J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Friday, March 2, 2018

The Friday Files

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you had a wonderful week.  Just popping in with a condensed Friday Files because I have a busy day ahead.

These little tidbits caught my eye this week.  
Hope you enjoy them.

Ever since I saw Sleepless in Seattle for the first time, I fantasized about living on a houseboat.  This one is adorable.

Wikimedia Commons

The Mister and I love visiting Newport in the Spring.  If you are thinking about spending time in this picturesque town here is a must-see list.

Winter Caplanson

For you New Englanders out there, here is a list of some Spring Events coming up.

Adam Taylor

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I am a big fan of Shark Tank.  Here is a story of hard work and persistence paying off.

Have you read Rebecca?  It's one of my all-time favorite books.  This thought-provoking article tells us why we always return to Manderley.

Shannon Finney

Speaking of books... if you need one more reason to love Dolly, read this.

Do you have a sweet little baby in your midst?  
Be conscious of your facial expressions - they count.  A lot

Are you looking to renovate a bedroom?
There's plenty of inspiration here.

If you're like me then you are already missing The Crown.
Here's the scoop on Season 3 and the new cast.

Are you planning on watching The Oscars?
Here are some predictions on the winners by people in-the-know.

This wedding etiquette guide answers all your questions, whether you are in the wedding or an attendee.  

Is the Pope a Catholic?
Does it snow at the Vatican?
You betcha.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I loved the footage of Rome and the snow they got, how cool the sisters built a snowman. Love the pink decor touches. I heart Dolly big time and I heart YOU! Have much fun this weekend!

  2. Anytime there is a nun with a link attached, you've got me. You know what they say, when in Rome...fortunately, no snow here today, but significant winds has cancelled school, so I get to catch up. Have a great weekend.

  3. Great list and I cannot wait to get back to Newport. You are so lucky to live so close. I have never read Rebecca. I always try to read at bedtime but lately I have been so exhausted that I barely get through a few pages...life with boys I guess! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. HappyFriday, Katie! FUn links this time. I'm already clicking over to a few to check them out! Have a terrific weekend.

  5. Rebecca is such a classic! Thanks for the article on the Crown season 3. We just finished season 2, so I can't wait to see what's in store for season 3. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Fun Friday Files! Hope you are warm and cozy with this new storm on the east coast. We finally have some sunshine! Yippee! April will be here before you know it.

  7. Oh, I'm addicted to Shark Tank and saw the one you pictured. I even watch the old reruns. And, I do love Dolly! Happy weekend Katie!!

  8. Enjoyed your post. I've been enjoying The Crown too...I've seen the first 2 seasons twice now.

  9. Going to explore a couple of those links! Thanks for the entertainment!!

  10. Katie, I visited Newport a couple of years ago and loved it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Hi Katie! I love this weekly series! Loved the Shark Tank story and forwarded to my husband who after 7.5 years in a digital startup, he and his business partners are finally....
    Love the crown and the new actress playing the Queen (Olivia Colman) was in another show we just watched called the Night Manager It was a 10 episode story arc. Really good! Happy Weekend! I am off to read the Lady who did something with silk? I can never get the title right. I hope I like it! laura

  12. That was quite an informative post for something you just popped in for! You seemed to have covered every subject well. I'm going to enjoy going to each and reading them fully.

  13. I've never read the book, but I saw Hitchcock's Rebecca on TV quite a few times - love it - a classic.
    I attended a wedding at The Castle Hill Inn - beautiful venue.
    I look forward to watching The Crown one of these days.

  14. I love Shark Tank and especially love the Shark Tank Updates. Kudos to the doorbell guy for selling so well! I'm going to forward the article about things to do in NE! I sure hope you weathered the storm ok! The pictures were quite scary!

  15. Oh you find the most fun and interesting links Katie! I love the movie "Sleepless" and while in Seattle a few years back made a point of seeing a houseboat residential neighborhood, but at a distance. So interesting and pretty but I'd like it about five minutes or until the first water ripple, not for me. Hope you are enjoying your weekend, you always do such fun weekends!!!! Hugs.........

  16. Katie, I need more days in the week to do all the fun things you come up with! I definitely would love to see those Newport mansions decked out for Christmas. I'm worried about you as I see all the coastal flooding and hoping you are ok...you might want to think about one of those houseboats if you decide to stay on the south shore! Let us know how you came through the storm! Linda

  17. Always fun tidbits in your Friday files, even if it's Saturday or Sunday before I get to them. I hope your weekend is good, and that the storm didn't put a huge damper on things.

  18. Hope your weekend wasn't snowed out or you were snowed in! Love the house boat and snowy Rome!


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