Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, October 19, 2015

NYC - Day 1

Hello, dear friends.  I hope that you enjoyed your weekend. This post covers the first day of our visit to the Big Apple.

The Mister and I hopped on Amtrak in Boston.  The ride is just under three hours.

A couple of things I want to say about Amtrak.  Going to NYC, we were in business class and coming back due to availability, we rode coach.  There is very little difference between the two.  As a matter of a fact, I like coach better, and I'll tell you why.  For the 3 hours that we rode in business class, the entire car was "privileged" to listen to a woman on the phone shouting orders to a lucky subordinate of hers.  The more dirty looks pointed her way - the louder she got.  Between you and me, I don't think anyone was ever on the other end of the line.  

On the way back, we sat in what's known as the "quiet" car in coach - no cell phone use allowed and strictly enforced.  The seating was as spacious as it was in business class.  The only real difference was that the seats were cloth as oppose to leather, which didn't bother me a bit.  

One brilliant young blonde was on her phone and the conductor politely told her to end the conversation or move to another car.  Evidently that threw her thong into a bundle and she asked in an impatient voice,  how in the world would she know it was the quiet  car.  He pointed to the large sign clearly in sight.  There's got to be a dumb blonde joke in there somewhere.

We passed the town where it all began.  This is where I first laid eyes on the Mister.  The rest is history.

Views from the train.

We lucked out and had a beautiful suite.

49th floor.  Yikes.

Spectacular views.

We decided to stop at the Lambs Club for some nourishment.

We arrived in the early afternoon, so we had a light lunch and a couple of glasses of wine.  Great service, food, and generous pours made this the perfect meal to begin our adventure in NYC. 

Typical NY restaurant- sleek and cool, just like us.  

My parents used to take my sista and me to Radio City at Christmas time every year when we were young to see the Rockettes.  I couldn't wait until I grew up to become tall and skinny with long legs so I could become a Rockette.  I'm still waiting.

That evening, we went to one of Daniel Boulud's restaurants, db  bistro moderne.

The food and service were very good.  I will say that the restaurant was very loud.  So rather than chat, the Mister and I were reduced to making goo goo eyes at each other.

After dinner, we stopped into one of my favorite places for a night cap, Sardi's.    

I met my new best friend, Joe.  He has been a bartender at Sardi's for over forty years.  I asked him of all the celebrities that he met, who was his favorite.

With less than a second's hesitation, Joe said that Jack Lemmon was one of the nicest gentlemen that he ever had the pleasure of meeting.

The other celebrity he mentioned was Paul Newman.  Joe said he was a wonderful guy.  He also told me that when Paul would venture to the men's room, his wife, Joanne would accompany him and escort him back to deter any female interruptions.

Maybe I should start walking the Mister to the men's room.  Or better yet, maybe he should begin escorting me to the ladies room.

Stay tuned to Part Two which includes a great play and a few star sightings.

Until next time...


Beautiful Zita, a lab rescue from New Orleans

My friend, Ann, sent me these pics of her grand furbabies.  While babysitting the little darlings, Daisy decided to have some fun with the trash compactor.   

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Sounds like a perfect weekend in the city!!! I SO agree about entitled people on the train - try taking the Metro North from G'wich to the city sometime!! Your hotel suite looked FABULOUS! Isn't it a treat when you get that upgrade?? Hope you have a great week!!! xoxo

  2. I so enjoyed the pictures of NYC/ We used to fly to NY every Christmas and go shopping/ My parents also took us to Radio City for the holiday show and yes. my dream was to be a Rockette! Fifteen years of dancing followed, but alas....love got in the way....It's just a magical city and a bit crazy!!! Cannot wait for part 2!! Have a lovely week Katie....stay warm!

  3. What a fun weekend. I went into the city on Saturday to have lunch with a friend. Thanks to your post I now have added a couple of restaurants to my "to try" list. Look forward to reading about the rest of the weekend.

  4. Where did you stay? Headed to NYC in a couple of weeks. Thank you.

    1. We stayed at the Westin Times Square. The hotel and staff were superb! I didn't want to leave.

  5. It's such a great city with so many wonderful restaurants - I loved all your photos!

  6. I love New York and can't wait to go back again. I've never been to Sardi's but it looks like so much fun!

  7. Looks like you had a wonderful time in NY. How fun to get away with the Mr. Two more years before our one and only is away at college and then we can take "empty nester" trips.

    1. Empty nesterhood takes a little getting used to but once you get the hang of it it's GREAT!!

  8. Sounds like a most interesting train ride into NYC. Yes, a blonde joke is definitely in there. I love NYC and want to make it to Radio City Music Hall for their Christmas Show one of these years. Guess I might should get that on the books. Hubby has no desire to go but says I can go anytime I want too. I've been twice and I think I see a 3rd trip in my future. Always brings a smile to stop by.

  9. Sounds like a great trip! Thanks for the restaurant reviews. Can't wait for more! I love Amtrak.

  10. Looks like a wonderful trip! I have many great memories from NYC, especially the Rockette's. What a swanky hotel suite. Can't wait to see more!

  11. Katie you always put a big smile on my face with your fun and descriptive writing! I can tell you had such a great time and am excited to hear more!!

    The Arts by Karena

  12. I love the train....read for hours, watch the world go by...love it (minus the loud bossy woman). I think I need an NYC fix, especially some shopping.

  13. Can't wait for part deux. Re rockettes, there was a restaurant owner in my town (sadly they went to NYC to open a restaurant--boo, we need them more) who had been a rockette. You would have never known it to look at her--she was what my dad would call zaftig. According to what she said in a local radio interview, when she was a rockette, she ate half a dry bagel for breakfast with black coffee, no lunch, and a salad for dinner (with chicken only if she was feeling like she could afford to have it weight-wise). Sounds like no fun to me.

  14. Great pictures! I've only been once on a bus trip to American Girl with my daughter, what an awesome city! Wish I would have had more time to explore. Enjoy!


  15. Looks like you all are having a great trip. I love DB restaurants also. My adventure with the train involved a ride from Portland, Maine to your new hometown of Boston in a crazy attempt to get back to the deep south during one of your snowstorms last year! Look forward to part 2!

  16. You're too funny! Those restaurants are gorgeous, thanks for sharing.

  17. I grew up in New Jersey, about 30 minutes outside of Manhattan. Now living in Buffalo, but have a son living in Manhattan. We used to drive or fly down, but what a hassle. Then discovered Amtrak, but it does take a few hours longer than driving, about 8 if no problems. We have been taking business class; but you are soooo right, there are always "loud talkers". I didn't know about the quiet car; and it is a bit less expensive than business. Visitng again in December with my husband. What hotel did you stay at? We are staying in the midtown area, not sure where. Think we have stayed at several dozen different hotels over the years. Yet to find the perfect, quiet place though. Love your blog!

    1. Thank you! We stayed at the Westin Times Square - I love those heavenly beds. Enjoy your visit in December. My Sista got married in NYC 25 years ago at Christmas time. I don't think that there is any city that is prettier at that time of year.

  18. Katie, oh, what a fun trip you two must be having! Love the birds eye view of everything. Especially your hotel suite...49th floor??? Eeek! Lol Can't wait for part two!


  19. Great post! Again! I'm craving a trip there now.

  20. Katie, I just love your posts and pictures! My first trip to NY City at 18 yrs old way back in 1973 included a missed connection at the airport which forced me onto the subway into the city. When I emerged from below, the first thing I saw was Radio City Music Hall......I'll never forget!! Thanks for the memories!


    1. Thank you Pamela! That subway can be pretty scary! Have a great week.

  21. You had me at "... generous pourings..." Of course, the one time my two and I planned a trip to NYC (over their college Spring Break) we were snowed out. Huge storm. Had to party the weekend away in Toronto. Somehow not quite the same. Your photos have me chomping at the bit to try it again. Hmmm...

  22. Those subways are both entertaining and a little crazy. I am claustrophobic .. and I always end up next to some strange person :\ You have the funniest sense of humor Katie!! If reference to the woman in the quiet zone ~ some folks are clueless!

  23. Loved this............LOOKS Like YOU and the MISTER had FUN!

  24. Next time you get a huge suite, you should call us all! I have extra sleeping bags! We will (mostly) stay out of the mini bar.......

  25. Great pics! I especially love the pictures with the dogs, so adorable.



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