Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Supermodels & Boutique Hotels

Hello dear friends.  I hope that you are enjoying your week.  This post covers my afternoon of lunch and shopping with my old friend, Skinny Delaney, who is now living in Pennsylvania.  

We had a wonderful lunch.  It was like old times.  

Sidenote to Sherry who wrote me a note about seeing this pic on Instagram.  She asked me how I tied my scarf.  It is a long scarf and I folded in half and put the tail through the loop.  Thanks for asking, Sherry.  I basically know how to tie a scarf two ways and I forget how to do the other one. 

This is Skinny Delaney proving that she can be surrounded by this much sugar, and still not pass out.

The shopping mall was holding an exhibit displaying creations by students of Massachusetts College of Art and Design.

I am in awe of the talent at this school. 

A gentleman came up to us and offered to take a picture of us.  He probably thought we were supermodels.

The gentleman then talked Skinny Delaney into standing on the platform.

As you can see, Skinny Delaney has no fear.

Next thing we know, Skinny Delaney is in cuffs and I'm raising money for bail.  If you're interested send money to:  FreeSkinnyDelaney.com.

On another note, my #1 took her first business trip.  The destination was Santa Monica, CA.  My kid has the best luck.  She called me as soon as she arrived at the hotel brimming with excitement.  She said the hotel was so charming.    She stayed at Palihouse which is a beach lodge that offers 37 beautiful guest rooms.  It is a Santa Monica Historic Landmark. 

Naturally I told her to take some pics.  The hotel photos are off the  hotel's website and the rest were taken by #1.  

I'm positively in love with the wallpaper and bedding.

Love it!

#1 didn't have a meeting until noon, so she ventured out for coffee and took some pics at the Farmers Market.

And of the beach.

#1 and her wonderful boss.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Love those dresses! I thought for certain you would be wearing one by the end of the post!

    Great travel destination for your daughter. We don't think of this part of the job when we choose our major in college! Good thing she didn't major in "dirty factory inspection." I hear that's a popular one at some schools.

  2. So Skinny is my neighbor over in PA, I am 20 minutes away from PA and I love going to Lambertville and New hope when I get the chance. I have been so busy pumpkin painting that I needed to get my Melinda fix! I hope all is well Happy Fall! xo Karolyn

  3. Katie you ALWAYS have so much fun!! Miss Skinny looks to be a great pal even though I know you two are troublemakers when together!! Brava for your Number 1, a super business trip for sure!

    The Arts by Karena
    Artist Lee Bowers

  4. Such fun! Skinny looks like a hoot. The fact that she would hop up on the platform? Perfection. Would have fired off a cheque immediately for her release however I'm still raising funds to get Mum out. Maybe we can do a two for one?

  5. Such fun! Skinny looks like a hoot. The fact that she would hop up on the platform? Perfection. Would have fired off a cheque immediately for her release however I'm still raising funds to get Mum out. Maybe we can do a two for one?

  6. Looks like you and skinny had a fun filled day. And, wow did #1 luck out on her first business destination!

  7. I want to go and stay at that HOTEL...........LOVE THE GREY or is it BLACK?TO BE YOUNG...............AND SKINNY!

  8. Everybody needs a SKINNY DELANEY in their life! lol What fun you girls had!
    Good for your daughter. What an amazing place to stay. xo Diana

  9. Tell us about the purse you are carrying. I love the black and brown look
    You are a great writer and entertainer
    Keep it up ! I look forward to your blog each day

  10. Now that is MY kind of business trip...thank you to #1 for sharing! And, I loved hearing about you and Skinny Delaney's supermodel life! Have a great weekend, my dear! xoxo

  11. I love the fashion display. Very Project Runway! Your #1 is an excellent correspondent. Between her, #2, Dude and the rest of your team, you have the world covered! Enjoy your weekend, my friend!

  12. Love your post, always entertaining and inspiring! I know we could become fast and furious friends!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Oh my goodness, those dresses and #1's hotel! Love the room decor also. Have a great weekend!


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