Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, February 16, 2018

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  Boy, am I ever glad this week is coming to an end.  Such sadness in the news.  We lived in Boca Raton for three years and know the beauty of the community of Parkland very well.  I just can't stop thinking about the families of the seventeen lives that were lost.

With a broken heart, I present The Friday Files.

Want to see the most expensive house in New York?
Click here and make sure to take the virtual tour.

When my Sista and I were kids and we would leave a room and not shut out the lights, my father would say "What are we?  The Rockefellers?"

Well, David Rockefeller's house is on the market. 
I doubt that his father ever said that to him.

Are you making any of these common living room mistakes?

Are you thinking of adding a library to your home?
Here are some creative ideas.

Want to hear about the best diets that allow you to have a glass of vino?
They're right here

For those who are observing Lent, here are some recipes for some delicious meatless dishes.

For those of you who are looking for a no-heat, no-cook meal, plenty of recipes can be found here.

My girls used to love breakfast for dinner.
Lots of recipes can be found here.

You probably wouldn't be surprised to hear that I love warm desserts.   Here are some recipes that I will make when I lose 20 pounds. 

Here are 5 purple veggies that you need to plant in your garden.

If you love orchids like I love orchids, feast your eyes on this gorgeous celebration

Guess who is getting his own stamp?
Here's the scoop on the biopic in the works about Mister Rogers.
And if you haven't heard who is playing him, I'll give you a hint.
He's known for being the nicest guy in Hollywood.

Learn about the long-lost portrait of Jackie Kennedy right here and the controversy that it is stirring.

Planning a wedding?
Here are some helpful tips from the pros

Learn the eleven things that people who have spotless houses do every day.

Shocker Alert:  I do very few of them.

Do you feed your pooch human food?
If you do, don't tell Chowdah and Chili.
Here's a list of the good and the bad foods for your pet.

Have you heard of the Michelangelo Phenomenon?
It's a very interesting concept.
I'd love to hear what you think.

Do you know the meaning of the Olympic Rings?
I didn't until I read this.

Last but not least, this goes into my nobody's perfect file. 

Until next time...

Calgary Humane

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love the mansion, but the walk to the beach is too long, and it's a hike to the pool, too, so I will have to pass on buying it! But it is a beauty. The carriage house is cute and more my "size" - I certainly would not want to clean the mansion!

  2. Katie, I will be busy clicking away on your shared links! Breakfast for dinner is always a good idea, so good I think I will make a frittata or perhaps waffles tonight! Ooh, warm desserts are perfect. I haven’t had breakfast, maybe that is why I am all into the food pics! Have a lovely weekend~

  3. Great post filled with links I love, home tours, decorating (I know I'm making all those living room mistakes) and food. I'm off to check out those mistakes and see if I may want to put an offer in on the house. Happy weekend dear Katie..........

  4. I love Misterogers....cant wait to see Tom Hanks take on this role.

  5. What an incredible post! My old furniture is just lucky to have a home at all! And Mr. Rogers must be played by Tom Hanks, my very favorite!! ❤️

  6. Ok, now I am hungry!! Can’t wait to read the all the links you provided.

  7. Well, now I'm hungry, wanting wine, dissatisfied with my house and coveting your dogs. I am buying a zillion Mr. R. stamps. Meeting him was one of the greatest moments in my life and yes, he was the nicest human being on the planet.

  8. I can't wait for the Mr. Rogers movie!! I love that his spirit lives on and that my grandchildren love the spinoff show Daniel Tiger. At the other end of the values spectrum, don't you think that Hamptons house would make a great location for an episode of RHONY meets RHOBH?

  9. That mansion is something else! I can't get over all that private beachfront!! Yes it is a hike from the house but it would help you look trim in your bikini ; ). I believe the Rockefellers still own & live on their estate in Pocantico Hills, NY (about 5 mins from my house). On Valentine's Day DD ordered pigs in a blanket; I was so jealous I couldn'tshare them. When my lobster tacos arrived all was right. Thanks for the Lent recipes (they look yummy). Bracing for more snow here. Take care dear Katie....xoxo, Dawn

  10. Oh my!! So much to take in!! And then those desserts...

  11. Oh, my, that mansion, goodness, I'd need both servants and maids! And, a warm dessert sounds wonderful about right now. Have a great weekend!

  12. Wow what a beautiful smorgasbord of food and home design ideas. Thank you Katie.


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