Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, February 5, 2018

All About Love/TBB Asks

Hello, dear friends.  Did you have a good Superbowl weekend?  Ours was kind of quiet.  We never did make it to the movies.  We did some Valentine shopping and enjoyed some lovely lunches.

I'm writing this before the Superbowl so I don't know who won.  I am catching up on emails and blog-hopping while watching RHNY episodes from the Dark Ages.  Talk about a Superbowl!  Jill Zarin, Simon, Alex and all the other crazies of years gone by.  
Touch down!!

Today I am linking up with The Blended Blog.  
They pose the questions and I answer them.

1.  Kisses or Hugs?

huffington post

Oops, sorry.
I didn't mean to post that picture.
That's my Zumba instructor.

2.  Candy or flowers?

giphy Flowers eventually die.
Chocolate stays on my hips forever.

 Do you remember your first kiss?

And he looked a lot like a 16-year-old version of this guy.
Navigating around that chin was no easy task.

5. Favorite color of roses?

It depends on what color lipstick I'm wearing.

6.  Conversation Hearts, yes or no?



7.  Do you leave love notes?


If grocery or honey-do lists are considered love notes, I leave him plenty.  
So you might say that romance is my middle name.

8.  Do you decorate for Valentine's Day?


I'm pretty low key.
I may throw a few hearts on the tree, but that's about it.

9.  Red or pink?

tried and true.com

That's like asking me which one of my kids I love more!

10.  Milk, white or dark chocolate?

It's a tie between milk and dark.
White chocolate is a total waste of time and calories.

11.  Do you believe in love at first sight?

12.  Do you give humorous or serious Valentine cards?

I'll give you 3 guesses.

13.  Favorite chick flick or romantic movie?

Favorite scene...

14.  Stay in or go out?


Why go out for hamburger when you can have steak at home?

Until next time...


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. The only Real Housewives show I continue to watch is New York. I am hoping they will bring Jill back . I miss Alex and Simon as well. Totally agree with chocolate over flowers and the white chocolate might as well be tossed in the garbage.

  2. Bha haha, you brought such delight to these prompts and gave me a giggle or two to start my day! Now I want to fo watch The Way We Were!! Have a Beautiful Day! xo

  3. Loved your responses...home for an icy road conditions day, so thrilled I can catch up with my favorite blogger. Have a great day!

  4. Well-You and I share the very same favorite movie AND the very same favorite scene. It always puts a lump in my throat and makes me want to re-write the ending. My other favorite line, Katie, it was never uncomplicated. As a matter of fact, I pulled the DVD out yesterday to add to the few I want to watch in the next few days.

    Hope you have a wonderful week. xo Diana

  5. Oh my goodness! You, my dear, are hilarious!! This was such a fun post!!! Thanks for sharing! Reading this was a great way to start a Monday! :D
    - Brenda // ChattingOverChocolate.com

  6. Always love the pictures you choose to go with the questions! LOL This was a good one.

  7. I agree with my friend, Lauren! Loved your picturesque answers!

  8. Does ANYONE like white ‘chocolate?’ I think not!

    I love The Way We Were also. Robert Redford was absolutely beautiful in his heyday. Sigh.

    You must be the life of any party you attend, without a doubt. 😀

  9. Oh my goodness you made me laugh! "Navigating around that chin..." Too funny. And the corresponding pictures were spot on!

  10. You are always good for laughs in the morning! I still love The Way We Were! Yes, bring on the chocolate, preferably dark!

  11. Robert Redford is still beautiful.

  12. You are such a hoot and never fail to provide the levity I need. Thank you and keep those romantic fires burning.

  13. Ha! So funny about the love at first sight answer! Because duh! So glad you commented on my blog and loved finding yours.

  14. And, again, I'm chuckling at the computer screen over your answers. Always fun to stop by and share a laugh with you. Happy week!

  15. That was fun!! Thanks for the giggles!

  16. Thanks for my afternoon humor. You never disappoint! Happy February!

  17. Katie, I know if I'm having a bad day I can go back to some of your fun posts and I will smile. I'll definitely remember this one!

  18. Katie, you either need to write a book or do stand up comedy. You always make me laugh!

  19. OMG you crack me up! And your answer to #11 is perfect! I so agree!

  20. Hello Hubble, as she moved his blonde hair so softly across his forehead. My favorite also...Maxine

  21. SEND THE WHITE CHOCOLATE MY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Did you read where CANADA has put up a HEDGE Between us and THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Who invented white chocolate anyway? What were they thinking?

  23. So happy I came by for my big dose of laughter! But, no conversation hearts?! I start looking for them in the stores just after Christmas! Happy Tuesday!

  24. Well ya bowled me over in a Super way, Sis. Thank you. Have a splendid Tuesday.

  25. A wonderful dose of fun and laughter. Love the comment about choosing pink or red...LOL

  26. Mercy me, you give me such LOL moments I hurt!!!! Loved all the creative answers and snaps. I'm doing another run through, this is fun. I love your humor Katie.........


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