Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, February 23, 2018

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your week.  The highlight of mine happened on Wednesday night when I spent some time with my lovely friends from book club.  By the way... we all agreed. Need To Know is the best thriller we have read in a long time.  So if you need a good read to get you through a long flight, fasten your seatbelts and read this one.

How would you like to own Michelangelo's Tuscan estate?
It's for sale.
To see more click here.

I sent this pic with a note to the Mister:

As always, the Mister answered a question with a question.
He texted back:  How about one of these?
Either way, I think I'll be well fed.

I like to reward myself every six hours when I stick to my diet.  There is nothing in the world I love more than salt and chocolate. I've been dreaming of this salted/chocolate pudding cake since I laid my eyes on it. 

Have you given any thought to where you want to retire?  Here's a list of the best places which may give you some inspiration.  The Mister and I are leaning towards #22.

If you and your significant other can't agree about your retirement home, why not take a four-month cruise and think about it?


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work at the happiest place on earth?  This article may burst your bubble.

Are you tired of the Olympics yet?
Who do you think is happier... the gold, silver, or bronze winner?  Surprising results can be found here.


Do you have problems remembering names?
This video may help.

The Mister and I watched David Letterman's interview with George Clooney on Netflix last weekend.  It was so entertaining.  

I'm not just saying it because George was my first husband, either.

You can catch a sneak peek here

Last but not least, Happy 4th Birthday to our Chowdah.  
I've learned a lot of things from Chowdah over the years.  

Chow has taught me that it's a lot more fun to be a bull in a china closet than the smartest guy in the room.

Chow has shown me that sometimes you have to man-up and take the blame for others.
It's not your fault that a bunch of bad guys broke into your house and ripped up your bed.

And last but not least, just because a breeder tells you that the sweet little puppy in your arms will grow to be 50 lbs. doesn't mean it's true.  
He could end up to be twice as big.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Happy Birthday Chow. He is gorgeous and well worth the trouble, I am sure.

  2. My Gosh! I can't believe Chowder is FOUR! I remember when you got him! Life is FLYING past. Loved this post and got side-tracked to the Retirement communities (you want to live in a Texas stockyard?-lol) and the Disney testimony. Did you know I was there the day Disney opened to the public? I was about #10 in line. For years my picture was up in the 'opening day' picture compilation --but not sure if it is there anymore. (I was young and cute back then). lol xo Diana

  3. Belly laughs over that destroyed bed and the two innocent faces.....classic. I always know when my naughty dog is up to no good when she meets me at the door with a long stretch of the paws up to my shoulders as if to say, "I don't know how this all happened, you just won't believe it."

  4. Bha ha ha, wait I was married to George after you but he spoke so highly of his preparer!!! :-) Mr. Nine and I loved it, Dave has got something here with these special interviews! Yay, I will be clicking to purchase Need to Know stat!! Thanks pretty lady, now get to that weekend, dream of retirement abodes and savor your Mr's tasty creations!!! xo

  5. First off, Happy Birthday to Chowdah! I think he is going to love retirement in Ft. Worth! Oh, and call me when that chocolate goodie comes out of the oven!!!

  6. I love your dogs. I just do. Happy Birthday, Chowdah! (Is that you with the muddy feet? Birthday boys get away with anything!)

  7. Happy Birthday to your sweet Chowdah!
    My little five pound Mocha will be three this summer, and she keeps me on my toes!
    Enjoyed visiting with you today...
    Have a cozy weekend!

  8. Thanks for solving a family mystery, Sis. My daughter's former boss who refused to give her day off after the night-long dry grad party must have worked for Disney! You, too, can teach swimming lessons to 3 year-olds after no sleep. One of our babysitters told me she was a mascot for her church and was supplied with 6 frozen water bottles to strap around her waist on the hot days... Poppy has asked me to wish Chow the happiest of birthdays and wonders if he could create a few more photo ops ...

  9. Happy birthday to Chow....he is a cutie. Love the pic of the torn apart bed - I think I would have opened the door and told them to run fast!

  10. Now I can't get the salted chocolate pudding cake off my mind... I may have to find the recipe...yum. Have a great weekend.

  11. Oh, baby Chowdah is adorable!!!

  12. Oh my! This was so entertaining, before and continuing after breakfast this foggy Saturday morning. I was surprised our state was #45, sadly and more typically we vie for #50 in most categories. Mr. P. & I were just having the conversation of gold vs any other "booby prize" medal (as he called it) yesterday when I mentioned how the Canadian woman on the hockey team remove her silver just as soon as it was put on her neck. Mr. P. needs to review that video for names! Chowdah's a handsome young man - HB to him - but why in the world you ever let George go is beyond me!
    Happy weekend, and thanks for the FFF - fun Friday files. :)

  13. Happy 4th birthday to Chowdah! He has a good life and he is one handsome guy!
    It was interesting to hear Amal Clooney speak - first time I've heard her.

  14. Happy Birthday Chowdah.
    I worked at Disneyland (the original/Anaheim). It's where I met my husband of 45 years and clearly, either Florida is a very different set up, or Disney has changed their ways. We all were union. The ride operators, ticket sellers and janitorial, everyone was part of a union (each different). We were paid very well. It was very fun. I thought the pay for the FL woman was unbelievable!
    I will definitely have to try some of those recipes.
    Thanks for always being so entertaining.

  15. Happy birthday Chowdah! Oh that salted chocolate pudding cake looks divine! What could have possibly happened between you and George?

  16. I bet George can't cook like the Mister, smart girl! Never a dull moment with your pups!

  17. A man that can cook leaves you lots of time to clean up after those two little rebels, right? Glad to see you are still fond of Texas even though you left us. This winter has been especially a good one with lots of cold temps and now bucketsful of rain to make everything start greening up for spring. George is certainly a catch, but he seems to have an eye for Julia Roberts (don't believe for a minute they're just pals) so your home chef was the much better choice!

  18. Happy birthday, Chowdah! I was hoping #22 was Chicago but my hopes were dashed. My darling son-in-law makes a killer chicken pot pie with a puff pastry crust. Yummmmmmmm!!!!!! Funny thing, I just finished dinner but after seeing your post I'm hungry again. Go figure...

  19. Fort Worth,TEXAS!I had to PEEK!!!!AT least you will be closer to me!
    You have me headed to the box of SEE's and its only 8:55 AM!THAT cake thingy looks DEVINE!

  20. Happy birthday Chowdah! ;-) All this food looks so delicious!! Will have to go check out that book, I love a good read! Have a great week!


  21. OMG! Chowdah! Love that photo Katie! And, I actually clicked over to the name video because my husband goes nuts when people forget his 3 letter name! ha! laura


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