Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, August 31, 2015

Show House Take 3

Hello dear friends.  Happy Monday.  This is the last installment of my day with my buddies in the Hamptons and at the Show House.  If you missed my past posts, you can find them here, here, and here.  This post will cover the outside spaces of the house.

This was the deck attached to the master bedroom.  

And this is the moment where I sensed what these ladies were thinking.  
Enough with the camera, already!
I probably won't be invited back next year.

This little covered patio was my favorite area of the house.

I am in love with the elephant table and pillows.

Such a cozy entertaining space!

For larger parties...

If the Mister and I lived here, I would lounge right in this spot and request the Mister to bring me another glass of champagne.

On to the pool house.

A lot going on in this pool house.

More knickknacks and doodads.

Cozy area - the ladies seem comfortable.

I told you that there was a lot going on.  Not a lot of room to wash your hands.  

Can't have a pool house without a ship chandelier!

The pool house was a combination of the '60's and the Salvation Army.  Who's that guy in the shower?  And why is he in there?  And how did my bikini bottoms get up there?  

A certain friend of mine spotted that hat and there was no turning back.

It took me awhile to talk Dude into putting it back.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Wow, Katie, I love gorgeous comfortable outdoor entertaining areas, terraces to lounge around with a book and glass of wine, are all good with me!

    The Arts by Karena
    Featuring Sharon Santoni

  2. The elephant table was a stunner. I could definitely see me sitting by the pool with a glass of champagne. I think you will be invited back, all the ladies look great in the photos.

  3. Another unforgettable moment at the show house: the ship chandelier. But if it came with that great pool and pool house, then I'd be happy to own it!

  4. Love your posts (as always) on the Show House, but ugh, absolutely hated the decorating!!! Not a restful, calm spot to be found in all that massive square footage! Someone needed to tell the designers that less can be more! The spool chairs in the study and the elephant table are great-Hard to notice them though, in the midst of that hot mess. ;p

    1. You are so right, Sofia - not a calm area in the house. Enjoy your week!

  5. I love anything that those Madcap Cottage gents come up with and the porch area was no exception! There was definitely a lot going on in that pool house! What fun!

  6. I agree with Anonymous @3:20AM! The decorating was horrendous! The house was beautiful and with a LOT of editing, I could be quite happy there!!! :)

    PS Was there some reason they needed a skunk by the fireplace on the patio? Is it me? Am I lacking a sense of humor?

    1. Janet... I had to go back to look at the pic. You are soooo right! Too funny. Have a great week.

  7. My favorite spot would be that covered patio. There sure was a lot going on in that house. xo Laura

  8. I always say less is more & this house proves it!! Thanks for the post.....hope to see you soon ! Happy September.... Hugs, Dawn

  9. Was not a huge fan of the outdoor spaces....they did not feel cohesive or really pulled together in my opinion, it was a hodge podge of color, sparkle and pattern that frankly made me dizzy....only enticing thing was the pool being we were there on a 95 degree day!
    Nonetheless it was fun..and there were some well done spaces......and some really "off" ones too!! Enjoy your night.


  11. The covered outdoor patio is my favorite too! Wow, lots of color and pattern everywhere!! Thanks for sharing your inspiration with us on #stylefocus!


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