Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, September 11, 2015

My Weekend in Pictures

Hello dear friends.  This is a recap of our Labor Day weekend.  The weather was delightful.  On Saturday night we had a small dinner party.  We invited our sweet neighbors and a couple that we knew in The Woodlands, Tx who have moved back here.

The Mister had the menu written weeks in advance.  I asked him to write down what we had because I would not do it justice.

The Mister busily working on his mise en place.  

When cooking lobster, the Mister always puts it in a bag with a stick of butter and places it in warm water.  It's no wonder I can't fit into my mom jeans.

The Mister and his sous chef, Chili.  Her partner in crime, Chowdah, went to sleep over camp, for obvious behavioral reasons.  

We began withCharcuterie & Cheese 

and Pork & Veal Rillettes.

I was in charge of table settings, flowers, and clean up.  I'm exhausted.  I don't know how I do it. 

These hydrangeas are the last of the season.  I love when they turn green and purple.

The Mister prepared grilled filet with pumpkin and horseradish cream, asparagus, and mini lobster roll with fennel and green apple slaw.  

I bought about a dozen of these sweet little covered dishes about 10 years ago and the Mister loves using them in different ways.

For dessert, the Mister prepared mixed berry cobbler with pear and lemon marmalade.

The next day we headed for Scituate for lunch.  This is one of my favorite towns on the South Shore.

Is this not the cutest house?  It is planted smack dab in the middle of all the shops.

Joye is a darling shop.  I never walk out empty handed.

This cute cafe sells everything from coffee to oil paintings.

Do you remember me mentioning that I wanted to see this movie when it came out?  Well, I watched it while folding laundry On Demand.  Am I ever glad that we didn't spend money on a theater ticket!  It was not only dull but the ending was awful, at best.

The Mister and I went to see this one.  Robert Redford is an old boyfriend of mine in my dreams.  We loved this movie - Nick Nolte and my old beau had great comedic chemistry.  It may not be a commercial box office success, but it sure gave us a delightful two hours.

On Monday, we tried a new restaurant in Hull called Jakes.  The Mister had (what else?) his beloved fried clams.  I had a salad and the food and service were great.  We are definitely going back.  There was such a sweet breeze sitting on the water.  I wanted the day to last forever.

What a perfect way to end a wonderful weekend.  It was the cherry on the sundae of an exceptional summer.

Until next time...


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I really want to be your neighbor and be invited for dinner - that's not creepy at all right :-)
    Your hubby looks like he enjoys cooking very much and everything looks so scrumptious and is presented so beautifully.

  2. What a great weekend! Having a man who cooks is just the dreamiest thing I can think of. Well, if you tell me he also washes the dishes, then I'd really be jealous.
    Happy weekend to you!

  3. What a lovely and elegant dinner party Katie! This is the best time of year in New England. A tad bit early for fall color, but the nights were delightful in Maine about now. Perhaps some good Texas barbecue is in your future? Y'all have a great weekend!

  4. Can you tell me a little big more about that lobster? Does he cook it and then do that? Wow - that looks delicious. Perhaps you can share some recipes too - like that mixed berry cobbler. My mister doesn't cook, but he sure is a good eater :) Just sent our last off to college - up in your neck of the woods - I'm not too sure about this empty nest thing yet! I love when you share restaurants and my daughter lives in Boston and I'm always telling her my "friend" went here and enjoyed it. She doesn't question our "friendship" she knows all of my "friends" live in my computer. Love the blog!!!!!

  5. dang it. if y'all wont move back to texas it looks like I need to move there instead so we can be neighbors. then I can pop over for dinner (I'll bring the wine if you or the mister cooks...ps I clean too!). oh and we can travel together too. i'm so low maintenance I promise...just need a little food and wine is all :) notice any trends in my life?

  6. You are so lucky to be married to a chef! What an impressive menu and presentation. Love seeing pictures of the restaurants you and The Mister visit. Looks like you had a great weekend.

  7. Katie, does your hubs hire out! Wow what a dream guy you have. Adore the little covered dishes and your teapot!We had a Jake's in Delmar when I lived in San Diego!

    The Arts by Karena
    Featuring India Hicks!

  8. I don't know what is more spectacular, the menu or the presentation. I would never have left the table.

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words! Have a great weekend.

  9. We can't wait to see A Walk in the Woods having read the book and loving it! Have a great weekend, Katie.
    C + C

  10. What a feast!! That is honestly the most beautiful charcuterie & cheese plate I have ever seen. Looks like an excellent end to official summer. I hope you New Englanders enjoy cooler temps this weekend!

  11. Looks like a perfect weekend! And I would not fit into my "mom jeans" either if I had a husband who could whip up such a spectacular dinner!

  12. I think I just went up two jean sizes from looking at that food. My peanut butter and apple snack didn't quite measure up. xo Laura

  13. We are having lobster in two weeks and I showed Hubster the Mister's butter trick...we are stealing the idea. You know I love the shops of Scituate & all the restaurants. Honestly it is a good thing I don't live there because I would turn into a fried clam. Have a great weekend.

  14. You were one smart cookie when you decided a marry a CIA grad...my husband is a champ but I have been eating microwaved dinners and Chinese food for the past two months that I haven't been able to cook...I could have used someone like the Mistah! It sounds like a perfect weekend! Hope this one is just as good! xoxo

  15. What a lovely, lovely meal and hats off to your hubby! After our past couple of weeks i'd love to sit down to a meal such as that and just relax and enjoy. Sounds like the perfect long weekend!

  16. Geez, I thought that I was lucky, because when we have a dinner party, my husband grills, helps me prep and cleans up. Now I see that some husbands do it all - and beautifully I should add! Very impressive! Although if you didn't exert yourself to purchase all those lovely serving pieces, the dinner party just wouldn't have been the same.

  17. What a lucky Mrs,and of course a lucky Mister to have you. I love the posts about what you guys do on the weekend,you have such a gorgeous life. Keep enjoying. Much love,K xxx

  18. Katie, thank you for always bringing laughter to my day!

  19. Ok. So many things to say! #1: since I wasn't invited to your dinner party, plz let me know what restaurant where your mistah is chef. I MUST sample his cooking! Oooh La La.....beautiful presentation! And since I graduated with degree in Foods & Nutrition..... I know good food when I see it! And he always looks so cool calm and collected when u show him preparations foods. My kitchen looks like WW3 when I finish so by time my guests arrive, I'm exhausted!!!
    Did he do anything special to the figs on his cheese board??
    Looks like u had magnificent weekend!!

  20. What a fun weekend...and i am seriously jealous that your husband can cook like that!! Really? I am salivating over here as I decide whether to be a good girl and have a salad or a bad girl and go for a burger and fries but now I want a mini filet and lobster roll....the cobbler looks divine! I too am a big fan of doing all my marinating in the good ol Ziploc..always does the trick! Thank you for sharing the highlights....bet your guests were impressed!

  21. PS My parents aka the resident movie critics saw Walk in the woods and were really disappointed because i think mostly my mom so loved the book. I read it first then got it for her, knew she would love it. Wont' stop me from seeing it, as how can a movie with "Robert" ever be a bad thing?

  22. You are living the dream. Wow is all I have to say about your beautiful meal prepared by the Mister, he could hire out and have a new career!! Color me IMPRESSED!
    Happy Saturday, Kathysue
    PS, Ah Ha, so you are the OTHER girl in Bob's life, Hmmmmm? now I know!!

  23. I am devastated that I wasn't invited for that fabulous dinner!! I would have tried to fly up from Alabama for THAT meal!! Looks like you all had a wonderful evening..

  24. OMG! That's my friend's house. It's as pretty inside as outside, a little piece of paradise! Did you go to Oro yet? Great restaurant, try the Tuna Tartar. I live in Scituate.

    1. Tell your friend that I want her house. I also love your town. Haven't gone to Oro but have it on my list. Tuna tartar is my very favorite dish in the whole world!

  25. Oh my, note to self: Do not read preppyemptynester on an empty stomach! That lobster! That Charcuterie & Cheese board! I die! Please beg the Mister to elaborate on the lobster and butter in bag technique?

  26. PS. I had to google rillettes - lol!


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