country and the world! To see what kitchens are like in Barbados or how the bathrooms are designed in Ireland... SO interesting, and I usually end up feeling very grateful for what I already have.

  52. I loved Kitty too and my favorite was Homes Across America with Joe Rugerrio. There isn't anything worth watching on HGTV anymore!
    I do love your blog!
    Dawn R.

    1. Yes. Many thanks to Katie . Now I don't feel like an antique for not liking any of the current hip HGTV shows . A lot of others don't either . We can't all be anachronistically wrong . Chuckle , chuckle .

  53. I not only miss the personalities of past HGTV, but the variety! It was actually Home and Gardening tv, not real estate tv. We watch one show on that station - Home Town. What's interesting to me is that every time I go to the doctor's office (clinic), they have HGTV tuned in on their tv's. I would rather watch the weather channel :-)

    1. Real estate tv . chuckle, chuckle . Right . Such a pity you can't afford anything you are see . Or the obsessive compulsive food channel . I dentist office has it on too . But my stay in the waiting room is always short . So I don't mind . HGTV is not fun TV for me anymore . Thanks for the chuckle : )

  54. I miss the good old days of HGTV! Kitty, Candice, Joe Ruggiero, Sarah Richardson, etc. I only watched Trading Spaces for the drama - but I do love Vern Yip. Maybe one day HGTV will bring back the favorites of those of us who have been watching since the beginning. I am anxiously awaiting season two of Nate and Jeremiah on TLC.

  55. What a great post! I had forgotten about those shows..these days there are too many real estate shows on HGTV. I loved Decorating Sense, and Nate Berkus’s mom, Nancy Golden had (I believe) specials that I enjoyed.

    1. Nate Berkus on decorating sense . I remember that show . Thanks .

  56. I SO relate to this post Katie, I could have written every word. In fact I just googled Kitty B. the other day...wondering what's she doing. I smiled at all these old pictures and felt a pang of regret about the 'good old decorating days' hahaha
    I no longer watch HGTV, besides Fixer Upper I haven't found any thing I'm loving enough to record. Hope all is well,

    1. I definitely relate to it too . My condolences to the young people currently looking to establish their own traditional American middle class style . HGTV doesn't seem to be the place to find help doing it anymore .

  57. Like you, I miss the old shows on HGTV. I was recently trying to remember Kitty's name and now you have provided it. Thanks so much. This was a fun

  58. You mean Matt and Shari weren't married? Just kidding but I was pretty convinced at first that they were. You know that was the first time I remember a show like that. Loved, loved Kitty!! I have her book around here somewhere. You reminded me of others I had forgotten. Wonder where they are now. :)

  59. LOVED this post!!! I was so addicted to HGTV back in the day, Adored all the shows you mentioned. Christopher Lowell probably influenced me the most and taught me not to be afraid of color!!! I do not watch HGTV now at all. I am so not into the new "Farmhouse " look. Too bland for me.... I miss the old HGTV!!

    1. I was a habitual HGTV watcher too . It was a pleasure to watch these shows in the evenings after a long day . BUT I guess all good things must come to an end .

  60. Oh my gosh, I remember every one of these shows and loved them all. I can still hear their voices and tag lines. My husband and I were new homeowners in the middle of renovations and we watched intently. Thanks for this fun post.

  61. I just found this blog and all the comments. I was googling Lynnette, who I loved, and found this page. I loved Christopher Lowell's show too. I still have a faux marble top coffee table that I painted after watching one of his episodes. And Trading Spaces! Another fave! Thanks for all the memories!

    1. Yeah . Big thanks to Katie for the memories .

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  62. I also just found this blog and got a kick out of the blast from the past shows. I was totally addicted to HGTV in the 90's. I often wonder how we transitioned from actual decorating shows to marathon house-hunting! Although I do still enjoy an occasional viewing of the Scott brothers or the Gaines so there is still talent out there.

  63. Here it is March 2022 and I'm still googling "Kitty Barthlomew." I felt the same about her show as you and wish HGTV would go back to the old format of shows.

  64. Not sure HGTV was where those shows lived. I know Lynette Jennings and Trading Spaces weren't in HGTV.

  65. I was addicted to all of them! I loved Candace O and Sarah R. Nothing compares now. I remember a show mostly about color & paint. She had a color wheel bowl and put things of each color into the coordinating color. Then they would take out what colors they didn't want. And she would always paint the ceiling!
    Also I remember one where a guy would recreate a room with thrifted furniture that he'd refurbish.
    Also two brothers would take broken furniture off the curb, repair it or redesign it and take it back to the home and show the people what they did or just leave it at the door and let them figure it out?
    Ahh, HGTV was the best back then!


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