J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

A Not-So-Glamorous Hodgepodge


Hello, dear friends.  How's your week going?  All is well here.  I've done some online Spring wardrobe shopping and have made the first steps in doing a major closet purge.  Who knew that Nor'easters shrink clothes?

If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge

1. What's a word that describes your life? 

Michelle Henry

For the past four or five blustery cold months, I would describe my life as uneventful.

A word you wish described your life?

Carmen DellOrefice

2. Back in my day we___________________________________?

Back in the day, we had to entertain ourselves without a phone cradled in our hands. 

This photo reminds me of Sista and me.  

I am the one reading while Sista is eyeballing the dudes.

3. When it comes to takeout are you more likely to opt for Italian, Mexican, or Chinese food? Does a typical week at your house include takeout?

We almost never order take out for two reasons. The first reason is that we don't have a lot of restaurants in the area.  The second one is: why go out for hamburger when you can have steak at home?

4. Think about the people you most respect. 
What is it about them that earned your respect?

The first person that comes to mind is my friend, Kate the Great.  She faces great challenges in her life with grace and humor. I chose the quote at the top of the page because it exemplifies Kate the Great.  I can hardly wait to see KTG on Memorial Day weekend when she comes for a visit.

5. What's something your friends might see and say is 'so you'?

I get a lot of ribbing from friends about my pearls.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Patti over at Pandora's Box sent me a note telling me that one of her dear friends just released a book.  The author, Drake Gaetano, is a hairdresser.  Naturally, his main character, E. Edwin Crandall is a gifted hair stylist who has lived in a woman's world for all of his adult life. Not only is Crandall talented in the cut and style department, he really enjoys women and is the perfect listener.  I can hardly wait to hear the stories.

Layers sounds like a great beach read.  
I look forward to starting it soon.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Too funny your sis was eyeballing the dudes! We rarely get take out as well, I love to cook and know what I’m concocting. Pearls for the Prettiest!! Love. Happy Wednesday sweet-n-pretty lady!

  2. Yes! We did entertain ourselves without a phone cradled in our hands and I fear current kids are missing an awful lot by having those phones. Someone told me the other day their nephew has already given his 8 year old daughter a phone and I just couldn't hold my tongue. Wonder if I'll ever hear from them again? Ha! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. IT is crazy how addicted to our phones we are, but they hold so much in that little thing. When you go out though, it is a bit scary to look around and see everyone's head in the phone. I got tickled at one of my daughter's friends talking about how her three year old tries to use the Echo to play music for her. A whole different world for sure. You can never ever go wrong with pearls.
    Wishing you some sun and warm temps soon. I was watching an Instagram story the other day from a girl in Ohio. They are down the road in Seaside. It seemed a bit chilly to me yesterday. I actually wore pants all day. They were in heaven. I guess when you have dealt with snow for months, highs in the sixties seems glorious.

  4. I sure hope your winter departs soon! Spring will come, friend.

    That books sounds wonderful! Just imagine the things a hairdresser hears. :)

  5. Thanks for the mention of Drake's book! I laughed at the photo of "you and sista"....you are too funny!!

  6. LOVE PEARLS! My girls think I'm crazy, but they're the only ones who have ever said anything. I keep sayin' I should have been born a decade earlier so I could have rocked the pearls in the 50's.

  7. I totally misread and mis answered the question that you answered pearls to. Now that was a weird sentence. Anyhoo I enjoyed your answers. Hope you are having a good Easter week and that you have a snowless Easter Day!

  8. I am constantly telling my kids about "the old days" before smart phones and the internet made life so easy. So many changes in the last 20-30 years!

  9. Katie, I always look forward to your blog on Wednesday. Your blog is the only one I read faithfully. As for your pearls, the photo you posted on Instagram could be my jewelry dish. I am girl that loves my pearls. My BFF from high school continues to encourage me to step outside of my pearl comfort zone. She is a beautiful woman and she loves to accessorize. My pearls, my studs and I am ready. My husband took vacation this week and I consider this a “trial” run as to what life will be like when he retires in December. So far. So good. Hugs to your adorable Hooligans...Maxine.

    1. Thank you so much Maxine for your sweet words, dear Maxine. I hope to meet you in person someday. Have a wonderful Easter.

  10. I had to laugh at your sista picture. That would have been reversed for my sister and me - I was the ogler. But, it worked out, I ogled a great man! Your pearls seem to be perfect for you and do add just the right touch of glamour to a very classy lady. Happy Easter to you and your family. I'll think about you while enjoying my back porch.

  11. Ha-love the sista pic : ) Pearls are always a good idea! Enjoy your Easter day and hoping spring springs in your part of the world!

  12. I always enjoy reading your Hodgepodge, Katie. Certainly the weather will drastically improve for you soon...it seems like spring is playing a cruel joke on us! And you go wearing those pearls...I love them! Have a blessed Easter!

  13. hahahaha....I think I may have said your same words about the phone to an 8yr old to my daughter in law last week...gasp!! I do not understand this next generation or approve, but hey! I'M the mother in law and have to keep my mouth shut and it's killing me. I walk that gray line every dingle dangle day!!!

  14. P.S. will you plz bring back to your blog roll??!!!! I loved following most of those blogs. I don't know why but easier to go to them on your sidebar....sorry I'm being a baby!!

    1. I'll see what I can do, Janie. Have a wonderful Easter.

  15. Love your answer to #2. Too funny!!

  16. Amen on entertaining yourself without a cell phone! Even babies and toddlers can be seen staring at a phone screen, these days.
    Layers is a great title for a book by (and about) a hairdresser! Love it!
    Kathy (Reflections)

  17. I hope Sista reads your blog. LOL I always enjoy it here. And if my hubby could cook like yours, I'd never do take out either! (and I never do anyway, but just sayin'. ) I do like your description of KTG's character. Very nice!

    1. Judy... Sista claims that she reads the blog. We'll see if I hear from her. Have a great Easter.

  18. I was the reader, Sis. Ohhhhhhhh you mean our OTHER sister ...

  19. Yes, I always had some thing to read in hand, back in the day Katie. And if I lived at your house, I would have to have Weight Watchers on Speed Dial. Your Mister is quite the cook!!

  20. I wish you lived next door.I would never be bored.If the term"die of boredom" came true,I would be 6 feet under.My job has come to that and I think it might be time to retire.My best friend of 60 yrs(we were 4 when we met) always makes me laugh no matter what.

    Til next time

    1. If you live someplace warm? If so, I'm moving to your 'hood, Debbie. Have a wonderful Easter.

  21. as always, I love reading your blog. I love your quick wit and I always love your hysterical pictures!!

  22. Thanks for visiting my blog for the Hodgepodge. I prefer reading when in waiting rooms and usually have a book with me. I don't have a smart phone though (personal choice!).

  23. That's exactly our take-out philosophy! Love Hodgepodge!

  24. I really enjoyed your answers! It was a fun Hodgepodge. Happy Easter to you and yours!

  25. Your nor'easterns shrunk my clothes too! What's is up with that? That does sound like a good summer read!

  26. Aint that the truth about entertaining ourselves without a phone in our hands!! I remember telling my kids in the car to "just look out the window!" when we were on long trips and they were bored. Then we broke down and bought a DVD player with screens they could watch. It's a slippery slope from there!
    I think your pearls are your signature piece.
    We don't have very many take out options where we are either, but I don't make the kinds of food like you are showing the mister making! -Jenn

  27. I love pearls, but somehow I never seem to manage to wear mine.

  28. I do hope spring is fast on it's way to you because you deserve it! I love pearls and think they are so so feminine. We never get take out either. We would just as soon fix a sandwich as go pick up something. Easter blessings to you!

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. In the South, we love our pearls and monograms! I look forward to Hodgepodge every Wednesday. We don’t order take-out very often!

  31. I am ready for spring, but even more ready for summer. I think I have been ready for summer since September 5, 2017 (the first day of this school year). We do have some take out places nearby, but you're correct it is so much better eating food cooked at home especially when my husband cooks it.

  32. I think I spoke too soon when I was out trying to garden in late February. We've had very little inspiring weather since, but I have been steadily tackling my basement purge (and shhh, more gathering, too!). Best wishes to your friend Kate for whatever she must be dealing with. I know it must be heavy on your mind to lead with your good words directed toward her. I wish her peace and continued strength.
    Happy Easter to you, my friend!

  33. hmmm, what is take-out? Lot's of fun here today Katie! I hope you keep wearing your pearls and you have a lovely and WARM Easter!

  34. I always like a man who has kitchen skills.
    Pearls are classic!
    Happy Spring & Easter.

  35. ADORE CARMEN!!!!!!!!
    He too is a HAIR DRESSER!!!!!!!!!
    Has a BLACK LAB named BARBIE!

  36. Hang in there, Spring and Summer are just around the corner. They are teenaged friends of my son. Spring is a cutie, but I want him to stay away from that Summer.

  37. My life is CRAZY BUSY, a word that describes me is SPARKLE, and the best thing about having a style is that my friends all become personal shoppers - they text me pictures of things that just shout my name and I say - "Pick it up for me!"

  38. Katie, you are a lucky girl, having a husband that’s a chef! I smiled at the pearls, I love seeing women wearing pearls. I have my mom’s and my husband gave me pearls but I never wear them, i don’t know why. Hope you finally get some pretty weather, you’ve had more that your share of the nasty. Happy Spring and Easter sweet Katie...........

  39. That book sounds great. Nothing better than beauty shop gossip! Sometimes I just hate to leave when a good story is being told and I'm all done up. I would love to wear something like your lovely pearls, but I haven't found any that will go with my paint-spaltered sweatpants.

  40. As always, I just love all your Hodge Podge answers. I hope that you have a wonderful, blessed Easter- xo Diana

  41. Cheers to Kate the Great! I'm so glad she is coming to visit you!! Happy Easter!!


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