Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, September 28, 2015

Hellooooo Monaco!

Hello, dear friends.  I am happy to report that our weekend was filled with crisp air and stunning sunshine.  Sista had business in Beantown so she came and spent the night on Friday night.  

I took this pic of Chow eyeing some chow.

On Saturday, we dropped Sista off at the train and proceeded on to a Vintage Bazaar.  I took lots of pics that I will share with you soon.  On Sunday, we went to Mass and then went to see The Intern.  What a fun movie - I smiled through the whole thing.

Better late than never.  This is another post on our Mediterranean cruise that we took back in June.  If you are interested in seeing the past posts, you can find them here, here, and here.

After spending the morning in beautiful Nice, we hopped onto our mega bus to head to the one spot I was really looking forward to - Monaco.  I have always been fascinated by Princess Grace and her life as an actress and princess.  

Monaco is a principality governed under a form of constitutional monarchy with Prince Albert, head of state.  The House of Grimaldi has ruled the monarchy with brief interruptions since 1297.  The official language is French, which was fortunate for me because I took four years of French One.

I took the next pictures from the bus.  The road was narrow with lots of twists and turns.  It was on this road that Princess Grace lost control of her car and lost her life.

Elton John owns a home on this road. 

You can see our home away from home in the distance. 

Our guide told us that strip of land holds a gorgeous pool that belongs to a very large home.

This is the Oceanographic  Museum founded by Prince Albert the First.

The Cathedral of our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is where Princess Grace and Prince Ranier III got married in 1956.

The Prince and Princess were also buried here.

Monaco is full of pictures of Princess Grace and her life in Monaco.  

The Mister on menu alert.  He always likes to go to restaurants that match his shorts.

We enjoyed a fabulous lunch at this restaurant on the patio.

Our table was next to the church.  We need all the grace (no pun intended) that we can get.

The one thing I was disappointed in was the shopping in Monaco -  one souvenir shop after another.  Guess the Grimaldi girls don't do much shopping here.

This is the Prince's Palace of Monaco and is the official residence of the Prince of Monaco.  The Grimaldi family have lived here since the 13th Century.

I wonder if the Grimaldi kids took their time-outs in that tower.

I didn't want to tell the Mister, but this guy kept giving me the eye.

Good bye beautiful Monaco!

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. What a beautiful cathedral! I hate all the touristy shops too - you've seen one you've seen them all :-)

  2. What a beautiful stop on your cruise! I went to Nice on a girls' trip in 2014. I think we stopped at the same outdoor restaurant area in Monaco! http://txtanya.blogspot.com/2014/04/nice-france-part-ii.html

  3. Katie this would be a dream trip for me; have always adored Grace and anything to do with Monaco!
    The Intern was so great, my son took me Saturday morning! DeNiro gets better and better!

    The Arts by Karena

  4. Beautiful pics...hope you made a photo book of this trip! I love old cathedrals...one of my highlights when I visit Europe is scouting out local churches...they are so amazingly beautiful! I missed a girlfriends night to see The Intern because I was under the weather but am going tomorrow and cannot wait....so my kind of movie and I am a huge fan of Nancy Meyers and all she does....so talented!

  5. Dear Katie, have been traveling to the same places this year and I enjoyed it so much that I felt like Princess Grace!!
    Only my husband needs to improve his entertaining skills for me... ! :-)

  6. "Four years of French One" merci pour le laughs! Off to read about the rest of the Med Tour and anxiously await the Vintage Bazaar report - le damn that we missed it!

  7. A college friend went into true mourning when Princess Grace died back in 1982...we practically had to have an intervention in the dorm. She did finally snap out of it when her father sent her Mercedes to school. It seems money can cure some things. Anyway, beautiful photos of your trip...I grew up in a home where both of my parents spoke French as a first language. They never taught us because they enjoyed their secret communication, but it came in handy when we finally did take French in school. Also my mother cursed in Fench and I must say she sounded so elegant, although this activity was frowned upon for her children ...bonne nuit mon ami

  8. Katie,
    Monaco looks beautiful! What a great trip! I've always loved Princess Grace and enjoy watching her old movies. Went to see the Intern this past weekend with 2 friends and we all loved it, very cute and very funny.

  9. So beautiful! I have not been to Monaco but am a huge Princess Grace fan too! Dying to see The Intern, maybe this weekend when I get back home...

  10. I always love travelling vicariously! Thanks for the tour!

  11. My BFF and I went out to lunch and then saw "The Intern." We loved it! I really, really wish that we had more movies like this to go and see~

    1. I agree one hundred percent, Susan. Have a wonderful day.

  12. Beautiful pictures of Monaco - and of Chow! So disappointing about the lack of shopping, though. I hear that you are in for a rainy patch...at least it's not snow?

  13. Chicory coffee? You wild woman! That's some high-octane stuff. I only drink it when I'm in New Orleans to wake me up from the previous evenings events!
    I also saw The Intern, which is a big deal because we don't go out to a lot of movies. It was so good and I love Anne Hathaway!
    Your trip looks fab as usual. You represent the USA well.

  14. My sister honeymooned in Monaco and loved it. That is one place we have yet to see, but I do love dining on beautiful patios and piazzas so might have to check it out. I need a trip somewhere right about now. Outside the US, not a twelve hour car ride. Not that I don't enjoy those too, but... We saw The Intern and I loved it too. I would like her wardrobe.


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