Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Well-Balanced Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  Can you hear the lilt in my voice? For the past few days, it has been Springtime in Beantown, and I love every minute of it.  Today, we are expecting temps in the 70's!

Tonight I am off to book club.  We are discussing the fabulous thriller, Need To Know.  I'll keep you posted as to whether my pals liked it as much as I did.

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1. Where do you go when you need some inspiration?

Any Real Housewives show.
In the grand scheme of things, it makes me feel like I am a better person than I am. 

2. What's under your bed?

It's a mystery.
I can't bend down that far.

This question reminded me of the time when the girls were little, and we lived in Boca.  

They were absolutely terrified of crocodiles coming into their room at night to sleep under their beds.  We tried our best to talk them off the ledge many times.  Finally, the Mister told them that crocs were physically unable to walk on carpeting.  

That was enough for them.
We never heard another word about it.

3. Thursday, February 22nd is National Chili Day, National Margarita Day, and National Cook a Sweet Potato Day. Of the three which would you most like to celebrate? Is that likely?

National Chili Day, of course!

4. What are you 'snowed under' with right now?

Last week's Hodgepodge was the first time I heard the term power ballad and this week snowed under perplexes me.

I'm going to assume it means overwhelmed.  I have been slowly but surely doing some Spring Cleaning/purging in the kitchen.  I've already done two drawers.  I won't dispute that the location of the wine fridge helps.

This is what I am up against.

Tell us three to five things that make you feel balanced?

I'll give you five because I am a compulsive overachiever.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I wonder if any of you can help me.  The Mister and I are planning a getaway for this Summer.  I don't want to bring my big camera, just in case I decide to try my hand at parasailing or ziplining.   So I am in the market for a compact camera.  Below are the two little numbers that I am thinking about.  

Does anyone have one of these?  Not to worry, I won't ask to borrow it - just want a review.  Do you have another brand that you can recommend?  

Thanks for your help.  
And if your camera comes with a skinny lens, all the better. 

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I love Canons for point and shoot cameras - they even appear to work well after being dropped numerous times! I am also loving this weather - might crack open a window or two this morning!!

  2. My advice, just take a good smartphone or your big camera. I bought a compact camera to take to England and was very disappointed with the photos. However, my big camera is a Panasonic and I probably should have tried to find a smaller version of the Panasonic, which I love. The crocodile story was brilliant!! Laughed at your solution to inspiration. Have a great time with the book club.

  3. I'm telling you that Chili is just adorable as are your daughters and the Mister. AND, I too am looking for a very small camera, so I'm really glad you asked that question. I've got a girlfriend trip to NYC coming up in May and just want something besides my phone. I'll check back to see what folks recommend.

  4. I love the crocodile story. It is so funny that all it takes is just a simple answer.

  5. Doesn't warm weather just lift our spirits tremendously. We have the first signs of spring here in NoAla and I love being able to get outside for my walks once again! Like you, I am trying to purge some things. It is a chore because I know once I get rid of something, I will immediately need it!!

  6. Just asked husband, Canon all the way! My goodness you and Mr. make precious babies! Your girlys, beautiful then and now! Happy sweet Chili Day, Pretty precious pups you raise too! Isn’t it funny what our young minds believe. The Croc story is brilliance. Have fun at book club, really need to know more about NEED TO KNOW! It’s in my cart! xo

  7. HI Katie We just got back from Ireland and just used my husband's new iphone. The photos were amazing.And, my favorite photos are just the simple ones (I was obsessed with the painted doors and hardware in Dublin). YOur junk drawer looks very familiar! laura

  8. I'm happy you're getting a taste of spring. We're warm, just really gray and I think staying that way all week. We came out of an event last night at 10 pm and it was 65 degrees so I cannot complain about the temps! My kitchen is in good shape but my closet has gotten away from me. But first TAXES. Happy Wednesday!

  9. I am reading NEED TO KNOW right now. Didn't want to put it down but alas, I had to get the kids to school and get to work on time. :-) It's great so far!

  10. Sorry, I know nothing about cameras. I loved your story about your girls and their fear of crocs. Ha! what a great solution. Enjoy your day.

  11. If you don't want your big camera to tote along, I don't think you can go wrong with the Sony. I have had mine for years and years and started my blog with it. If it's anything my old version, the pics should be great! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  12. I loved your story about your girls and the fear of the crocodile under the bed :) You have a clever hubby :)
    Kudos to you for doing some early spring cleaning! I need to do the same.
    I'm not familiar with either camera, sorry.
    Kathy (Reflections)

  13. Cute, cute post. The crocodile story is so funny. I gave up on cameras and it probably shows. I use my phone....LOL

  14. I have neither of the cameras and I'm satisfied with the camera on my iPhone, so I'm no help there. But I am interested in where you plan to travel. I know you'll share that with us eventually, along with fine snapshots, of course!

    Love the idea about alligators and carpeting.

  15. You have a beautiful family and puppies. Loved the crocodile story. lol

  16. No help on the little cameras. I'm sure there will be plenty opinions for you, though. Love your visual hodgepodge! Of course now you have me wondering where your getaway is going to be. They don't call me the Happy Wonderer for nothing!

  17. I have a Kodak Easy Share .. We got it for our trip to Mexico. I am very happy with it. It is pink ;-) and slips easy in and out of my purse or small tote. It is not heavy and easy to use.

    I like the crocodile story. Cute. ;-)

  18. No advice on cameras but I really enjoyed reading your post and had to laugh about looking under the bed. I think if I lived near crocodiles and your answer was true I'd have a large area around my house carpeted lol

  19. Enjoy your warmth. We've got sub zero (Canadian Centigrade - have a Google) temps and it's snowing presently, Sis. I must tell you that you've hijacked my writing the last few days with your Place to Call Home suggestion. Publication now 2020 or beyond ... Oh my word. It's the Aussie version of Mrs. Tishell, indeed. I'm thinking Kathy Bates should play Elizabeth B. Crikey, mate.

  20. Go parasailing!! I highly recommend it.

  21. I use my smartphone for all picture taking. Are we supposed to look under our beds? That's a scary thought LOL

    xo Laura

  22. My phone (Galaxy S8) is the best camera I've ever owned. I never use a point and shoot camera anymore. Your posts always make me giggle. Thanks for your fun sense of humor that comes out in your blogs, all the time!

  23. I don't have recommendations for a camera, but I can't wait to hear all about your trip! Where you're going, when you're going and all the pictures that will come from it! (We're planning a road trip in a few months and I. AM. SO. EXCITED!!)

  24. I'll celebrate Chili Day! As for the warmer weather, I wouldn't get used to it. We had the AC on yesterday. Today it is freezing again and we have a fire. You know in Texas the weather turns on a dime, but I suspect this front is moving your way. As far a camera, I use my iPhone and my iPad Mini. I'd love to have a big girl camera, but toting it around doesn't thrill me. I'm lazy!
    So where is the big summer adventure?

  25. I would love to have a margarita but that's our Friday night tradition.

    Use your phone, girl! They take such great pictures now. Sometimes I use phone pics for my blog and nobody would ever know.

  26. All my photos are on my phone so I can't help you there...I'll have to let the Hubster know it is National Chili Day, we can always use more gas in our life. Take Care.

  27. I have used Canon for all of my "real" work. Have two of the biggest, heaviest cameras they make. And after hauling it around the carribean for magazine work and to Italy for 8 weeks....I ran as fast as I could to get a small one for next venture. My back just can't handle the big one for carrying around anymore. Not to mention the hassle of traveling on plane with all equipment. I got the Sony in your first pic and I've loved it. And I swear...the pics are just as good with that lil point and shoot as my big professional ones!!! Can't wait to hear where you're going!!

  28. I have a small Canon that fits into a tight protective neoprene case. The camera takes great photos and fits in the palm of my hand. The case has a carabiner clip so I can hook it to my belt loop or purse strap for easy access. I've had many Canons and recommend this brand.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  29. Oh how I love the crocodile story. What a beautiful family you have and please tell us where you are going!

  30. I always enjoy reading your posts, they make me smile :-) You have a lovely family. The crocodile story is wonderful :-) Can't wait to see where you are headed on vacation. Enjoy the rest of the week!


  31. Definitely the Canon. I used to take photos for my social column with my little Canon and I was always being told that my photos were better than the ones the professionals with the big cameras took! By the way, I always used a little point and shoot because it had to be small enough to fit into my evening bag! :-)

  32. Bring on the margaritas! I would invest in a new phone instead of a small camera, the cameras in them are so awesome now and you can even get lens and apps to improve them. Enjoy the taste of Spring, we had our AC on yesterday!

  33. Is there any way you can find a cute, sexy lanyard to attach to your iPhone that will match all your cute, sexy outfits for the trip?

  34. I have a Panasonic Lumix Model DMC-FH25. I love it! Takes great pictures even from a moving car so I'd have to believe it could capture the view from your perspective on the zip line! Happy Chili day to Chili! Have a great (albeit a little colder) weekend!

  35. My sparkle bright friend that brings joy to every NRRBC meeting. I adore you.


  36. That camera -- Sony Cybershot 30x zoom is my next camera. I spent more time at my accountants oohing and ahhing over her fabulous photos from Europe with that camera than we did talking taxes. Crystal clear and great zoom. I like that Chili has his own day. And your drawers look like mine. Thanks for the happy -- I needed it.

  37. Katie,

    Before Smartphones, we always used the Cannon PowerShot line of cameras. They are amazing little things and do an excellent job. I don't you can go wrong if you get the Cannon you've picked out. WOW, it's WiFi and Bluetooth enabled!

    Alligator and crocs scare me, too. Oh to be young and naive to fall for the line your hubby came up for your girls. lol I will give him extra points for his creativity. The $10K question is, do your daughters now have trust issues? lol Seriously, the things we have to say sometimes to calm our kids fears!! I used to have junk drawers like yours and while I no longer have a junk drawer, my drawers are still junky. The only way to fix this problem is to have more cabinet space which means we need a new house. Let me tell you, I am paying a lot of attention to kitchens when I look at homes and yes, we do want to find a new home. Thanks for stopping by for a visit on Wednesday. I'm running late. Have an excellent day!

  38. Centsational Girl recommends Canon Powershot G7 for travel

  39. I watch New Jersey, I know what you mean. Is that your kitchen?? It is gorgeous. Our son and daughter in law just remodeled a house that was built in 1953. Anyway they put a wine frig in their kitchen. I like the people and dogs who keep you balanced. I've got a point and shot that I love only I've had it for several years now. I think it's a good idea. I don't like bringing my big one anywhere anymore.


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