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Tuckernuck's Fall Fashions

Friday, September 4, 2015

Must See Fall TV

Hello dear friends.  As sorry as I am to see the summer leave, I am excited for the Fall.  It is a wonderful season filled with pumpkin spice lattes, bright yellow mums, crisp temperatures, and a new TV season.  Ok, maybe I lost a few of you when I mentioned the TV part.  I told you I was shallow.

If I can't make it through the trailer of Downton Abbey without shedding a few tears, how am I expected to get through the final season?  Note to self: call the doc and ask for meds. 

Last year, The Affair was my drug of choice.  It ended with a whopper of a cliff hanger.  The characters are so raw and the story line so twisted, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.

Life in Pieces

Hope the show is as good as the trailer.

I love Rob Lowe.  
This role looks like it is made for him.

Hope y'all have a fabulous Labor Day weekend!

Until next time...

He'll never find me here!

Oh yes I will!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. You are like my go to person to find out what is new and exciting on TV. Saw The Affair but does it sound really mean to say that guy gives me the creeps? I dont' know why...but something about him. Now Downton Abbey on the other hand is fabulous, I so enjoy it but have a hard time keeping up, maybe that will change this season!
    I too am excited for fall as its my favorite season (summer a close second). Hope you enjoy your Labor Day weekend!

  2. Loved The Affair.....can't wait for the new season. Can't say I will miss summer (but I do love the beach). Allergies this year have been brutal! I need to e-mail re celebrity sightings this summer. Chili & Chowda are too cute! Hugs, Dawn

  3. I agree - that song on the Downton trailer was a tearjerker! Will you watch it online now or wait until January?

  4. I love your picks. We watched the first season of The Affair too and I didn't realize it was time for it to come back. Love Rob Lowe, hadn't heard of Life In Pieces so I'll be watching for that one, and grew a little bored with Downton last season but won't be able to bypass the final season since I've seen every single episode.

  5. OMG you've got me all over the map this morning! Tearing up over the Downton Abbey number. Removing Carson's slip of paper? Seriously? How can they be saying goodbye and closing up the house? So sad. And then I watched Life In Pieces tidbit. Laughed out loud - in several bits. Adore Diane Wiest. Ever since the Birdcage where she struggled to discern the pattern on the soup bowls. So great to see she's not had work done, too. And The Grinder - what a delight. I am going to need to make sure I get some exercise or I am going to turn into a plumpkin this Fall. What with all the lattes, the delicious pumpkin everything and ALL that tv watching. But tell me - how the heck has The Affair remained hidden from my sights? Off to check it out...

  6. OMG you've got me all over the map this morning! Tearing up over the Downton Abbey number. Removing Carson's slip of paper? Seriously? How can they be saying goodbye and closing up the house? So sad. And then I watched Life In Pieces tidbit. Laughed out loud - in several bits. Adore Diane Wiest. Ever since the Birdcage where she struggled to discern the pattern on the soup bowls. So great to see she's not had work done, too. And The Grinder - what a delight. I am going to need to make sure I get some exercise or I am going to turn into a plumpkin this Fall. What with all the lattes, the delicious pumpkin everything and ALL that tv watching. But tell me - how the heck has The Affair remained hidden from my sights? Off to check it out...

  7. I cannot wait for this season of Downton Abbey, although I am so sad for it to end! Have a fabulous long weekend, my dear! xoxo

  8. Hello dear Katie,
    It's finally cooling down here so I feel just a touch of fall approaching. I always love your rundown of TV shows. I got hooked on The Affair but then my husband changed our cable plan and I don't get it anymore. I'll catch up at some point. Hmmmm....you are a Rob Lowe fan too? We have so much in common!
    Have a fab long weekend and stop by to add some links to our Lifestyle Blog linkup this weekend! All Lifestyle and style bloggers are welcome to join us (it's the easiest thing ever!).
    xx, Heather

  9. How can Rob Lowe suddenly look as young as Fred Savage? That man is mystical, magical, mmmmmm!

    I'll be watching him for sure.

  10. We're still trying to catch up on the spring shows we taped and now you've given us all the more reason to binge watch this weekend! We hope yours is wonderful, Katie.
    C + C

  11. I'm going to have to check out "Life in Pieces" and I am also a DA fan. I'm dying for the new Stephen Colbert Late Show to begin but will be recording since it's past my bed time. I'm also a DWTS fan!

  12. The Affair was yummy for sure and I don't know how to go without DA. Not sure Life in Pieces will live up to the commercials, but I know Dianne Weist will elevate any dribble. Love her. Hope you have a great Labor Day, Katie!

  13. Katie,
    loooove the affair, can't wait for it and my fav, The Walking Dead to come back on! Looks like there's gonna be some good shows this fall, is there anyone more gorgeous then Rob Lowe, he never seems to age! If he's drinking from the fountain of youth, I sure wish he'd bottle up some and send it my way! Just caught up on your past posts, my, my, you've been a busy girl this summer, it's going to take you all winter to recuperate from all the fun you've been having!

  14. Fall can't get here soon enough for me. Having a heat wave in NJ. Love DA and am so sad that this is the last season. Not familiar with the other shows. I'll try to catch them. Do you watch Homeland? Another one of my favs.

    1. I do watch Homeland. The Mister positively loves it. I didn't think that last season was its best but I will be tuning in this season.

  15. We could hang out. I have the same tv taste as you. Can't wait for my Downton Abbey but will probably be so depressed when it ends.

  16. I too cannot believe they are d/c Downton Abbey. This series is one of a few series that is really great (quality TV;). Sometimes I miss an episode and fall behind .. so I'll work on planning my schedule around it, ha;) Haven't seen these other shows. Thanks for the trailer previews! Enjoy the long weekend Katie!

  17. I love Rob Lowe and hated to see him leave Parks & Rec. Thanks for giving me a whole bunch of new things to add to my DVR. Note to self: buy extra kleenex before 9/20.


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