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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hodgepodge Is Back!

Hello dear friends. I wrote this post yesterday, the first day of September on my patio.  It was an absolute perfect day.

It is so great to be back in the Hodgepodge swing of things.  I have had other things going on the past couple of weeks, and have missed it a lot.  Joyce always does a fabulous job coming up with great questions.

1.  What's on your September calendar?  Anything fun?

This month, the Mister and I are going to our nephew's wedding in Orlando to see our nephew get married.

And our #2 will turn 22 on the 25th.

2.  You might be described as a natural born ________________.

The Mister would probably fill in the blank with the words bargain shopper.

No kidding!

Wish I looked this good in sweats.

3.  September is National Courtesy Month... what one act of courtesy would you most like to see more of in your home, town, or the world at large?

I would like to see people use the words please and thank you.  It amazes me how many times I open a door for someone and receive no acknowledgement.   

It is then that I say "you're welcome" and give them the stink eye.

4.  Eager beaver, chicken out, clam up, or let the cat out of the bag... of the phrases listed, which one have you related to most recently?

I can't identify with any of those phrases right now.  The closest I can come to one is revealing the fact that the Mister has developed a serious addiction to fried clams.  There I go letting the cat out of the bag.  I am such an eager beaver sometimes to tell all, when I should really chicken out and keep my mouth shut.

5.  What's your movie theater snack protocol?  Do you chow down snacks during the previews or wait until the movie begins?  Do you buy snacks or refuse to pay those kind of prices?  What was the last movie you saw in a theater?  How many thumbs up would you give it?

If you are a reader of my blog, you know that the Mister and I love going to movies. 

If we don't have time to go out for a nice lunch, we usually pick up something from Panera or Subway and I tuck it into my huge purse. 

Last time we were at the theater, I walked in with my purse busting at the seams with Panera wraps and fat free chips.  The ticket agent asked to look in my purse.  My palms began to sweat and I started to hyperventilate. 

I had visions of getting busted.  I looked at the Mister and he looked away like he didn't know me.  I slowly opened my purse.  It was the longest 12 seconds I have ever experienced.  The ticket girl looked in my bag and thanked me.  She explained that due to all that has gone on in the news, she was checking for weapons. 

I'm free!

I spent the first two hours of my freedom with these two guys and not speaking to my husband.  I give the movie two thumbs up and the Mister a big thumbs down.  

6.  Henry Ford is quoted as saying "nobody can think straight who does not work."  Idleness warps the mind.  Agree or disagree?  Why?

Strongly disagree.  
I do my best thinking when my mind is warped.

7.  What's the last job you completed or task you performed where you had to 'work like a dog' until it was finished?


I feel that way after every blog post I write.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

True confessions.  I almost cried in Target last week.  I was in the stationery section looking for my favorite gel pens.  I found myself caught up in the midst of Moms and their children in a frenzy of buying school supplies.  There are a few things that I don't miss about my girls being young.  But the one thing that I did love was the excitement of the dawning of the school year and promises for new beginnings.

So I took my gel pens, proceeded to the candy aisle, picked up a snickers, and promptly felt better.

    Until next time...

Chow did NOT want to get up this morning!
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. You crack me up - we are so much a like.

    1. Thanks Brittany! That could be a good thing and a bad thing...

  2. As usual, your blog post brought a smile to my face! Have a good Wednesday!

  3. So funny...need to forward to my friend Andrea and sister who I know will appreciate it. We are so much alike, especially on the subject of manners..where have they been? Two words so simple to use can mean so much! Please and thank you! I am a stickler for those things too:) Where we differ though is I LIVE for movie popcorn....somethings think thats the only reason I even go to the movies lol.

    When I read about you being in Target nearly choked on my coffee...started an entire post on this subject and haven't finished it yet but boy will you be able to resonate....I had almost the same experience. I will post it hopefully in the coming weeks. Hope you have a great day....thanks for making my morning so cheery!

  4. Such cute pictures of your girls. This is my first season of no daughters in college and I was looking at old pictures for a post and got a little sad over Melissa's Pom team pics. Such good memories!

  5. You are hilarious, love the Mama June pic! The last one was so sweet, I miss those days too.

  6. Henry Ford: I try to balance 'time well spent' with 'time well wasted.' I become a bit better at it each year.

    Contraband: I once smuggled a Cuban cigar (for my dad) out of Bermuda. After I breezed through customs and walked toward the plane, a customs official began yelling at me, "Miss! Miss! Miss!" I nearly had a heart attack and envisioned myself spending 10 years in Guantanamo Bay, but the female customs official just anted to know where I bought my cute sweater. Whew! Oh, and my husband pretended he didn't know me the entire time.

    1. You got me there. A custom official is a lot scarier than an 18 year old ticket taker. Sounds like our husbands went to the same school. Have a great weekend.

  7. Great post, adore these mix it up jumbles of thoughts and activity! Just be nice, why can;t everyone do that and paying it forward in any small way would help s well. The bullying at school is being fought with one of the simplest and classic phrases," treat others the way you want to be treated!" Oh and I always sneak food into the movies and a diet Cole (not paying more than the movie for treats!)

    The Arts by Karena
    Featuring Sharon Santoni

  8. I love Hodgepodge! Your answers are always so hilarious! I get what you are saying about your Target "episode" - I always find myself choking up at back to school time too. The funny thing is that the school buses always get to me BUT my kids never took the bus - I always drove them and it was always the most stressful part of my day. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self to just chill out and enjoy it more! Hope you are enjoying this last "official" week of summer! xoxo

  9. Ha! Love your snack purse. Good grief, are they really checking bags for weapons? Glad you're back at the Hodgepodge. I've missed you!

  10. I definitely miss being able to buy school supplies. I'm trying to save money and certainly don't need any of that, sometimes I go just to look at them.

  11. I am with you on the beginning of a new school year, plus I have a small addiction to all things stationery related. I have a daughter who teaches third grade, so I buy fun things for her room which eases the pain a little. The theatre we went to last week also had a bag search. Makes me so sad to think this is what we've come to, but I admit to looking around and sizing up the crowd in theaters now.

  12. Totally get your attraction to Armie Hammer -- from/lives in/used to live in San Antonio, Texas, Katie. In fact I have a wall in my home office that I thought would be funny to frame photos of men (none of whom I know, BTW) to take up the space on the wall above the desk. The photos all came from magazines (mostly the NY Times) and Armie is the only one who is famous. He is holding a chicken and that photo is the reason I even thought of the wall, as I have 2 small chicken figurines that sit on the desk.

    I think I've said too much.

    Yes, I'm fascinating.

    Have a great week!

  13. Great post. I, too, had "a moment" in Target this week--school has been back in session for a couple of weeks, so when I looked around and saw only young moms with "pre" preschoolers in their carts, I just lost it. Where did the time go?

  14. Hey there, Katie! Chow and I have a lot in common, I see! Oh, I know that feeling you experienced about school starting...I had that same twinge myself. This is the first time in many years that I haven't had to rush out to purchase school clothes and supplies. It felt weird.

  15. A Snickers bar is always a pick-me-up!

  16. Oh how fun that your coming down my way! I live in celebration FL and disney is our hangout! It will be quite hot still in Sept. so dress accordingly! I'm such a fan I wish I could meet you and the mister!!! My grown son works for Disney too!

    1. Email me. Maybe we could meet for coffee. I remember seeing a show that did a segment on Celebration. Looks like such a cool place to live. Have a great day.

  17. Wow, I forgot that they are checking bags at the movies now...I guess the rolling luggage I bring filled with snacks will be frowned upon. You are so funny...Have a great week.

  18. Happy Birthday to your number two! My number two turns 20 and my mom turns 93 on the 26th! Still grinning over your answer to number 4. Very clever. As for smuggling contraband into the movies, I'd never admit here to smuggling booze in for the parents at my daughter's bd party. However I will admit to getting caught trying to smuggle in a SB coffee. Horrid little man ordered me to empty it out. On the spot. I drank it all down - throat still scalded.

  19. Funny post; especially love the pics of your girls. Time passes so quickly. DD starts school tomorrow; glad to have my days back but I will miss her. xoxo, Dawn

    1. I hope DD has a wonderful school year, Dawn!

    2. DD says thank-you & she wants to meet you for some ice cream sundaes ; )

  20. I do enjoy your blog! Always funny and good for a laugh, I appreciate your sense of humor and the pics are the best. Couldn't agree more about the back to school thing.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. Have a great weekend!

  21. You always find the funniest graphics!!!! Laughing so hard at all of them this morning!!

  22. Ok, you got me laughing out loud this morning…so loud in fact the groom in the other room wanted to know what was so funny!! I follow a zillion blogs and only actually read a handful of them, and almost never ever leave a comment. You are always in the top 3 but today Mrs. Clooney you are # 1. Please don't let the fact that I only read 5 out of a zillion diminish how much I enjoy your blog :)

    1. Diana... for some reason my comment came out down at the end of the comments.

  23. I love that you have favorite gel pens - lol! My mother used to follow our school bus in her car, because she thought the driver was drunk.

    Thank you for this blog! Please continue?

    1. Patsy... Love your Mother! So funny. Looks like we are going to have a fabulous weekend here in Mass. Hope you enjoy it!

  24. Ok Diana... one question... The GROOM? I hope I didn't hold up a wedding ceremony!! All kidding aside.. thank you so much for your sweet words. You really and truly made my day. Please write back and fill me in on the groom. Have a fabulous weekend. And if you got married... best wishes!!

  25. Ha…oops, I meant Maria the "Groomer" as in dog, who was bathing our dog in the laundry room….I forced her into my office so she could read your blog today….we laughed so hard on # 3 and the stinky eye!
    BTY….I did get married but that was eons ago, but if my husband asks, seems like yesterday. Enjoy your nephew's wedding!

  26. I'd say they were awfully glad to see your snacks in your purse! :)

  27. No "thank you" when I hold the door for someone? Drives me crazy! Speaking of crazy, I used to have this thing when Peter and I would go to the movies (like on our 1st date), I would insist that NO popcorn be consumed during the showing of the coming attractions. Once the actual movie started, he could dip into the popcorn bucket. It's a wonder that there was ever a date #2...


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