Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Easter Eggspiration II

Hello, dear friends.  I hope you all are enjoying your weekend.  The Mister and I were successful in obtaining our Global Entry.  We were in and out in a matter of minutes.  The longest part was the trip to the airport.  

This morning is cold and rainy in the Northeast. I have spent a good part of my morning in my escape mode - on Pinterest, otherwise known as my happy place.  

The Lennox Co.

Preston Bailey

Nora Murphy


GODfather Style

Top Inspired




Architectural Art

Pike Nurseries

Until next time...

Worms & Germs
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Those are incredible! Some people are so creative, especially with the use of natural materials. Will you be seeing your lovely daughters on the Easter weekend? -Jenn

  2. Happy Sunday KAtie. I love all of these tables. So many great ideas. I too get lost in the Pinterest wonderland and spend hours enjoying the beautiful things people create.

  3. We don't have any big plans for Easter this year as none of our kiddos will be available. I keep hoping for an invitation!lol Baring that looks like Cracker Barrel for us.

  4. Pretty tables! Just four of us this year and we are going casual.

  5. Love Love Love the tulip table. I’m going to copy that one! And the natural vase made from twigs..perfect!
    Hoping you will get some warm sunshine soon!!

  6. Whew, ok, you have now motivated Mr. Nine and I to get our Global Entry. And I must say these are some "Egg"Cellent Easter Decor ideas!!

  7. Beautiful inspiration! You are going to be happy you have Global Entry. What are the travel plans?

  8. I'm drooling. Love the nature one with sticks coming out of the chandelier! Tell me I'm not crazy please.

  9. Lovely tables....wish I had the energy!!

  10. My mom and I are going out for Easter. I had high hopes that April was going to bring a change in the weather, but looking at the 10 day forecasr has left me with my head under the covers. xo Laura

  11. The bulb planted in the cupcake wrapper - how cute is that! Happy Easter week Katie :-)

  12. The second table - the one by Preston Bailey -- are those charges made of artichoke leaves??

  13. DID you tell me where you are GOING?
    I shall GO LOOK!

  14. I need to look into Global Entry, look forward to hearing about your travels. Lovely Spring/Easter pics. Pinterest makes me happy too! Happy Easter week........

  15. Since all of you on the east coast have stolen the midwest's thunder, and by that I mean ALL of your snow storms, we finally got one starting last Friday night. Pure bliss that lasted for 15 hours. The best bit is that the temps are so warm (relatively speaking) that the stuff is melting already. The first real snow storm we've had all season. And I so totally get your missing Texas, we moved here from Houston. #whatwasIthinking Happy Easter and PS, your blog is a my 'happy place' aside from Pinterest. I refer to Pinterest as crack for women.

    1. What a way to start my day! Thank you, Lisa, for your kind words. I hope that you have a wonderful Easter, as well.

  16. Katie, thank you so much for the Easter inspiration! I should definitely check into Global Entry!

  17. I think I just fell in love with Preston Bailey. Oh wow! That is so bright and happy. And tulips, a favorite! Biggest sigh!

  18. What a treat to see all of the greenery and bright colors on this dreary, rainy day! Spring is coming!!

  19. Lovely displays..I don ’t know if I could pick a favourite, except that I love tulips.. ( ha Ha)..You’re right Pinterest is addictive... and a pick me up some days.. especially when we still have 6 feet of snow ( ... but that suns shining so that’s a plus.... I enjoyed your blog... Have a Happy Easter !!!..By the way ..What is a ‘ Global Entry”?

  20. Lovely inspirations as I'm still staring at shamrocks around here! ;P

  21. Some people are so creative - such pretty Easter tablescapes!
    Happy Easter to you and yours!
    Enjoy the warmer weather finally arriving this week.

  22. Those tablescapes make me happy too. I love to decorate, especially a table for a holiday. My sister is having the family over this year and on Sat. verses Sunday when it is difficult to find a time that suits everyone.
    I went down to Austin to attend a junior league bunny brunch over the weekend with my youngest.None of our girls will make it to town to be with us this Easter...so I will have to enjoy my family and their kids. Have a wonderful Easter....Janey

  23. Lovey ideas! Perusing Pinterest is a great escape and wonderful way to find inspiration. Happy Easter!! Zenda

  24. Love all the Pinterest eye candy. I have so many boards on pinterest in which needs to be organized! I wish I had the time to do just a tad of what I saved. LOL! Happy Easter and thanks for stopping by to visit. Always nice to meet a new blogger. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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