Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Maine Event

Hello dear friends.  I have been MIA because I was in Orlando for a wedding.  It is nice to go away but even nicer to come home and see Chow and Chili and sleep in my own bed.  When we landed I received this text from Chow's babysitter.

When we got home, Chowdah blamed Chili even though its Chow's bed and she sleeps in a crate.  


A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to go to Maine for an overnight stay with my bff, Anne, and her bff, Kathy.  Kathy needed to check out a venue for her daughter's wedding in Rockland.  I was so fortunate because Kathy grew up in Maine and knew all the greatest non-tourist spots.

It was kind of a grey, overcast day but that didn't effect our moods in the least.  Kathy and Anne go way back, and I enjoyed hearing their stories about all of their past adventures.

The first stop was Portland.  Kathy wanted me to see one of her favorite stores.

As soon as I walked into kcolette my heart began to go pitter patter.  I began to feel the effects of sensory overload. 

This beautiful ceramics line is called astier de villatte and is handcrafted in France.  Each piece is crafted in black terracotta clay and white glaze.  

Fabulous kitchen accessories and plate ware.

The most darling baby section!  My favorite are the animal heads.

Note to self:  tell the Mister to buy me a beach house so I can hang this beautiful whale over the fireplace in the den.

Kathy then took us to her favorite fish market.

The Mister would go out of his mind in this store.  There's nothing he likes better than a great fish market or butcher shop.  I'm fine with that.  As long as he stays away from porn shops.

Sea Bags is located on Custom House Wharf.  

The bags are made from recycled sail cloth, so they are durable and last forever.  

Each sea bag is meticulously designed, sewn, and finished by world class sewers, artists and graduates of top notch design schools.

Kathy was telling me that she knows of a bride who gave these bags to her wedding party.  Great idea.

This is one of the best places to get a great sandwich, according to our tour guide. 

I would like to tell you that I did not eat the whole sandwich, but that would not be the truth.  I ate every crumb.  The bread and meat were beyond delicious. 

I took some pics from the car.  Maine is a positively gorgeous state.

Anne and Kathy told me that Red's and Moody's Diner are very popular eating spots. 

We checked into the hotel and then did some shopping in Camden.

It is filled with great shops and restaurants.

I have noticed that the salt air does wonders for the flowers.  Maybe it will take away my wrinkles too.

Although the day was overcast, we decided to have dinner outside on the water.  We chose Peter Ott's which was quite good.  

Here's to a fabulous day with wonderful friends.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of The Maine Event where we come in contact with some very talented prisoners.
How's that for a teaser??

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Looks like so much fun, Katie. Maine is such a beautiful state. xo Laura

  2. You have the best getaways Katie! That French line of dinnerware is amazing!
    So glad you had fun with your friends!

    The Arts by Karena
    Featuring India Hicks!

  3. We enjoyed our two visits to Maine. You are correct in that it is such a beautiful state. You and your friends find the best shops and restaurants!

  4. What a fabulous getaway! Great shopping and yummy food, what's not to like. Oh, and the wonderful company too.

  5. What a gorgeous place, and I love shopping through your camera lens because my charge card is safe!

    Aren't dogs funny about "punishing" us when we leave them? Lois always pulls some prank when I'm gone!

  6. Kcolette...my kind of place. Oooooh, Aaaaah! Dishes, tea towels, tablecloths...oh my! And those cute animal heads. Too cute.
    Your sandwich looks like a winner too. I need to schedule a trip to Maine...when it is nice and hot where I live. I agree with the statement above...my money is safe via your pics...but if Kcolette has a website I am done for! Sheila

  7. I used to love spending time at Lake Mousam in southern Maine in the summer. It's such a beautiful state, and you can get a lobster roll everywhere!

  8. I am so jealous! Maine is my favorite place to visit in the USA. I love every place I have ever visited there! Thank you for sharing your adventure!

  9. Love Camden! Such cute shops. k colette is my kind of shop too.
    Your contact with the talented prisoners has piqued my interest; I hope there was not actual physical contact.

  10. I want to go to Maine!! Looks so inviting but I love anything New England. I have spent a small fortune replacing dog beds that Lana has destroyed; so I feel your pain. Need to get a lobster roll now! Hugs, Dawn

  11. Katie,
    what a fun trip, isn't Maine fabulous! My sister and I went to Portsmouth, I loved it! The shops were so fun, her favorite was the Alex and Anni (sp)? jewelry store. We ate at a restaurant called the Friendly Toast, the décor is so fun and the food is wonderful! If you ever go back give it a try. Will be doing a post on it eventually along with our visit to Plymouth and the settlement there, not somewhere I was excited to go but since my sister promised her 1st graders she would visit it, I had to and was so glad we did! Since my trip was a year ago last spring, you know I'm really behind!! I'd love to come back up there and hopefully I can get my sister to make another trip since my niece is currently in New York doing her medical internship there. I'm sorry we missed each other and if I do make it back, would love to get together!

  12. Katie I just love traveling along with you! You make a wonderful guide. Camden looks like a charming town to visit and I think when we do an east coast trip it will be on my list. Fun, fun, fun!! This California gal loves your east coast sensibilities.
    Happy Thursday,

  13. I love that you New Englanders can be two states away in the blink of an eye. So many great opportunities for day trips or quick overnight get aways. You have Maine and Rhode Island, we have Indiana and Iowa...
    Love, love, love the sail bags!

  14. How fun love when you take us a long on your fun little excursions.....looks like such a good time and any time that ends with a glass of wine is a good day to me! Have a lvoely evening...
    PS Love the tote!

  15. you take the best trips! hope you have a glorious weekend. :)

  16. What a delightful post Katie! We know these places very well! It was a trip down memory lane. Red Eats does indeed have a very good lobster roll, but line up early...always busy! I can tell you to skip Amato's....a chain restaurant which we had lunch at once...once, being the key word. Locally owned places were the best! Y'all have a wonderful weekend!

  17. Do NOT wait for a beach house. Buy that astonishing whale painting now..!

  18. How much fun!!! I've never been to Maine and keep dreaming of a road trip. Looks like you hit all the hot spots. I've had a Sea Bag for years…love seeing their shop.

    Will tuck all this info away for the day I sneak the car out for a long road trip!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  19. What fun! Did you see Jessica Fletcher cycling by? Your last few photos are reminiscent of Cabot Cove . . . sadly I’ve never recovered from Murder, She Wrote going off the air.

    1. I wish I saw Jessica. I loved that show and the whole Cabot Cove town!


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