Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Seasonal Hodgepodge

Hello dear friends.  If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge.  Hope everyone is having a great week.

1.  What have you 'fallen for' recently?

I try to be good and go snack-less while watching a movie in a theater.  Last weekend, after using the ladies room, I walked out to find the Mister with two Twix ice cream bars in his hand.  I did not want to put the Mister's life in jeopardy by inhaling all of those empty calories, so I hesitantly took one.  When we sat down, I opened the package and took one bite of the most heavenly, creamy, chocolate deliciousness that I have ever experienced.   And then it hit me.  If I was told that I could only eat only one food for the rest of my life... the Twix ice cream bar would be it.  I have been searching for that answer for years.  

2.  What's something you're 'squirreling away' for later?

I think I am addicted to downloading books.  If I live to be 100, it will still not be long enough for me to read all my books on my kindle.  Is there a support group for that?

3. How do you like apples?  Sweet?  Tart? Crisp? Cooked?  Apples are one of the superfoods for fall... how often do you eat an apple either plain or as part of a favorite recipe?  What's your favorite variety?

The Mister makes the absolute best apple crisp.  He serves it in  individual crocks piping hot with a generous scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream.  It brings tears to my eyes, it's so good.  Maybe I'll ditch the Twix and pick apple crisp as my one food for life.

We tend to like Fuji apples.  When I googled "Fuji" for a photo,  I came across an article saying that they are considered the Rolls Royce of apples.  I told you I was fancy.

4. According to Fodor's, the ten best fall foliage trips in the USA are:  Aspen, Colorado; The Catskills, NY, The Berkshires, MA, Columbia River Gorge Oregon; Green Mountain Byway Vermont; Enchanted Circle Scenic Byway, NM; Great Smoky Mountains of NC and Tennessee; Upper Peninsula Michigan, Lake of the Ozarks Missouri, and Glacier National Park Montana.  Which would you most like to visit and why.

I smell road trip for the Mister and me.

5.  The topic of legalizing marijuana was raised in the most recent televised political debate so let's wade in too.  Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia currently have laws legalizing marijuana in some form.  Four states have legalized marijuana for recreational use.  Your thoughts?

I made a policy when I began this blog that I would not discuss politics or hot button issues.  I will tell you, however, that this lady is all for legalization.

6.Are you okay to watch a movie already in progress or do you need to always see it from the beginning?  How about jumping into a TV series somewhere in the middle?  Is that okay?

No, absolutely not.  I take my tv watching very seriously and I will not start watching a TV show or movie in the middle.  What is even a bigger cardinal sin is when the Mister walks into the room in the middle of a show and starts asking questions about what is going on in the show.  To me, that is grounds for divorce.

7.  Thursday (September 24) is National Punctuation Day.  What rule of punctuation trips you up most often.  What rule of punctuation, when broken by someone else, bugs you the most?

I always trip up on whether to put quotation marks before or after a period or question mark. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Javier Bardem

Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Is it just me or does anyone else get Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Javier Bardiem mixed up?  Talk about doppelgangers!  Personally, I think that they were twins separated at birth, and the only one that has figured out is me.

I took last season off from The Good Wife but I definitely don't want to miss this season because Jefferey Dean Morgan is joining the cast.  No doubt that he and Alicia will make some sizzling chemistry!

I leave you with one question... if there was one food that you could only eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Health nuts need not apply... I have enough guilt in my life.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. OK twix ice cream bars AND apple crisp mentioned in the same post before 9am? Not fair because i am craving both!!! Smart to not discuss politics on your blog...though I am sure like it is for me, it CAN be tempting:) Agree about movies...hate having to watch something already going....I need to see it from the very start too.
    Is there anything better than a fall foliage road trip? The best......can't wait to see and hear all about yours!

  2. My one food for the rest of my life: loaded nachos! I know it's really a bunch of things put together - but it's the way they sit on top of each other, slightly melted, warm, with a bit of crunch. Oh yes! I love them and only eat nachos when I'm out and treating myself. When you asked the question you didn't mean we had to MAKE the food too, right?

  3. When you find that support group for compulsive e-book downloaders, please let me know! Re favorite food, does craft beer count?

  4. I'd have to go with potato chips for my one food!

    And how interesting about national punctuation day! My editor at the newspaper cringes when I send in my articles, because I believe in writing the story, then dumping a bucket of punctuation everywhere!!! He said you should only be allowed to use five punctuation marks (I though he would say per story) in your WHOLE LIFE!!! What??? He's crazy!!!

  5. So why an I just now hearing about Twix ice cream bars????? Let me know when the Kindle support group gets off the ground. I need to join. My name is Judy and I'm a Kindleholic.

  6. I've never seen The Good Wife. Maybe this winter we'll Netflix it. Is it on Netflix? Twix are not my favorite, but maybe in ice cream form I'd love them. Not that I need anything else sweet to love! Twix are hubs favorite candy bar so and ice cream is his love language, so I should probably buy some and have him weigh in on the topic. You are not alone in your Kindle addiction : )

  7. You had me at apple crisp. Seriously, I couldn't continue reading your post until I ask you for The Mister's recipe for apple crisp. I am having a farm to table dinner party and thought it would be a fun desert to serve individual apple crisp in mason jars. If it isn't a closely guarded secret, could you please share his recipe? Thanks a million. Now, back to your post.

  8. Apple crisp is soooo good too! I make a great gluten free sugar free for my dad, but I want it full octane! I will also be joining you and everyone at the ebook downloaders anonymous group. I am outta control and Amazon is currently my nemesis! Love your Westie pix. I wish I lived closer to color leaves so I can get my Westie in amazing shots like that!

  9. I gave up wheat three months ago...don't ask. long story but I did it. if I could would survive off of chips and salsa oh and cheese dip...white queso specifically...for the rest of my life. I would die a happy woman. about the tv watching...i have to admit i was late to the game with downton and homeland. do you watch homeland Katie? if not get on it stat. new season starts October 4...cant wait.

  10. You nailed it Katie! Talk about twins--I can't tell those two apart. My one food would be pasta--of any kind--I've been trying to give it up but it's not easy! As for punctuation--it's always the commas,,,,, that baffle. Would love to have you stop by the blog and check out the debut of my new "Fall Fashion Crush" at my Stylemindchic Boutique. I'm all about easy style and comfort this season.
    Happy first day of fall, dear Katie (to comma or not?;)
    xx, Heather

  11. Snickers ice cream bars are pretty good too! Ha! One food? Maybe the potato would be my ONE food...because you can change it up so,many different ways! Ha! Love apples too! Pink lady and Macintosh are my favorite for fresh eating. Baking and cooking...I love Granny Smith! Great discussions today! I don't touch politics on my blog. Living with/in it for so many years...I want no more!

  12. I've been on again off again with The Good Wife too, so I think I'll start fresh this fall. And one food? So hard. I'd probably go with warm homemade bread with butter.

  13. My must have would be the Mars ice cream bar and I know how you feel about books.

  14. Popcorn, I think. Ranch dip and chips are a close second. Oh and my popcorn is drenched. I need some protein, don't I? Love the blog, Katie!

  15. Katie, those Twix Ice Cream Bars and Apple Crisp are now at the top of my favorite food list.( well apple crisp already was up there) If I could add those to Salmon fixed any and every way I would be thrilled. I have so many books to read both on and off my tablet , it is crazy!
    I must start a movie or TV show from the start and I love Netflix binge watching / no commercials!!

    Love your Wednesday features!

    The Arts by Karena
    Painting Central Park

  16. Spaghetti with marinara sauce. and meatballs.
    So simple. So plain.

    And I could eat it every single day of my life. My husband and boys WILL NOT eat red sauce. Guess what my go-to is when no one is here but me???!!

  17. Katie, have your tried Honey Crisp apples? My new favorite.

    Warmly, K

    1. Kathleen... I am going to the store today and will definitely pick some up. Have a great weekend!

  18. I'm with you Katie on the Kindle books...when my kids gave me my first Kindle (I'm on my 3rd!) for Mother's Day a few years ago I swore I'd never give up my "real" books but never say never because now I only read on my Kindle. It's probably saved my marriage by giving me a way to read in bed in the wee hours and not bother hubby with a light! My 95 year old mom has her own Kindle at the nursing home and downloads books all the time!

    Let's don't talk about food as I just had a chocolate, strawberry, whipped creme delight for breakfast (WW recipe that's only 1.5 points) Yummmmm!

  19. Thanks for my daily chuckle!! Hope you are enjoying this gorgeous September weather! xoxo

  20. First off - Jeffrey Dean Morgan! I'm sorry but I can't see him with anyone but Izzy. And I have a weensy bit of gossip for ya. My niece sat across from him on a flight once - shortly after his Grey's role ended. She said everyone ignored him and he was just lovely. Smiled quietly and was a gentleman the entire flight. And I'm with you - there is no way that I'm going to watch a movie that's already playing. Excuse me? Why would one do that? Rewind or sit it out. Your Twix dreamy bars remind me of the Magnum numbers. SO, SO delicious. I should tell you that after a summer of Magnums and wine and all things delicious I have had to buckle down and return to Weight Watchers and zumba. Please tell me that my pants will soon once again fit and not feel as if they are cutting off my circulation. Thank you.

  21. First off - Jeffrey Dean Morgan! I'm sorry but I can't see him with anyone but Izzy. And I have a weensy bit of gossip for ya. My niece sat across from him on a flight once - shortly after his Grey's role ended. She said everyone ignored him and he was just lovely. Smiled quietly and was a gentleman the entire flight. And I'm with you - there is no way that I'm going to watch a movie that's already playing. Excuse me? Why would one do that? Rewind or sit it out. Your Twix dreamy bars remind me of the Magnum numbers. SO, SO delicious. I should tell you that after a summer of Magnums and wine and all things delicious I have had to buckle down and return to Weight Watchers and zumba. Please tell me that my pants will soon once again fit and not feel as if they are cutting off my circulation. Thank you.

  22. Cheap bakery white cupcakes. I swear, I could live on them. That horribly sweet icing is my crack! If I could have a second thing it would be Coke. I would die a happy woman with just Cokes and cupcakes. My guess is that I would probably die young from an obscene sugar overload.

  23. In my world, chocolate candy is a food group and I love it all. From Reese cups, to Hersey kisses, to M & M's…I could live on it!! Happy weekend!!

  24. I love Honeycrisp apples and apple crisp is my FAVORITE....maybe you need post the Mister's recipe! And I have more books on my Nook than I will ever read, but I keep buying them! xo

  25. If you and the Mister do go to the Berkshires be sure that you don't go without Dorinda.


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