Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A Musical Hodgepodge

Hello, dear friends.  Happy Hodgepodge Day!  It is raining dogs and cats this morning and rumor has it, it is going to last for awhile.  

1.  Something on your October calendar that makes you smile?

Skinny Delaney, moi, and sweet Judy

I am meeting my old buddy from Texas, Skinny Delaney, this week for lunch in Boston.  I have not seen her for a couple of years and she is now living in Pennsylvania.  

Between you and me, I'm secretly hoping Skinny Delaney got fat.

2.  Food for the soul or music for the soul... which camp are you in?  Tell us why.

Definitely, music for the soul.  I grew up in a home that continuously had the "hi-fi" blaring everything from Herb Alpert to Frank Sinatra.  By the time I was five years old, I knew every word to "The Girl from Ipanema."

Music can transform my bad mood into a good one.  It can also remind me of a wonderful time in my life.  There is a reason that I always have James Taylor and Carly Simon music on at home. 

3. What are two or three things you've learned recently as the result of an online search.

I haven't learned much, but these are the last things that I googled.

How do I get my dog to stop getting up on the patio table?

How many milligrams of doggie Xanax can an adult take?

4.  Share your favorite game day recipe.  You can describe it, post the how-to, or add a link to the actual recipe.

Bacon Cheeseburger Dip

Recipe found on Closet Cooking.

The only time that the Mister and I watch football is the Superbowl.  This mouthwatering recipe caught my attention so I may surprise the Mister and make it for the big game.  

It won't be that much of a surprise because I am not allowed to use the stove without adult supervision.

5.  What are your five essential steps for creating the perfect morning routine?

No question about it.  My family will testify that I am a creature of habit.

I always set my coffee machine the night before.  This is the only coffee I drink at home and I order it by the case.  The morning doesn't begin until I have my first cup.  

I feed and let these two characters out to take care of business.  Usually, when they come back into the house, a belly rub is in  order - theirs not mine.

I then turn on the TV to find out from my BFFs the news of the world.

I rack my brains to think of something to write about.

Then, if I can't think of anything, I go out for my morning stroll, which enables me to keep my girlish figure. 

6.  What small thing have you taken note of today?

This morning, I took note of the fact that in Massachusetts, jeans shrink in the closet during the summer.  Must be something in the air.

7.  Sum up your September in seven words or less.

September was chock full of gorgeous weather. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

Last week, I spent a lot of my time on Pope-watch.  I have never been so proud to call myself a Catholic after observing this articulate, humble, loving man. 

Food for the soul or music for the soul...
which one best describes you?

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Fun post Katie...my parents drank that same coffee with chicory. My father did his medical residency in NO and they fell in love with dark, rich coffee! But...no football???? I know the days are beautiful these days up in the East..enjoy your Boston luncheon! Texas would love some of those rainy fall days about now! Hugs!

  2. My dadgum new computer ate my comment so I'm going to try again....Skinny Delaney might be skinny and all but so are you! I love your dress and Judy is cute too (great name btw)!

    Don't get me started on game day food....as you know football is a religion here in the SEC. Wings, dip, chips, cocktails, anything goes. Makes me hungry just thinking about it but my motto lately is "a minute on the lips, forever on the hips"!

    You must be getting the rain we had here Monday and Tuesday....you're welcome! We are still experiencing some humidity though...be glad when that's gone.

    Have a great week Katie!

  3. I'm not Catholic, but I agree with you about the Pope. I love listening to him speak.

    And your choice of coffee sounds fascinating. If I wasn't the only one here who drank coffee, I'd probably get out my big coffee pot and give it a try :)

  4. With a few minor adjustments, your hodgepodge could be mine. But it's so much fun reading yours!! You are simply a delight!

    1. Thank you so much, dear Cheryl. You put sunshine into my rainy day.

  5. Brilliant to get a foam pad for a doggy toy!! Why did I never think of that? Obviously they had a blast. They'll never be happy with a Kong again! Lol. So if I'm hearing you right, you don't want to see Skinny Delaney as tall and tan and young and lovely? Ahh, James Taylor and Carly Simon and Carole King and Herb Alpert and Burt Bacharach and... Anyway, enjoy your morning stroll after that life-saving mug of coffee.

  6. I was chatting on the phone with my oldest daughter Monday morning while she was walking her pup. He managed to find a toddler's sock in the woods and swallowed it before she could wrestle it away from him. A stressful start to her Monday : ) The vet told her to give him hydrogen peroxide and a half hour later he 'coughed' it up. I had to remind her the puppy stage doesn't last forever. Only feels like it! Enjoyed reading here as always. I do love the photos!

  7. Loved having the Pope here in the states! September was a huge turning point for me and it flew by!! I love to make Hot Artichoke-Parmesan Dip for gatherings!! Katie I am definitely going to try out your Coffee! That is the first essential in my morning routine!....In fact I need another cup so I can get my mind and body going!!

    The Arts by Karena

  8. Thank you for another laugh out loud post. I had a table surfing dog growing up and we were never able to break him of that habit. Good luck in that department. I'll take your rain and give you some of our sunshine and 80+ degree weather. It's still summer here in Colorado and I can't wait for the cooler weather. My husband and daughter drink French Market restaurant blend but only make it in a French press which they believe is the "only" way to make coffee. I rarely drink coffee and only it's fall/winter and if it comes from our Keurig machine or Starbucks. Too impatient/lazy for the French method. Have you had the pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks this year? Still waiting for it to cool down outside before I do.

    Have and awesome week dear Katie!

    1. You still have summer in Colorado?? Wow! I have not had my pumpkin spice latte yet but I am looking forward to it. In Texas, I could walk to Starbucks but here it is a 15 minute drive. Well worth the drive, though. Thank you for always leaving such sweet words.

  9. Katie, your posts never cease to make me smile.
    Morning Routine if not volunteering or subbing: 1. Flavored coffee in favorite mug (currently pumpkin spice flavor) 2. Check blog stats (sometimes makes my day, sometimes depresses me) 3. Pack lunches and help with breakfast. 4. See kiddos and hubby out the door. 5. Ponder what awesome thing I want to do first until 1:00 when it's time to go pick up children and tackle homework, dinner, and extra-curricular activities.

  10. Katie,
    always hilarious as usual! Carly and Carol King are 2 of my all time favorites, love blaring them while I'm driving! Now, for the important stuff! Is there morning without Coffee, I don't think so! And, where in the world did you get that photo of me out on my daily walk? I always check for paparazzi before I leave the house but must have missed that one! I've never seen your friend, Skinny Delany but from the looks of her in your photo, it appears to me that she's put on a couple of pounds, (please don't tell her I've said that) I'm not prepared for any repercussions! Am looking forward to you waking up and getting your fall décor posted!
    Thanks for the sweet comment about my kiddos!

  11. You crack me up!! I love the "just cuz it zips doesn't mean it fits" -- words of wisdom there! I am a music for the soul person too. Trying to catch a glimpse of the Pope was the first time I had turned on morning TV (my favorite although I watch the Today Show) since school started. Fun hodgepodge. Have a great week! :)

  12. Katie, it was "Pope-watch" all last week here in California as-well...this wonderful man has done so-much to make Catholicism accessible and relevant again. I was at a 'Ladies Club' lunch when the subject of Pope Francis was raised...several of us 'Ladies' chimed-in simultaneously that he 'Get's It'. None of us had to explain what we had meant, this quote of Pope Francis says it all: "LET THE CHURCH ALWAYS BE A PLACE OF MERCY AND HOPE, WHERE EVERYONE IS WELCOMED, LOVED AND FORGIVEN." Thank goodness 'they' elected the right man for the job this time around.

    1. Nickie... you are so right "He gets it." Love that quote. I consider it a "miracle" that "they' elected Him.

  13. Katie...your posts always make me smile! Thank you for that!

  14. Definitely music for the soul. My dad sang....at home, in the car, etc. he was in a Barber-shopper chorus. I remember all of those old standards. My kids on the other hand grew up on "our" music of the sixties, early seventies. They will hopefully have the same fond memories of our music as you have with your parents.music. Music is truly a transport to another time.

  15. Your posts always make me smile, Katie. That is all.

  16. OMG -- that Herb Alpert album was in our den as a child and it is transformative music! So glad you reminded me of it -- a trip to the I-Tunes Store is in my future!

  17. So agree about The Pope, hes so good for our world..and your feelings on music and that dip looks toxic in a good way:) Finally French Market coffee is the best! Funny story...when i got married many years ago my grandfather (from Louisiana) come in for wedding waltzes into the lobby of the Plaza hotel with his French Market coffee can clutched securely under his arm as though he is carrying the Hope diamond...it is a memory i will always have of him every time I see a can! Stay dry!!

  18. Thanks for stopping by. Your dogs are so cute. Enjoy your visit with your friend - even if she is still skinny! lol

  19. "I got the music in me..." Today I was teaching a lesson about character traits...one of the traits, vain...Carly Simon was singing and the students were singing and trust me they now know what it means to be vain...they also know that, "One is the loneliest number..." when it come to prime numbers. So yeah, music is in my soul...I can still hear my grandfather singing..."Make the world go away..."

    Have a fun lunch with your friends.

  20. Your furbabes are adorable even when they hang their head in shame! I am with you about the Pope.

  21. Love the picture of the pups. Who me? Couldn't be! Have you noticed that some of my comments don't always have to do with your posts? Well, here's another. Just got an email about a presale of Straight No Chaser's new album, The New Old-Fashioned. Google the official videos for these two songs: Make You Feel My Love and Marvin Gaye. Really good.

    1. Susie.. I went over to visit my boyfriends at Straight No Chaser yesterday. Watched the Marvin Gaye video - I like the song but the video is a little odd - altho I LOVE the lead singer of that one. Going to google Make You Feel My Love right now. Enjoy your end of the week!

  22. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! the pic of chowdah sitting in the corner???? OMG.........I wanna hug that dog so badly! You have to admit that he has the sweetest, yet sneakiest, face in the whole world!!!!!
    Sounds like you and I have the exact same morning routine. Oh, except that mine also includes NOT talking to a soul until about 9am. Funny story....when I was teaching high school, they always gave me 1st hour planning period because they knew how grumpy I was...am...first thing in the morning. Even my students knew better than to expect me to actually "teach" at 7:30 in the morning!

  23. Too funny, this whole post. I have a h.s. reunion committee meeting Friday night and was hoping to be a bit thinner by now. Our golden just ate some sort of bill and I think a medical record (they blew off the table on a fine day with the windows open). I put all the millions of bits in a baggie and will work taping it together later this week.

  24. I have sure missed you,my funny friend! Thanks for popping in and welcoming me back to blogging. It is good to BE back. Feed your skinny friend A LOT-everybody has one friend like that- we get fatter and they get thinner. It's a true "friend test"-so I still like you if you look better than I do? lol Enjoy your October First! xo Diana

  25. Hi Katie,

    I just found your blog from Nana Diana's site. It definitely has brought a smile to my face :-) I love your dogs, as I can so relate to the mischief! I have 5 dogs and a cat, who rules the house, lol. I have a Yorkie, a Doxie, Jack Russell, Poodle and a Border Collie who is 14 years old. There is never a dull moment here and 2 girls that keep me busy. Hope you have a wonderful day!


  26. I'm SOOOO jealous!!! Have a great time and try to keep Cath from ordering too much dessert! It's a shame she's not motivated to keep herself in shape ;)

    1. I'm worried about her too, Judy. I won't say a word about her excess poundage - I'll just keep it between you and me...Hope to see you next time you see your sista.

  27. Katie, Thank you! I was having a less than marginal morining and then I read your post. Hysterical. And my mother still has that same Herb Alpert album.

  28. I love the photo from the new television show, CSI-Lab (radoodle). Starring Chow and his trusty assistant

    1. OMG... that is the best idea ever!! Love it! I think we need to get in touch with Hollywood. Have a great weekend and keep the great ideas coming!!

  29. Your doggies are so adorable! I have to wrack my brain for things to write about too. When I'm not near the computer, my mind is FULL of ideas. As soon as I have time and the computer in front of me, blank. Go figure.


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