Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Past and Future Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends. We are having some gorgeous Fall weather here in the Northeast.  You know the drill.  If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.

1.  October 21, 2015, is Back to the Future day.  Did you see the move?  The sequels? In the second film, Doc takes Marty into the future to prevent Marty's future son from making a mistake.  They leave 1985 and land on a 'skyway' on October 21st, 2015.  So tell us, What were you doing in the fall of 1985?

I have seen Back to the Future.  In the Fall of 1985 I was a mere child working in a dead end job in Northbrook, Illinois.

2.  If time travel were possible, would you want to go to the future?  The past?

At this stage in my life, I would find it rather frightening to look into the future.  I would like to spend a day in the past with my little girls.  We could play with dolls and watch the OJ trial all day long.

3.  We're not flying cars, but some of the technology imagined in the 80's film indeed come to pass in real life 2015-flat screen TVs on the wall, tablets, fingerprint recognition, video conferencing, on line banking, 3-D movies, motion controlled video conferencing, online banking, 3-D movies, motion controlled video games, drone cameras, and smart glasses (Google glass).  Do you worry technology is growing at a rate so fast we'll soon be unable to keep up with its demands?  Do you think the Internet does more harm than good?

My fear is that I will not be able to keep up with all the changes in technology.  I'm still trying to figure out Twitter. 

4.  Your favorite dish prepared in a slow-cooker? Your favorite fast food?

The Mister doesn't use a slow cooker.  My favorite fast food restaurant is Panera.  I always order the same thing - strawberry poppyseed with chicken salad.  

I don't get to go too much because the Mister prefers fast food places that sell a five-pound side of greasy fries.

5.  No time like the present, down time, face time, pressed for time, in the nick of time, make time, mark time... which timely saying most relates to your life right now?

No time like the present defines my life now.  The Mister and I are fortunate enough to have the time and good health to enjoy life.

6.  Tell us about a place you went as a child or younger person that's no longer there or is now something else.  How does that make you feel?

One of the places that hold a warm place in my heart is Camp Tegawitha', which was located in Tobyhanna, Pa.  Unfortunately, it closed in 1994.

 I spent numerous summers swimming in Lake Lynchwood, awkwardly participating in every sport, and devouring the homemade bread and desserts.  I think that I was the only kid that went to camp and gained weight.


Another place that no longer is in existence, is my college, Barat, in Lake Forest, IL.  Hopefully, the nuns chucked the transcripts so that if I ever go back to work, my prospective employer will have to take my word for it that I was a straight A student.

7.  Describe your comfort zone.

I would need these two crazy characters

along with 

these two crazy characters to create my idea of the ideal comfort zone.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

The Mister and I had the most enjoyable afternoon Sunday.  We met Chili's real brother.  She was found on the streets of Houston with her bro and taken to a shelter.  Shaggy Dog Rescues saved both of them.  Her brother Alan was adopted to a wonderful couple in Connecticut.  His Mom, Patti, and I have been in touch on facebook and we arranged a meeting at a lovely park half way between us.  

Chili and Alan had the time of their lives.  I really think they remembered each other.  Alan's Mom and Dad were so much fun and we plan on getting together again.

This is what he does now when I tell him to smile.

Chowdah stayed at home and was not happy about it at all.  Now he wants to join Ancestry.com and trace his relatives.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm also trying to work out Twitter (well truthfully I think I've given up on my rather inactive account!) Great pics of the dogs - so cute!

  2. LOVE reading your random thoughts, Katie. However, I am always disappointed when you do NOT work in the fact that you are, indeed, a trophy wife!
    Love the pupsters meeting and think you should help Chowdah trace his roots.
    1985? I was a mom with four kids under the age of 10...oh yeah...xo Diana

  3. I think it's so cool to have this Back to the Future Day! I loved those movies so much!

    And I think your college was beautiful. So sad it closed. As for the doggy siblings, this touches my heart because on Lois' first birthday, we took her back to the puppy farm to see her Mother and Brother. I know in my heart they truly remembered each other. So sweeeeeeeet!

  4. I am with ya on that Twitter thing. Trying to do it for work, but it seems like more work to me! How cool the bros got together! I wish my little man Gavin had siblings. Alas he is an only child...I guess that could be thought of as a good thing! Have a wonderful time enjoying your weather! Jealous in Texas!

  5. How nice that your 'fur baby' got to meet her actual brother! I'm glad the meeting went so well :)
    I used to do twitter, when it first started (before it got popular), but I soon lost interest. I wonder if it's changed much since then...
    Have a great day!
    Kathy (from Reflections)

  6. I've got that Peaches and Herb song stuck in my head now : ) So happy for the family reunion! The O.J. Trial-ha...I actually broke down and ironed so I'd have an excuse to stand in front of the T.V.

  7. I can not for the life of me figure out the Twitter - oh well, Twitter's loss. Your daughters are so damn adorable!

  8. Al four of your crazy characters are crazy cute! What's twitter?

  9. Loving you random thoughts and like you, I worry about how quickly technology is changing...where will we be in 5 years??? Your girls are so beautiful - always love seeing a picture! Happy Thursday!

  10. Your posts always bring so much fun to my morning! Loved your random. How nice for all of you, and you're not the only kid who gained weight at camp. We had spending money and access to THE CANTEEN which sold candy!!!

  11. The movie predicted Cubs would win the 2015 World Series. Although I'm a southside Sox fan, I was rooting for them but it was not meant to be. In 1985 I was 100 lbs lighter and working downtown Chicago. I don't like the slow cooker and stinkin' up the house all day but Dear Husband likes it. Your daughters are beautiful.

  12. Oh, nearly forgot! Check my blog today. You are one of the four GIVEAWAY WINNERS!!!! Please email me with your postal address.

  13. Loved seeing the pictures of TEGA!!! Spent 6 wonderful summers, so many great memories! White team for ever!! xoxo

  14. Love your comfort zone...nothing like our kids and pooches and OK I will throw in husbands to to make us feel complete:) SO funny the granny about opening the window.....and boy how true! Always love reading these, guaranteed to give me a laugh. Enjoy your evening:)

  15. Dear Katie
    Hello...as always I am the late arrival, I like your family comforts of lovely girls and sweet dogs, and you and your hubs having a good time together.
    I read a good quote recently.. if not me, who? and if not now, when?
    It motivates me a little as I sometimes plan and live for tomorrow and what it might bring
    I am terribly behind with all the technology, don't think Ill ever catch up but I love the internet... blogs are there :))
    Love to you my dear, and have a happy weekend
    Sally xx


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