Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Easter Table Eggspiration

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.  We had a great time last night celebrating St. Patrick's Day with dear friends.

I am writing this post purely for selfish reasons.  I need pretty pictures to take the sting out of listening to the naughty words that the weather guys keep muttering.  Words like "cold front" and my least favorite of all, "s-n-o-w" have been uttered repeatedly on this morning's GMA.  Isn't there some kind of law to prevent snow events days before the first day of Spring?  If not, there should be.

Without further moaning, I present lots of Spring table inspiration.  In case you don't know me by now, I did not lift one finger in creating any of these gorgeous images.

Although, I wish I had. 

Brian Woodcock/Country Living

Woman's Day

David Tsay/Country Living




Laurey W. Glenn/Southern Living

Helen Norman/Southern Living

Van Chaplin/Southern Living 

Donna Griffin/Elle Decor

Elle Decor/Reichman Photo

Sweet and Saucy


Sunny Vanilla

This one was Chowdah and Chili's favorite!

Until next time...

A day late and a dollar short.
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. These are so pretty. There is absolutely nothing in my apartment that looks like spring. I guess I need to think about changing things up. Hang in there. Spring will come. xo Laura

  2. Hang in there, spring will be here soon. It has been a lot of snow for y'all this year. My daughter and I headed to NY this week, so hopefully we will bring some warmth with us!
    The dogs look so cute in their green hats. I would never get both of mine to pose at the same time with hats.

  3. Hi there! Those Easter tables are just stunning. Like you, I am so ready to put this winter behind us, you have gotten walloped so I can understand how you are excited for spring. Lets hope they are wrong about more snow this week!

  4. Since I love Tablescaping, I thoroughly enjoyed the eye candy! I hope the weather predictions are wrong!

  5. These pictures are just so inspiring! We are hearing the T word here in NoAla...Tornado. Tomorrow afternoon we are to be weatheraware. That means, get ready to head to your safe room!!

  6. Loved the Women's Day table. Actually they were all beautiful! Such fun ideas!

  7. Bless your heart, I can only imagine how tired you are of the rough weather. But, these pics are awesome and inspired me as well. Here's to sunshine and lollipops headed your way!

  8. Beautiful tables!! I am also done with winter weather, but today I heard we will have a warm spring! Hope so!

  9. Ugh weather, our weatherman is using the snow word for this week yet again so I clearly neeed this Spring inspired post too! Gorgeous tablesscales. Hope there is warmth and sunshine in your week, I know it’s in your heart but hope in your neck of the woods too!

  10. All of the pretty floral tablescapes remind me of spring, which is good, because nothing around here does!
    Fingers crossed that nor'easter #4 misses us.

  11. Chowdah and Chili's favorite is mine too! and I LOVE the flowers in the chandy!! Thanks Katie!

  12. Katie, I'm betting you could knock any single one of those gorgeous settings to the curb! Do your best to keep cozy. Doesn't seem like it will ever end.

  13. Loved all of them, especially the country living one with the old fashion coffee pot. But, have to say I was mesmerized with the hats on Chili and Chowdah. Please tell us in a future post how you get them to keep them on? Does it entail a steak treat?

  14. These are all gorgeous tables and I'm surprised you didn't do them! Oh, I sure hope you don't have another storm headed your way. We are sitting through tornado watches and warnings in our state. With spring comes the dangerous storms. Take care sweet friend...........

  15. These are beautiful! But, alas, I fear that left to me none would turn out nearly as well! Please be safe during this latest (and HOPEFULLY last) storm!

  16. OMG!THAT TOILE from ELLE DECOR!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Oh goodness, so beautiful. Loving all of these. Chili and Chowdah look so cute.

  18. I’m overwhelmed by this glimpse of Easter tabletop perfection!!! That asparagus centerpiece and placard holders . . . OMG! I’m sure if I weren’t traveling my Easter table would put these to shame. Hahaha ... in my dreams. I do love to dream! I’m horrified by your weather situation. It must come to an end soon. xo

  19. I love all of these Katie! We are headed to S. Carolina ...sounds like it's cloudy and rainy! argh!!! laura


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