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Monday, October 12, 2015

Some Books that I have been Listening to Lately

Hello, dear friends.  I hope you all had a good weekend.  The Mister and I spent a wonderful weekend in New York City.  We enjoyed fabulous food and even had a few star sightings.  I took lots of photos and will share them with you soon.

In the meantime, here are some short reviews of some Audible books that I have been listening to lately.  The great thing about listening to a good book is that it makes me more excited to go on my walk, which leads to more steps on my unforgiving Fitbit. 

Just finished this one.  I positively loved Kubica's last book, The Good Girl.  I felt this one fell short.  Didn't care for the main character and the story lacked focus.

An absorbing story told from the daughter's point of view centering around her father who was the ultimate con artist and worked for the Wolf of Wall Street.  Not only did he steal money from his clients, but he also set up credit cards in his teenage daughter's name, which left her in bankruptcy by the time she was twenty years old. 

I thought that Stephanie Mack did an excellent job presenting her sorrowful story of her father-in-law Bernie Madoff's debacle, and her husband's suicide.  She managed to present it articulately and without bitterness.  As a side note, Stephanie has a lovely voice.

After visiting Monaco on the cruise, this was the first book I listened to when I arrived home.   The book was written decades ago, but the fairy tale story remains the same. 

Love this talented lady, and this book was a great one to listen to because Amy Poehler features many guest readers, including her mother.

This book is very entertaining in typical Joan style.  It is read and supposedly written by Melissa, but I don't believe it.  I think that Joan wrote it before she died.

I know a lot of people are hot and cold on Ali Wentworth.  I happened to like her and enjoyed her tales of growing up and married life very much.

I love Martin Short.  This is probably my favorite Audible book because it was both funny and touching.  He talks about his long friendship with Eugene Levy and Steve Martin and also covers the loss of his wife to cancer.

Anyone who has been reading my blog of awhile knows that I love Andy Cohen.  I truly enjoyed his first book.  Unfortunately, his latest book was a total letdown.  Between you and me, I quit listening to it halfway through.  

The only thing that I didn't appreciate about Love Life by Rob Lowe is that due to the fact that it is an Audible book, I didn't have a book cover to ogle.  I loved his first book, and I am a big fan of Rob Lowe's second book, as well. 

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Thanks so much Katie, I always love getting book reviews and recommendations from friends. It has been awhile since listening to an audible book and am remembering how much I enjoy them!

    Sounds like a fun weekend in the city as well!

    The Arts by Karena
    Artist Lee Bowers

  2. I loved Ali Wentworth's first book and was a little dissapointed in the second - still funny in many parts, especially when she forgot to update the passports!

  3. Oh my, lots of good audiobooks to follow up on! You must be walking an awful lot to knock out that many hours and hours of listening! Please confirm, so you listen to these on your iphone after downloading them to audible? My 2 year old iphone 5C battery tends to die after 30 minutes of listening to music so I walk home in silence for second half of walk. I'm blaming my lack of fitness on my iphone battery!! Loved Rob Lowe and agree on Book of Joan...very snappy and witty one liners, could it really be Melissa? FYI, the Pioneer Woman had a recent post asking for ideas for audiobooks and I saw some very good leads in her comment section.

    1. Thanks Carol for the tip on Pioneer Woman. I download from audible (my amazon account) onto my iPhone. It looks like I've been walking a lot but between you and me these books cover the past 9 months. Don't tell anyone - I want everyone to think I am in top shape!! Have a great week.

  4. Your ears have been very busy! So many of these look great, and I'm also trying to walk more, so maybe audible books are the way to go!

    Thanks for the tips.

  5. You have been a very busy reader (listener) lol....thank you for the recommendations!! I have a few of these on my list but many more I did not know about so appreciate the heads up on what is tried and true...if they get your endorsement I know they are good! I cannot wait to hear about your NYC adventure!

  6. I have the Grace Kelly book and After Perfect downloaded on my Kindle...I've read a little of the Grace Kelly book and so far it's pretty good. I also downloaded a sample of Andy Cohen's book and thankfully didn't buy it....it was dreadful!

    I think I'm going to start listening to audio books and get my rear in gear and walk! You have inspired me Katie!

  7. Thanks for all the info on those books. Especially grateful for Andy Cohen review. I won't bother. I thought his other book was hysterical! xo Diana

  8. Hi Katie, Can't wait to hear about all the fun you & the Mister had in my hometown of NYC! (I'm originally from Brooklyn.) Today (Columbus Day) is the 1st anniversary of our first meeting & lunch. Looking forward to many more! xoxo, Dawn

  9. Hi Katie my dear, Im your long lost friend. I think about you often and I am still here

    I will definitely take up some good reads, especially Princess Grace...and also your fall decorating ideas, which are so nice.. It is a beautiful fall over here.... I will try and email you tomorrow
    Much love to you and smiles across the pond

    Sally xxx

  10. I love Audible but it can get expensive after a while. Have you tried Overdrive? Up to 10 kindle and audiobooks at a time for free from your local library through an app. Love it!

    1. Helloooo Stepford Mommy... First of all, I LOVE your name! Thanks for the tip on Overdrive. I'm planning on looking into it this AM.

  11. We've been watching Rob in The Grinder and have to love his comedic acting - he seems like someone who doesn't take himself too seriously! Thanks for your reading guide - lots of gems here.
    C + C

  12. Thanks for all the book tips. I listen to podcasts while walking/running but have never done books. When my girls were in college I would listen to books on the way home if I was by myself. David Baldacci is one of my favorites. My favorite podcast series (besides Serial) is Heather McDonald. If you don't know who she is, she used to be on Chelsea Lately and is a very funny gal. She mostly talks gossip and has interviewed several of the Housewives on the podcast as well. I'm not a deep thinker… I was in Santa Barbara last week and hoping to run into Rob. Maybe next time… Have a good week Katie!

  13. I realized yesterday I don't read as much as I would like too....My Eyes Shut!Maybe this is what I need!!Someone talking to me and I can still have my eyes SHUT!I should WALK too!!!Maybe you have solved two dilemnas for me!!!Thank You!!


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