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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Dogs, Drugs, & A Delightful Evening

Hello dear friends.  I hope that you are having a great week.  My time, moolah, and energy have been devoted to putting our veterinarian's  children through college.  It is only Thursday, and I have visited the vet's off twice and have another appointment in two weeks.  The least they could do is give me my own reserved parking spot.

Chowdah is battling the mother of all hot spots.  Chili giggles every time she looks at him.  He fails to see the humor.

Dr. G is smiling because she is thinking about the future vacations that she is going to book, thanks to my two crazies.  Chili is visiting for her yearly shots and never-ending anxiety issues.  Thanks to all of your wonderful suggestions, we have tried everything - thunder shirt, Benadryl, calming over-the-counter meds, and even soft music.  Dr. G suggests Zoloft.  Not dog Zoloft - people Zoloft

So while Chili is browsing the cosmetics section on her first trip to Walgreens, a busy pharmacist is preparing her "happy" pills.

Meanwhile... back at the ranch.  
Chowdah is secretly wishing that Chili comes home with a matching cone.

Last night, my bff, Anne, and I attended this fabulous event. It was the first time that one of these Meet the Author occasions had been put together by three separate library communities.  It was a total success and so enjoyable.

I positively loved this book.

Anita Diamant's first attempt at writing a novel became a blockbuster hit.

Anita Diamant was interviewed by Marianne Leone.  It was fascinating to hear about the four years of research and writing that went into The Boston Girl.  She spoke of the strategies that she utilizes in character and plot development.  After their talk, there was a question and answer period, which was also very interesting, because almost every audience member had already read her book.

Marianne Leone is an actress and an author in her own right.  She wrote Jesse, which chronicles her life of raising her son who passed away at 17 years of age.  He bravely battled cerebral palsy, was a quadriplegic, unable to speak, and still managed to be an honor student.  The book is written with great love and humor.

As a side note, Marianne had a recurring role in The Sopranos and is married to actor Chris Cooper and live on the South Shore - where all the beautiful people reside.   

It was a delightful evening.  
I am hoping that there are many more.

Until next time...


Matt Roth
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie, enjoyed reading about chili and Chowdah. Also enjoyed your post about your weekend in Dallas with your beautiful daughters. I'm in the Dallas area visiting my family. The first night we were here my Dad was moved from Memory Care to a hospital. Your posts have me laugh during the long and stressful hours we have spent with him at the hospital. Being able to make others laugh is a gift. Thank you.

    1. Oh Melissa, I hope your Dad is on the road to recovery. I will say a little prayer for him. Thank you so much for your kind words and always leaving the sweetest comments.

  2. Not sure whether to say poor pooches, or poor mama! Love Anita's first book. Will have to look for the new one.

  3. Poor puppy doggies and momma!! Maybe Chowdah will start yapping at the neighborhood goings-on like my Lillie does, and you can say you have had him fitted for a megaphone!! One more thing you might try is diffusing some lavender oil. It does not help for my Lillie during storms, but it might work for your littles. I probably should have mentioned it before buying the happy pills, and happy pills beat booze...for dogs anyway. This may or may not apply to humans. I love reading about your adventures, and I am taking notes so I can be like you when my kids leave the nest. Hope you have a lovely weekend!!!

    1. Lori... so interesting that you mentioned oils. At the hotel that we recently stayed at, one of the amenities was a small bottle of lavender oil to apply in the sensory points and it aids in relaxation and restful sleep. I might try this first. Thanks for the suggestion. Enjoy your weekend with your chicks in the nest!!

  4. Poor Chowdah and Chili. Hope the Zoloft works! I have a friend whose dog is on Vitamin P (Prozac) and has been for quite some time with great success. He was a rescue from a hoarding situation and was cray cray. Now he even gets to go to Reds games on Bark in the Park night!

  5. We are also sending vets on vacation. Our dog, Cash, is battling arthritis. Regular supplements + pain relievers + vet visits = $$. Love that you also enjoy author events. Thanks for the updates on these books/authors. And Chris Cooper is a KC native so I took particular interest in that.

  6. I just picked my dog up from her doggy daycare and I was thinking she needs some happy pills! She has so much anxiety! She is crazy but you gotta love them!
    Also I just watched your video from The Meredith Vieira Show! I had know idea you were just a celebrity ;)

    1. My dear Jennie... I am a legend in my own mind. Ask the Mister!!

  7. Think the pooches just about need their own reality show at this point...I would surely tune in and your vet probably will too strictly out of gratitude for you bankrolling her vacations in the near future:) Always fun to see an author live and up close..jotting down your book recommendations....have a great night. Are you watching the reality show/ I mean the debates tonight, hehe...going to be awfully entertaining!

  8. Oh my goodness Poor Chowdah...it's like my mother used to say. "It's all fun and games until someone ends up in a cone." I feel for Chili as well...I hope the Zoloft is the ticket to happiness.

  9. Did I read that right? The cost of the ticket to the Meet the Author event was only $5? And was good for $5 off the price of the book? Such a bargain - and a good thing since your new hobby seems to be paying for visits to the vet!

  10. Oh yes...doggie health! Très Cher! Had I known I would have encouraged at least one of my kids to major in biology and attend vet school! In KY equine health is big business too! Ha. But our Mikey passed on in June...
    At least we do not have to file their estates and pay taxes! Sheila

  11. Katie,
    poor pooches! If things get really rowdy, and you're REALLY sweet, you might be able to persuade Chili to share some of her "happy" pills with you! If not, a nice glass of wine and a good book might work the same magic!
    Your night with the author sounds really fun, it's always interesting to get their take on their writing process. Haven' any of her books but looking forward to checking her out.

  12. Oh, poor doggies and those cones are so, so frustrating for them, poor fella! You are so humorous and always make me smile or laugh when I stop by.

  13. Thank you for mentioning The Boston Girl. I will have to read it. The Red Tent was by far one of the best books I have ever read. I'm always looking for something wonderful to read. Good luck with your fur babies!

  14. I love to hear authors tell about their writing process. I'm sure it was a wonderful event.

    And how funny about the cone of shame, because Lois Lane was just at the vet today getting laser treatments on her tail so she'll stop nibbling on it. She left with another cone. Poor puppies!

  15. I love your blog. I relate to your style and humor. Please keep giving us a view of life from your wonderful perspective.
    Thank you
    Linda Robertson
    Coosaw Island,SC

    1. Linda... thank you for such sweet words. Thanks to you, I will wear a smile all day! (The Mister will be happy). Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Well I loved The Red Tent and can't wait to read her latest. Looks like you got a break from nursing the pups and had a delightful evening. Have a great weekend!

  17. Oh my dear I feel your pain! My 14 year old dog has Cushings disease, that is a series or on-going meds vet visits, etc. Then you throw in the side affects like bladder stones and you have more appts., more money.

    The two little ones 20 months and 14 months are a series of visits for shots, surgery etc. I am shocked some days how expensive they are.

    Thanks for sharing your stories and photos, I am sure there are many more of your readers that can relate as well.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  18. not sure if the first comments I posted will show up or not...sorry if there are repeats :) I just came back to say you have the best blog roll...I've seriously found some great new blogs on there and I thank you for that :)

  19. Oh your poor little pupsters Katie. My son and daughter in law are doing the same thing...supporting their vets family!
    I love author events and will have to check on The Boston Girl, read The Red Tent long ago for our book club.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    The Arts by Karena

  20. Ooohhhhhh this had me grinning. There is nothing like those delightful vet bills, is there? Add a bunny into the mix and life gets really interesting. Those cones are also special. Bunny hasn't had to wear one but our dogs certainly have. We ever so kindly refer to them as lampshade heads. The first time they try to eat while wearing one ... Oh my.
    Perhaps your vet and ours go on vacation together? I'll ask him where he's off to next and will get back to you asap.

  21. Chili and Chowdah certainly seem to keep you busy! I didn't know that dogs could take Zoloft, but I do know somebody who paints puppies' claws to tell them apart, so perhaps Chili was remembering something when browsing cosmetics? Haha, only joking. My dog has also suffered with heat spots, so I do hope that Chowdah will feel better soon.

    Kelley @ The Whole Hound

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