Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, October 23, 2015

New York! New York! Day 2

Hello, dear friends.  I can't believe it's Friday already!  This is a continuation of my first post chronicling our weekend in the Big Apple.  If you missed it, you can find it Part 1 here

We woke up to a gorgeous crisp morning.  We had breakfast at the hotel and then went out to do some shopping.  The Mister was on the hunt for the best jeans ever made for men. 

I'm sure he is googling... What brand of jeans do Brad and George wear?   

St. Patrick's Cathedral has never looked so good.  The church did a great job polishing it to perfection for the Pope.

We met a friend for brunch.  Nancy chose Thalia, which was conveniently located in the theater district.  The food and service were very good, and the company even better.

The Mister and I continued on after lunch to see The Book of Mormon.  I had no idea what to expect with this play.  Everyone I know that has seen it has raved about it.  I was curious.  I couldn't imagine that a play about the Mormon religion could be that funny.

Well, that's how much I know.  The Book of Mormon is laugh-out-loud hysterical.  Granted, there are some off-color moments but, darn, it was funny.  The cast was superb, and I enjoyed every moment of the music and dancing.  I highly recommend it if you have the opportunity to see it. 

I was so excited for Saturday's dinner.  We had reservations at Ralph Lauren's restaurant, The Polo Bar.  I have been dying to go there since it opened.  And believe you me, it did not disappoint.

There is a gentleman outside who checks the clipboard for your name before letting you in the door.  I tried to take a peek to see if there were any famous names on the list.  Unfortunately for me, he kept his list pretty close to the chest.

We arrived promptly at 7 and was told by the maitre d' that our table would not be available for awhile.  Would we mind sitting in the bar and having a drink?  Does a bear Is the Pope a Catholic?  I could not have been happier.  

The bar is very small and the gateway to the restaurant.  Every patron has to walk by our teeny tiny table.  This is practically like sitting front row at the Oscars.   BTW... they serve the absolute best bar snacks in the world.

My first star sighting was Brian Grazer, Ron Howard's partner in Imagine Entertainment.  How did I recognize him?  One word: hair.  The Mister had no idea who he was,  he could have shared an airline seat with him and wouldn't have had a clue.  Lucky for him, my star radar was at its peak.

The restaurant is handsome, in the best sense of the word.  The rich woods, soft leather, and exquisite place settings make for a casually elegant ambiance.  The waitstaff looked like they walked out of an add for Polo.

After we had been seated, I resumed my paparazzi duties.  I needed to keep up my strength, so I had a couple of bites of this melt-in-your-mouth, buttery, pop over.

The Mister ordered pigs in a blanket.  He was curious to see if they took it up a notch.  I think everything tastes better in a beautiful restaurant.

The next star sighting was seated kitty-corner from us.  Joel Grey.  I did everything I could to control myself from belting out Life is a Cabaret, old chum!

Another couple of star sightings... Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski of Morning Joe.

And this is the moment the Mister gave me the put the camera away and behave look.

After a fabulous dinner, the waiter brought over these fabulous desserts "on the house" because we were so gracious about waiting for our table.  What a night!!

Before I knew it, I was back in my pumpkin on our way back to the hotel.

Have a great weekend!

Until next time...


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Wowza! What a great time! I've been to the Ralph Lauren Restaurant in Chicago several times and can't wait to someday get to this NY location. It looks wonderful. Joe Scarborough grew up in Pensacola the same time I did, but we didn't know each other. We met when he came to Fairhope once and he was very nice. My husbands' Grandfather worked on St. Patrick's Cathedral years ago when they were renovating. We've taken our boys there when they were little and it was stunning.
    So glad you had a great trip. It makes me want to go back to NYC!

  2. Celebrity sightings - fun! The only celebrities my husband could recognize are famous athletes.
    I did enjoy The Book of Mormon but not as much as others - seemed like it was written by a couple of immature younger guys mainly for shock value.
    The second mention of Joel Grey today - his daughter Jennifer Grey just said that her dad recently came out as gay.
    Have an enjoyable weekend.

  3. A great meal, great atmosphere and all those celebrity sightings too! Looks like a fun night ( I'm sure I would have been getting that put your phone away look from my hubby too :-)

  4. YOU got further then I would have with the camera......................which one was Joel Grey right or left?
    HAPPY TO here the meal was a success.............love how the tables are so close just like in EUROPE!

  5. What a fabulous trip Katie! You and the Mr. did it right! You've inspired me to plan a trip to NYC...maybe over Thanksgiving break? Would love to take our daughter to see the Rockettes, skate in Central Park, go to dinner at Ralph's, tea and macarons at Laudree...The list could go on and on. So much to see and do in that great city!

  6. Katie!!
    YOU are the star!! I love it I would have been in heaven and I love the pic of the hubs giving you "That look!"
    Too fun and such a delightful experience!

    The Arts by Karena
    Autumn Artistry!

  7. Great trip! The Polo Bar looks so posh and beautiful. The Mister's "look" is priceless!

    Have a great weekend!

  8. We're dying to hear if the Mister found his perfect pair of pants... It looks like you had a picture perfect weekend in the Big Apple!
    C + C

  9. The mister is adorable! I ran into Brian Grazer in Malibu one time, he rode his bike up to the door at Nobu! I recognized him from that hair too!
    The polo bar looks fab. I must try to visit the next time I'm in NYC!

  10. Book of Morman is hilarious! I've seen it twice and would go again tonight if I had the chance. Wicked is like that for me too and Les Miz. Will go anytime! Fun trip, Katie!

  11. J-E-A-L-O-U-S!!!! Nothing better than a trip to NYC, going to play after play and eating at every place on my list!! I always make of list of places I want to go because once I'm there, I'm like a deer in the headlights. I want to do it all the minute I get there and then get home and get mad cuz I never made it to the places on my list!!
    Man, oh man......I want to go right now. The week after Thanksgiving? Best ever cuz the crowds have thinned out from parade day, yet the xmas décor is everywhere....and the tree lighting is usually that week....
    Going to look at flights right now...............geeze.

  12. I agee with previous commentor...J-E-A-L-O-U-S!!!. I love New York...the first time I visited NYC was with my junior high school class...Sister Alice Catherine took us to the Statue of Liberty, the UN, Times Square (when it was still a risque district), Rockerfeller Center and Saint Patrick's for Mass. Our visit was right after JPII visited and the place was pretty spiffy...My number two has seen Book of Morman and said it is hysterical...soooo want to see it.

  13. Wow, what a restaurant! The food and atmosphere look incredible! I would have been taking photos too. Have a good weekend!

  14. OMG you have me in a New York 'state of mind'! I miss it...What fun 'star' sightings and general city fix fun you enjoyed in the big apple. It NEVER disappoints!
    Happy weekend darling Katie!
    xx, Heather

  15. Katie, Katie, Katie. You have missed your calling. You could be a STAR STALKER....lol Love the look hubby gave you- I have received a few of those myself...not from YOUR husband (lest you wonder) but from my own Mister. Looks like you had a great time all the way around.

    I, too, wondered what could be so hysterical about a play about Mormons. I have always considered them a conservative, loving, family-oriented group of REALLY GOOD people! I hope they didn't make fun of them/their beliefs too much. Sounds like it was a hoot though.

    Can't wait to read more. Keep us posted on who you see in the elevators there too, will you? lol xo Diana

  16. How fun....looks like you had such a great time, from Broadway and amazing restaurants and then your star sightings! You are quite a master star stalker, very good investigative research (wink). I loved your pictures and of course your hilarious story telling as only you can do.....as always a great way to start my morning, a very early morning that is. Enjoy your Sunday!

  17. Katie, you are definitely having a wonderful trip. I am so not a star stalker. When I lived in Burbank I could be standing next to someone in line at the post office and not have a clue. My daughter would always have to poke me in the side. Looking forward to reading more. xo Laura

  18. No way...you saw Joe and Mika?! I'm so jealous! Sounds like it was a great trip. I never see anyone famous in real life...I lived in Washington DC for 10 years and the closest to a star sighting I came was Janet Reno, lol.

  19. Those BAR SNACKS! I die! I would have been right there with your Mister on the pigs in a blanket. My favorite - served them at our wedding. Love that Joel Grey is wearing sneakers!

    Laughed my fool head off at the Book of Mormon.

  20. Enjoyed reading this post albeit a year late! But as they say better late than never. Great celebrity spot.

  21. Had to pop over from today's Friday Files to read this one. Adding The Polo Bar to my NYC list for next fall.

  22. I have been to NYC several times but always at Christmas. Once when I was young I went on a bus trip with my Mother and her friends, I forget what month it was but I know it was not cold so maybe Spring time? I got a PEAK inside St. Patrick's as there was a mass going on. I would like to go back and really have a day or 3 to see a show, go to a great restaurant etc. The RL restaurant looks fabulous. Thanks for taking us along!

  23. PS, did the Mister get any jeans? If so what brand? My mister needs good jeans SO bad!


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