Talbots Sweater Weather

Tuckernuck's Fall Fashions

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Visit With #1 and #2

Hello dear friends.  The Mister and I spent a wonderful weekend visiting our girls in Dallas.  As you well know, or may not, my #1 graduated from TCU (YEAH!) a couple of years ago and is living in Dallas.  My #2 will be a senior this year in a college in Virginia.  She did an internship in the Fort Worth area this summer.

Thursday Night we met our Number 1 and her darling roommate, Kristen, at Neighborhood Services Bar and Grill.  The food, service, and ambiance were phenomenal and the company beyond compare.  

Office Snapshots

The next morning our Number 1 invited us to tour her new place of employment.  She has been working at Fossil for a few months and positively loves her job.  After taking the tour, I can certainly understand why.  The building is filled with light, creative energy, and young, beautiful people that truly enjoy the privilege of being part of the Fossil team.  By the way... my "coolness" factor went up 100% just by walking through the door.  

Our girl took the afternoon off and chose a wonderful french bistro for lunch.

The Monsieur was very pleased with the menu.

After enjoying our lunch we wore off our calories at Galleria Mall.  Our Number 2 surprised us by getting out early from work and meeting us there. 

That evening, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Oceanaire.  Sorry about the photo - I had my phone on the wrong settings.

Saturday was another cool, breezy day in the great state of Texas.  We headed for the second mall of the weekend, Northpark.  I often wonder... what do parents do if they have boys?  I have a sneaking suspicion it is a lot less expensive.

We ran into one of #2's best pals from Ursuline - Cake ball Kirby.  I call her that because she makes the best darn cake balls in the world!

That awkward moment when your boyfriend runs into your husband at the mall.

The Mister treated the girls to haircuts and pedicures and a new wardrobe.

He decided to drown his sorrows of facing his competition at the mall in the nearest yogurt place.  I tried to explain to him that George is only a fling.

The last evening was spent having dinner at Grill on the Alley.  #1 wore one of her new purchases of the day.

It was a great weekend.  
Now I've got to make an appointment to get my jaws wired so I can fit into my XXXL yoga pants.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Always a great weekend when you can spend it with your girls!!

  2. My comment just disappeared, so hope it doesn't go through twice! Weird! . . .

    Anyway . . . I was saying, with boys, I get pulled around into electronics/computer/techie stores, so I'd much rather tag along with your girlie crowd! Looks like so much fun!

  3. So so fun! I forgot how amazing Oceanaire is! I made the mistake of stopping for yogurt at Northpark once and now Heidi can point is out and "request" a split cup so loudly that half the mall is begging for me to give in!

  4. Who knew there were so many malls in such close proximity to your girls, how lucky for them and unlucky for your wallet. Just a note from a mother of boys...when we visit the boys this is usually how the money is allotted...half of our life savings to J. Crew and the other half to some big box store like Sam's Club because the need for frozen meal items from Mexico sold in bulk is a must in order to survive.

    Sorry about the awkward meet-up with George...it was bound to happen. Sometimes coping with reality can only be found in mounds of yogurt.

  5. What fun!!!!!! You & the Mister certainly know how to treat your girls! Are you interested in adopting a slightly older daughter ? ; ) Your girls are just gorgeous! What would you expect from having a super model trophy mom! DD & I are off today for a girls trip but it won't be as glamourous. Be well xoxoxo, Dawn

    1. Dawn... hope you and DD have a wonderful girls trip! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  6. We were together with my girls this weekend too! It's so fun to see sisters together and enjoying each other :-)
    Your girls are so beautiful.

  7. So fun to get an update on the girls - what a great weekend, minus the brief hiccup with George. We’re looking forward to a kid + girlfriend visit this weekend. Scrambling to get the house in order to make a good impression on young law student our son in bringing home. Hope we’re up to snuff. Yikes!

    1. Hope you have a great family + girlfriend weekend. I have a feeling that law student is going to adore you!!

  8. Looks like such a fun weekend. Your girls are just beautiful. I hope you are getting lots of free samples from Fossil. I love their purses.

  9. You and your girls are absolutely adorable, Katie! So glad y'all had fun!

  10. Looks like a fantastic trip. I have the pleasure of having both girls and boys, and believe me, the funds flow out of my waller no matter whom I'm spending the afternoon with!

  11. Love Love Love Mercat Bistro AND Oceanaire!!!!! Our hotel of choice when shopping over there is the Westin at the Galleria.. Why? Cuz we can shop till we can't shop no mo and then go dump our bags in the room.....and hit it again!!! Then always dinner at Oceanaire!!!
    Your girls are so darling.....such a perfect mix of the both of you.
    Northpark Mall is a very dangerous place..........very dangerous!

  12. Oh, Dallas is just the grandest and Galleria and Northpark are too much fun, especially with a daughter. You were only 5 hours from me. :o)) We go to Dallas quite frequently and love it. Cute, cute post!

  13. Gorgeous girls, just like their Mama!

    1. Thank you, dear Gina, for always saying the sweetest things.

  14. What a wonderful weekend! (except for the awkward crossing of paths between the Mister and Mister Clooney...) The next best thing to having your children living nearby is having them live near each other. One spot to visit! Hope you are having a great week!

  15. So glad that you enjoyed yourself in my hometown this weekend. What super-humans you were to sit outside for lunch at Mercat Bistro! Your family is gorgeous. Tell the Mister that the best frozen yogurt in Dallas is at the Mermaid Cafe inside Neimans at NorthPark. Your blog inspires me every day AND makes me laugh! Come back soon!
    xo to Chili and Chowdah

    1. Hi Sherry! Loved Mercat Bistro - and actually was pretty cool with a nice breeze. The french music made for a perfect lunch. Thanks for the tip about Neimans - I will also pass the tip on to #1. Now that she's "off the payroll" I can mention the name Neimans to her without any serious repercussions. Thank you, Sherry, for taking the time to comment and also for your kind words.

    2. I still have my mother's Neiman's account number memorized, Katie! So glad to see you hit all the shopping meccas during your visit!

  16. Katie, I visited with Hillary at Baby By Design the other day and heard about #1's new job at Fossil - I met your daughter while she worked for Hillary - congrats to her on her new job - love reading your blog - hope to meet you one day - 'go Frogs'

    1. Paula... thanks for your sweet note! I remember when my #1 told me that she met you. Great news on sweet Hillary - she had her baby a couple of days ago. I do hope to meet you some day. Enjoy your week!

  17. Love the post! Your girls are darling. Yes, I suspect that girls are generally more expensive than boys. I think boys tend to wear the same clothes over and over until they smell bad...or beyond. Glad you had a great visit. The problem with the USA is that our kids can live far, far away from us but are still in the same country. Parents in England don't have that problem. If their kids stay anywhere in England, it's only a matter of a few hours away! About George: Have you never met Clive Owen? ;-)

  18. What a fun place to have your girls, Katie - so beautiful, just like their mom! Love seeing the images of the mister…he doesn't stand a chance in this house full of women!

  19. WELL................here you are with THE GIRLS.............and GEORGE!
    The MISTER is a GOOD SPORT thats for certain!
    Connecting thru STYLEMINDCHIC...........I will be getting YOU in my inbox later on TODAY I would imagine!!

  20. Katie your posts are always so cheering. What a wonderful family ( and boyfriend!)
    The Arts by Karena

  21. your posts always have me rolling! btw...where did your daughter get that blue and white shirt? i'm dying to know...pretty please :)

  22. What a fun weekend with your sweet girls. However, I am upset about one thing. I can't believe George is cheating on ME with YOU! lol Hope you have a great week. If you have time pop over and see what MyHero is up to--guarantee it will make you smile! xo Diana

  23. Beautiful girls just like their Momma. don't tell the Mister! xo K

  24. Catching up on your all your adventures. Now you have me missing our days living in Plano, eating TexMex, and spending lots and lots of moola at ALL the malls. Glad Big D treated you well!


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