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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Surly Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  I am writing this on Tuesday morning. It's not even 10AM and the power has gone out six times and I've single-handedly finished off a whole jar of peanut butter.  This post is sewn together in haste because I want to finish it quickly in the event we lose power.  Please bear with me, there may be more typos than usual.  

1. Best place you've been lately?

Due to the influx of Nor'easters, the only fun place that I have been to lately was to the outlets.  I did come home with some great buys, though.

Nothing beats the Winter blues like retail therapy.

2. What's something you should say yes to today? Or this week? Or even this year?

What I would like to say yes to today is putting the house on the market and moving back to Texas.

3. Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in any way, shape, or form? If so tell us how. 

Benjamin Miller

I've been raised to think that I am Irish.  I can't verify that fact until I hear from the Ancestry DNA Testing labs in a few weeks. Remember that little story I told you about the Mister growing up thinking that he was German? 

When I was a child, we always celebrated the day noshing on corned beef and cabbage (not my favorite) and attending the St. Patrick's Day parade in my hometown.  

This year, weather permitting, we are meeting friends for dinner.  

By the way...I've been using the phrase weather permitting a lot lately.

In Western cultures, the color green is typically associated with jealousy, nature, good luck, and growth. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word 'green'?

Quentin Rey, Unsplash

Good luck.

4. What's a product or service you love so much you'd happily be their spokesperson? Tell us what makes you such a fan.


If you read my blog on a regular basis, I apologize for sounding like a broken record.  I've been using Genes Creme for years and I think that it is the best all-over moisturizer that I have ever used.  
It lasts forever, is reasonably priced, and it makes me look 40 years younger and 20 pounds thinner.

How's that for a sales pitch?

5. March 14th is Pi Day. How are your math skills? What's the last thing you did that required math of any kind? 


The last time that I used my Math skills was figuring out the tip for my hairdresser.  It took me about 20 minutes.  

 I hate to brag.

And most importantly do you like pie? What's your favorite kind? With ice cream, whipped cream, or please hold the cream?

Midwest Living

To put it kindly, my dear departed Mother was no whiz in the kitchen.  She did, however, make a mean raspberry pie that she served piping hot with vanilla bean ice cream. 
The recipe for the pictured pie can be found here.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Dear ABC, NBC, and CBS News Stations...

Is it really necessary to run continuous weather coverage all day long?  I don't need to watch some poor news person holding on to a telephone pole for dear life while being blasted by a blistering 45 mph snow gust.


I am a person that does not do well with Winter and snow.  Ask my poor husband.  I need Ryan and Kelly, Hoda and Kathy Lee, the snippy ladies on The View, the irritating chefs at The Chew and at least a full bottle of Chardonnay to help me through the tense moments of a nasty Nor'easter. 

If I need an up-to-the-minute update, I can look out the window or better yet, tune into the Weather station.  That's what it's there for!

A Surly Concerned Citizen


By the way... if you're wondering where my blogroll went, you can find it on the top bar under Blog Friends.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Stay warm Katie...as a Georgia Peach, I cannot imagine what you are having to endure. I would never make it.

  2. I am so sorry you've had such lousy weather. I've thought of you a lot. I know, little consolation. I bet even the canine duo is getting sick of it - maybe not Chow. Winners been too long! Hope you get a good forecast soon.

  3. Your kind of winters had a part in our decision to relocate to Florida last summer. But a move to Texas would be good, too.

  4. I could simply not do it....that cold and snow for so long....wish you were here....it indeed is beautiful though Thank you for all the book recommendations...I have made my list! Stay warm Katie!

  5. When I saw the word surly, I knew it had to be the weather. Hang in there friend!

  6. Sounds like my mornings lately as I sip coffee and eye another blanket of snow. Kelly, Ryan, Hoda and all the gang are my BFF's! I promise Spring is coming, I promise! I bet your mama's pie was da bomb..vanilla bean makes it all better!! xo

  7. I live up in snow country too and it isn't my choice. I hate the snow and cold but I get plenty of it. Then again, we don't get hurricanes, rarely see a tornado and we don't have the creepy critters that warmer climates have to deal with...all pluses in my book. Love the pictures of your furbaby! Your vitamin E cream is something I'm going to look for! Thanks!

  8. Yes, our daughter who lives right outside of Boston awakened to 18 inches of lovely heavy snow... looks like whipped cream on the trees... They lost power last week and checked in for a few days in a great hotel in Cambridge. So are you really going to move.. what a shock going from NE to the climes of Texas.... at least the shovelling will be a thing of the past!

  9. Thank you for reminding me about the Genes E Cream. We used it years ago and the store stopped carrying it and we forgot all about it. Hubby loved it as much or more than I did on his feet every morning. So sorry you hate the snow and are having to endure such a record setting season of it, but I think I would love it. This is a great time of the year to find bargains at the Outlets and a fun way to interrupt cabin fever. See you next week.

  10. What a March y'all have had! Not missing the late snows at all. We've been unseasonably cold here, but no snow and it warms up during the day so no complaints here! I don't understand the 24/7 weather coverage either. Why do the reporters need to be out in it telling us to stay home? Crazy! Hope you manage your dinner out!

  11. Oh I feel for you Katie! March snow is the worst!

  12. Bless your heart. That snow is relentless is your area. I think Texas would be nicer in the winter and maybe Massachusetts in the summer.

  13. Dear Surly,

    I feel your pain. Although I don't think we've EVER had it as bad as you have in the past few weeks. My sympathies. DNA is weird. I did mine through Ancestry and they sent results. Then I uploaded those results -- those exact results -- into my My Heritage family tree DNA page and got the same basically groups in TOTALLY (and sometimes radically) different proportions. Folks in my genealogy group say Ancestry skews Brit. I have NO idea. Someday I'll figure it out.

  14. You folks are certainly getting hammered, aren't you? I certainly hope spring comes for you soon! I need to find me some of that cream! Can you get it on Amazon? How about I swap you a slice of my black raspberry for a slice of your red raspberry? Looks and sounds amazing! Stay warm!

  15. Wow, your area is really getting hit hard with these storms! We lucked out on the last one and only ended up with about an inch yesterday. I am going to have to try that moisturizer after your glowing endorsement. I could also use some retail therapy but I only want spring clothes at this point. Even though winter stuff is practically free now, I just can't look at in any more! I hope your power stays on!

  16. Ok...
    Even in all that snow, or perhaps because of it, your home is BEAUTIFUL!
    And I agree with you about the weather forecasters!
    I mean, it IS winter, for goodness sakes! : )

  17. I cannot believe your bad luck with weather and power. We have had crazy winds, snow and rain this week. I am starting to feel OVER winter and looking forward to Spring.

    I hope you have power, stay warm.

  18. "Nothing beats the Winter blues like retail therapy." - Oh good Grief! Yes!! a million times! I loathe wintertime as well, and while I would love to live in Boston, I am truly afraid for my mental sanity if I had to spend a winter there. Now, Texas is another story. I would love to find a nice place in the hill country.

    I have added the moisturizer to my basket on Amazon because of your endorsement, and I am looking forward to getting it.

    I kinda like the round-the-clock weather reporting. I don't know, but it seems to help with the panic attacks I get when the weather gets bad. But, I am a news junkie who keeps the news on in the background most of the time. Or, maybe the anxiety has taken over, and I need to be checked in somewhere. As long as it is in the hill country of Texas next door to a winery, I am good.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and try to stay warm. Spring is coming!!

    1. Hi Lori... great to hear from you. Hope you are doing well in your neck of the woods. Have a great weekend.

  19. Here’s my antidote to winter, make an Atlantic Beach pie. You will close your eyes in pie ecstacy and you won’t see the snow. Recipe available online!

    1. Martha... thanks for the tip - it looks delish. Stay tuned for Friday Files.
      Enjoy your weekend.

  20. Oh, so much snow! It's looks beautiful from the West Coast! :) Hope you get clear skies and sunshine soon!

  21. Come to Beaufort - they weather is way better - sending a little warmth and sunshine your way. Now I'm off to order Gene's Creme!

  22. It makes me very cranky when the local stations preempt regular programming for storms. How much information can they possibly tell me that I can't see outside my own window?? We lost power for 4 miserable days during Nor'easter #1, and now each one makes me very nervous. And I hear another one is on the way. I think I need to hit the outlets...
    Do you use Gene's Creme on your face, or is it a body cream? Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. Hi Joan... I use it primarily as a body cream. But I have used it on my face when I have dry patches and it works instantly. I feel the same way about losing power - every flicker throws me into an anxiety attack. The Mister says that I have PTSD. Thanks for reading, Joan and have a good weekend.

  23. Oh, dear Katie, I can only imagine how tired you must be of the rough winter weather. When will your Hubby retire? :o)) I'm going to get some retail therapy next week when we go to our daughter's in Oklahoma. They have wonderful outlets too. Wishing you spring time weather!

  24. Oh my, I am so sorry for all of you up north experiencing such horrid weather! Your comment on the newscasters made me laugh because we say the same thing during a hurricane when the poor weather persons are holding onto light poles trying to talk through 80 mph winds. Get to a safe place, for goodness sake! I enjoyed your answers to the Hodgepodge. Love the giggles, always!

  25. Our weather dudes were on the tv the whole week (or maybe it just seemed that way) when we had our week of snow in January. I kept yelling at them I could just look out the window and see what was going on. Sheesh. They seemed so excited. They do this when we have heavy rain and hurricanes too. Do they seriously think we don't know that we're going to flood? Charleston is built on oyster beds for goodness sake. Weather people.

  26. Dear Katie I hope that you are staying cozy and that your power has stayed on this time. I would never be able to tolerate such winters as you have there! My neighborhood here in Dallas is very old and the power goes out all of the time, sometimes for days. After many years of dealing with this, we installed a full on generator. It is the greatest thing I have ever received. No more power outages in the 100 degree heat or during the severe storms that we have. It has helped me to be less stressed (aka insane) when the weather is bad because I am a nurse and have to be at work! I swear, it has changed my life and is better than diamond jewelry! Tell the Mister to get you a BIG GENERATOR!!! xoxo from Dallas. Sherry

    1. Sherry... we are getting quotes on generators. My birthday is coming up. Enjoy that beautiful Texas Spring - my favorite season in TX. Have a great weekend.

  27. Dear Katie, Oh I know the winter weather is hard to take, especially at this time of year when everyone is thinking spring. Your outing sounds fun, outlets and bargains is my cup of tea. I have to order the cream, I know first hand your advertising is true. Love the pooch pic with the snow, what cuties. I know it’s nice you and your chef have to keep you company during the storms. Hang in there and stay safe.......

  28. Kate, sorry, LOL,it’s early and I haven’t had my coffee. I meant to say bargains are my cup of tea and your pups io keep you company.......

  29. Katie, you have had a rough few weeks with old man winter. Hopefully, spring will come eventually! I really must find the moisturizer, if it works during your cold winter blast, surely it will work in heat and humidity! I do love outlet shopping!

  30. You poor thing, I have ben thinking of you, knowing how miserable you must be! Retail therapy is a definite must, and if you have power you can continue shopping at home while sipping chardonnay! Cover your ears, I heard there was another storm forecast for this weekend 😬

  31. I love the guy in the St. Patrick's get up!! I CANNOT imagine these storms - hopefully, spring is around the corner!!

  32. I'm with you and that nasty snow! Can't handle it. I did buy some Genes at Sam's Club last week though, and I LOVE it! I used to use A&D ointment a lot - sunburns, (yes, I grew up in the baby oil era), babies' butts, and now this creme has me slathering it on everything. And I love how it smells too. Thank you.

  33. There's absolutely snow way I'm going to crow about our sunny weather here in Vancouver. The fact that the daffs and crocuses are up and the leaves are burgeoning will also go unmentioned, Sis. Mo and I will lift our glasses in the hopes that you make your outing with the pals on Saturday.

    1. We will raise our glasses to you and start plotting our next adventure together!

  34. I agree with you, what's the use in having 24/7 weather coverage? Let the poor folks go home, where it's warm and dry :)

    I hope spring finds it's way to you, soon!

    Kathy (Reflections)

  35. Our weather is awful too, but no snow and so far no electricity problems. It's about time that the winter disappears !


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