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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Leap Into Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your week.  We've been having some picture-perfect weather this week but today, unfortunately, will be the last of it.  The weather guys are mentioning that silly word Nor'easter again. 

You know the drill.
If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge

1. Are you currently operating at 100% capacity? If not, what % are you? What's keeping you there?


Wait... we're supposed to be functioning at 100%?
I'm about 30% there in the Winter on a good day.
45% there in the Summer on my best day.

2.  Have you done your taxes? 

free stock

The taxes are done and mailed thanks to the Mister and his trusty (I hope) accountant. 

Planned/booked a summer holiday? 



Thought about or started your 'spring cleaning'? 

I'm pretty much at the same point in my Spring Cleaning as I was this time last week. 
I take a lot of breaks.

Besides what's listed here, tell us one task that needs doing before spring rolls around.


Speaking of rolls, unfortunately, the air in Massachusetts has a way of shrinking my clothes over the winter.  I'm presently shopping for some snazzy shorts and a new tattoo artist.

3. What's a favorite food from your part of the country?

B&G Oysters/Bill Addison

The lobstah roll is probably the most popular dish in the Boston area.  To me, there are a few things that make the perfect sandwich.  Fresh lobstah, just enough mayo but not too much,  a healthy amount of celery for some crunch, and a fresh soft, roll oozing with buttah are the ingredients required to whip up my perfect lobstah roll. 

4. This isn't a leap year, but let's run with it anyway...look before you leap, a leap of faith, grow by leaps and bounds, leap to conclusions, leap at the opportunity...which phrase might best be applied to your life currently (or recently)? Explain.

5. As the month draws to a close list five fun and/or fabulous things (large or small) you noticed or experienced in February.

I have two.

As far as fun and fabulous goes, I got to catch up with some of my book club buddies.

And today, I get to bid adieu to my least favorite month of the year. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

The Mister and I went to see Game Night last weekend.  What can I say... we were desperate.  I thought how bad could it be - it got 81 Rotten Tomatoes.  
Well, I wish I would have had some of those tomatoes with me because I would have thrown them at the screen.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm afraid my not being at 100% may be my needing to readjust my 100%. That last birthday...sheesh. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Thank you for saving me from Game Night! I love Jason Bateman and we so would’ve gone but my gut was telling me noooo. You book club ladies look like a blast! I think your Mr. needs to make you guys a “9” course meal for your next club meeting!

  3. March should be better for all of us, but your great sense of humor gets you through the worst of things.

    Have fun shopping for the new summer clothes!

  4. Love the hodgepodge and I think you should duplicate that tattoo shown on the model...and I like the idea of you in a similar pair of shorts, too. Let's face it-- the worse you look the better I look next to you. xo Diana

    xo- I may, or may not have, taken your name in vain on my blog today... lol

  5. Katie,

    Your image of the gal wearing the low slung shorts was a bit too much for me this morning. I think you should've posted a warning. lol Seriously, what is going through someone's head to think, "I be lookin' fine in this"? *roll eyes*

    Oh yeah, New England lobster or crab rolls - yum! If we're able to visit our youngest daughter and SIL later this year who now live in Brunswick, Maine then I definitely want to get a crab roll. :D

    You asked what is iPad sketching. I assume everyone knows such things. I guess I need clarify better. On my iPad, I have an art drawing app (Procreate) that I use my Apple pencil (stylus) to create my sketches on. It's kinda like an art pad with a pencil, except it's electronic. I'm having lots of fun with it, too. Does that make better sense? You can find an example HERE on my blog of a realistic apple that I drew. I enjoyed reading your humorous responses as usual. Thanks for dropping by and have a good week, my friend!

  6. Oh my! That picture! Don't they ever look in a mirror. I mean, really, you think they'd feel the draft...lol

    I think a book group could be so fun. One of these days when I retire....

  7. Katie, thank you for saving me the $$$ from buying a ticket to see the movie. I have joined Reese Witherspoon’s Book Club. I like her and I feel like we have similar interests. In her non-Hollywood life, I think we would be friends. Of course, I feel the same way about Michelle Obama. Sitting around, sipping wine and shooting the breeze. I am excited to learn Mrs. Obama’s memoir comes out in November. Katie, thank you for today’s HP...Maxine.

  8. Game Night couldn't have been that bad if a Westie is in it! ;P

  9. I look forward to your hodgepodge. I know I am going to get a good chuckle and feel better. My, my, my and she wasn't even at Walmart. That is what we say here in the south.
    I am glad tomorrow is March as well. This February and last year were extremely mild here for which I am very grateful.

  10. I love Jason Bateman. He needs to get back to working on Ozark. It's the best

    1. I agree Darla. He's a talented guy and I love Ozark. Enjoy your week.

  11. So this was fun!!!!
    I am with you on many of your thoughts!!!
    And I tried the Lobster Roll at Red Lobster.
    It was amazing~
    Have a cozy day!!!

  12. That lobster roll really does look good, although I don't think I've eaten lobster in my entire life! Time for a trip out east to get the authentic. And are you really booked for a cruise? So many people love them. I've never been. Let me know how you like it. And that Pinterest photo of shorts and rolls? Can that possibly be real??? Yikes! So glad that February's at an end! xo

  13. I want to come on over for a true Boston Lobster Roll. Delicious!
    Great photo of your friends.
    xx oo

  14. I love your hodgepodge. Beautiful photo of your book club! That is a large one, mine only has 5 ladies.

    That photo...there are no words but then again if she thinks she looks and feels good I don't like to criticize.

    Have a great day! Spring is almost here.

  15. I can always count on you for a laugh! Great pic with the rolls. Your lobstuh roll sandwich sounds delicious and I've only had lobster once in my life. Had I had some tomatoes with me, I would have thrown them at the Samson movie this week. Your book club looks fun. Can you recommend anything good to read? I am looking at reading the Victoria biography.

  16. Oh, my! That picture with "the rolls"... I'm speechless.
    So sorry about the movie. It's frustrating to make the effort to go, spend the money for tickets, only to be disappointed :(
    On a positive note, glad you got to catch up with your book club buddies!
    Kathy (Reflections)

  17. I hadn't heard much about the film and thought about going. Thanks for the tip! That shorts picture will be hard to unsee so thanks for that : ) When we travel north from Boston to Maine we eat our weight in Lobster rolls. I never order them anywhere else. It's pouring here today but no snow in the forecast so yay!

  18. Katie, you are always good for laughs! I hope you can find the snazzy shorts and a good tattoo artist. Yum, that lobstah roll!

  19. You look so pretty in the photo with your book club.
    That blue is your color!
    This is a belated thank you for your comment on my blog about what it was like moving.
    I think it is time to move forward:)

  20. Ah, my beloved Preppy Empty Nester, catching up on my favorite blog and you never fail to get me laughing. It’s so darned cold here in the Pacific Northwest. Being from California I had no clue how awful February could be. Yikes. that said, we don’t have Nor’easters so that’s something to be thankful for. I’ll cross Game Night off my list of future OnDemand viewing. Hope the Oscars provide some good entertainment! xo

    1. Juliet..so good to hear from you! Whoohoo! It's March! I enjoy following you so much on Insta. Hope you have a great weekend. I can hardly wait until the Red Carpet.

  21. Nice pic of your A** in the shorts, never knew you had a tattoo there!! :-) I am also happy to bid adieu to February, but 5-10" snow is arriving here on Friday! - ughhh

  22. Looking forward to welcoming March because hopefully spring is going to find us. Still grey and up and down here. Also looking forward to house guests and an upcoming wedding in the month of March.

  23. Rolls and short shorts. Not a good combo. I'm also in the Northeast, and a Nor'easter is not my idea of a good time. It's March, and I want daffodils and sunshine!
    Laughter and Consistency

  24. I always enjoy visiting here. You have such a cute personality.

  25. I'm with you, good-bye February! Looking forward to March........Hope you are enjoying a great week.

  26. Love the leap of faith quote!! Good riddance to Feb, bring on Spring!!

  27. Thanks for the Game Night review. I was leaning that way (missing it). Now I'm definitely not going! Glad to see February go, though after yesterday's 60 degrees it is snowing. In like a lion!

  28. I so enjoy the humor you add to these and your pictures! I'm glad February is over and done as well.

  29. I am SO with you on bidding February farewell! I can't seem to get on the lobster roll craze, even after trying it on two separate trips to Maine, but your recipe sounds like one I could like. Icky weather forecast here too with high winds, but it's a balmy 60° right now. If Mother Nature would just stay on her meds.....

  30. Oh thanks for the heads up on Game Night. We almost went last weekend and current husband had a Saturday night conference call. I'm glad I am not the only one whose spring cleaning list just carries over into the next week. I love all the remaining months of the year! laura

  31. Good-bye February. Great post. The snazzy shorts and tattoo are too funny. Here's to some sun shine and you getting Miss Daisy out of that dark closet...LOL

  32. That was an entertaining HodgePodge. I'm at 30%. I don't know where you got my shorts picture, but I think it shows my best ass-sets!

  33. Stay safe during this storm! I trust you have stocked up on wine and have your Kindle battery charged up!! Good luck!

  34. A cruise, how awesome is that! That lobstah roll looks amazing and delicious. I know someone else who saw Game Night and loved it. They said they never stopped laughing. I haven't seen it yet but I plan to.


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