Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

This n' That

Hello dear friends, I wrote this on Saturday and didn't get around to posting it until today.

We are having a gorgeous sunny day here in Massachusetts.  I just got back from the General Store or the "Genny" as the locals call it.  I picked up some warm muffins and scones for my sleeping house guests.  

First of all, I want to start with a product that I have fallen in love with.  I found it on line when I googled sunless tanner containing an spf.  It is very hard to find one product that contains both.  I used to use a lotion by L'Oreal for years, but I think they discontinued it.

So my google search came up with Palmer's Cocoa Butter Bronze that was sold out on a lot of sites.  I managed to order one on Amazon.  By the way, Amazon is sold out now.  I searched other sites and they were sold out too.  I finally got in touch with the manufacturer and the representative said that you can order it directly from them.  You can find the website here.  By the way - they are cheaper than Amazon. You can forward the $5.00 savings to me, please.

I love this stuff!  First of all, it has color in it so you can see any places that you have missed when applying.  They don't call me "blotchy legs" for nothin.' The smell is delicious - which I could never say about the L'Oreal product.  It is also extremely moisturizing.  The SPF is only a 15, but I figure its better than nothing.  I am long passed my sun bathing in baby oil days, so it's enough for me.  I use it every morning before I go on my stroll run.

I have not been paid by Palmer's to endorse their product.  However, if you are from Palmer's, I wouldn't turn my nose up if a free case showed up on my doorstep.


After 6 months of  wearing turtlenecks I finally put on a collared shirt.  I looked in the mirror and then screeched in horror.  What the heck happened to my neck?  What is it with Massachusetts?  First my clothes shrink - now my neck is covered in wrinkles and it looks like it belongs to a  turkey.

She looks pretty good compared to me.

The first thing I did was to whisper a prayer of gratitude that scarves are really "in" now.  I then went on a serious, comprehensive search for a good neck cream.  Ok, that's not true.  I was actually in Marshall's drowning my jowl sorrows when I came across this.  

It was encased in a plastic box only to be magically opened by the cashier and it was $39.99.  The good part was that according to the tag it retails for $80.00.  I decided to splurge and bought it.  Don't tell the Mister - he would tell me to save the 40 bucks - and that he loves turkey necks. 

I've used StriVectin for about 4 weeks - twice a day.  I have to say that it has definitely made a difference.  It has improved the quality of my skin and it does not look quite as wrinkly as it was.  As a matter of a fact,  I splurged on another jar last week.  Don't tell the Mister.

I'm closer to this now.  
My neck looks better but I still need a nose job. 


I picked Covet up at Target to take with me on my trip to Texas.  I did not realize that I had read Tracey Garvis Graves' first book On the Island, which I really enjoyed.

This is an interesting book that raises the question "can a man and a married woman who are attracted to each other just be friends?"  It is a fast, enjoyable read and would lead to some interesting discussion at book club. 

Took a peek into Homegoods last week and shot a few pics of some new additions for summer.

Kind of cute for a patio.

A whole outdoor kitchen! 
Great deal if you happen to drive a mack truck.

Adorable drink cooler for a girls party.

I would be the coolest girl in my new 'hood if I had one of these.

And last, but not least, 3 gorgeous Lilac trees are in bloom outside our kitchen window.  I bought a couple of pitchers at my beloved Homegoods while I was doing some investigative reporting for you.  I kept one for me, naturally, and bought the other for the host and hostess of a party that we are attending this weekend.  The hosts just happen to be the former owners of our house.  Hopefully, they will enjoy the flowers from their garden.

One more thing - I need to ask your help.  
I have received a couple of emails from people who subscribe to my blog through email .  They said that they are no longer getting it in their mailbox.  If you do subscribe, and you are or are not getting my post, would you be kind enough to leave a comment either way? 

I'll give you a ride on my new motorcycle if you do.

Happy Hump Day!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I just love "this and that" posts...and this was a good one. I need to order some of that self tanner because I have been too busy to soak up too many rays with no end in sight as summer approaches (and that IS a GOOD thing!). I really love the Vitamin C serum I won in your giveaway - it seems to be working! Have a great night! xoxo

  2. you are too funny---love the neck creme story and pix!

  3. I'll take a ride in the sidecar. That was no one will notice my white legs and turkey neck. gobble gobble :)


  4. Katie, I live in Florida so I have no excuse for my white legs! Thanks for the tip on the self tanner and I'll be ordering it soon. Thanks for dropping by my blog and I am now a follower.

  5. I love that pink girl cooler and I may go see if I can find some of that neck stuff.

  6. My Homegoods just is not as nice as yours! Also, I am not getting your posts in my email.

    1. Hi Nancy... Sorry you Homegoods is not as good. I just looked you up to email you and realized what town you are from. I know that area very well. One of my best friends lives there. When I was single, I lived at Salem Walk on Milwaukee. My favorite hamburger joint has always been Hackneys. Anyway, I'm going to try to figure this thing out through feedburner. Have a great weekend!!

  7. What a fun post. I am going to look for that sunless tanner. Most of them smell HORRIBLE and you can't see where you put it on and where you missed. Thanks for the tip Love the turkey neck. LOL about the turkey neck. Well worth the money if it continues to work. GREAT Home Goods you have there! xo Diana

  8. Have loved your blog ever since I found it a year ago. Signed up for it immediately. Mid-April, I stopped getting your blog emails and was heart-broken... what had happened? Turned out there was a problem with feedburner and the new protocol they had for identifying spam. Emails were not getting through. Finally I think enough people complained, they fixed the problem and voila - here you are again, and I'm so darn happy to enjoy your great observations that always make me smile. All is well.....

    1. First of all, Pippa, I LOVE your name. In my next life, I want to come back as Pippa. So glad feedburner got it all straightened out for you. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. I subscribe, and I've been getting your posts - thank goodness! I need the laughs, and you never fail to deliver! How come your Home Goods is SO much better than mine??? Beth

  10. Katie, I subscribe and I am still getting the e-mails. Jealous over the latest great finds at your HG. Gotta go order the sunless tanner!

  11. I subscribe and am still getting your emails. Thanks for the Palmers lotion tip! I'm ordering today.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to let me know. Have a wonderful weekend, Jerri.

  12. what a deal on tanner! my favorite thus far was by tarte but dang you cant beat no smell and $5.99. SOLD! and your homegoods is the best of the best. I've never seen such things at ours in Houston. one word comes to mind...roadtrip!

  13. To bring a gardener flowers from plants they had to leave behind is the nicest gift ever! They will be thrilled :-)

  14. Katie, I receive your posts via email...they are the highlight of the day, you never fail to make me laugh :) !!

    1. Thank you so much, Ellen. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  15. This-n-that posts are the best! You always put a smile on my face each morning as I read your thoughts. I subscribe through email and look forward to reading each one. Have a great day!

  16. When I open my mailbox and see that "The Preppy" has sent a post---I open it immediately! Thanks from Austin, TX.

    1. Hellllooooo Austin! Thank you so much for your sweet words. I know Austin well - what a wonderful place. My 96 year old Dad lives there. Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. You are so funny Katie! Many of us can relate to the turkey neck issue;) Hopefully the cream will work its magic.......... You are on my blog roll so that's how I stay up to date on your posts. xxleslie

  18. First of all, Katie, you are a hoot! I really needed the laugh I got from today's post. And, I subscribe to your post by e-mail and receive them every day - thank goodness! You are one of my favorites in blogland.

    Enjoy the nice, long Memorial Day weekend!


    1. Deborah - thank you so much for your kind words - they made my day. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

  19. I just found you this week and subscribed by email. So far I have received your posts by email just fine. And I'm really enjoying your blog. Still need to read older posts since I'm enjoying your new ones so much.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog, Kansas Girl! I hope you have a great long weekend!

  20. In the UK Homegoods is called Homesense but what ever it's name it's not as cool as yours! scooters? Fantastic

  21. I'm baaaack....at least a little bit. I have so, so missed reading about your adventures! Thanks for the excellent product tips and for the laughs! What an incredibly thoughtful gift for the prior owners of your home. I'm sure they were thrilled and delighted that their beautiful Lilac trees are in such good hands.

  22. I stopped getting your emails and some other blog emails at the end of April. I cannot figure out how to contact feedburner. I have unsubscribed and re subscribed still with no success. What can I do? Jane P.

  23. Katie-I'm so with you on the neck thing. Glad to hear there is something that works. I'm running to the store! ;) Love those cool chairs at homegoods. You have quite the eye. Happy long weekend and have a fab trip!

  24. Katie, I thought maybe you were on an extended vacation because I had not received a post in a while so just navigated over here this morning to check on you! So, I suppose that I am one subscriber whose email subscription has been lost in space. Glad to get the neck cream advice. I have been using Nerium for about 6 months now and think it is helping but my eyesight is not what it used to be either so maybe I just can't see the wrinkles! Happy Memorial Day!

  25. YOU are so hilarious I am laughing out loud!! Have a great weekend my friend! Gobble Gobble!

  26. Yes, I am getting your posts- so many blogs disappeared, but I am so happy you still pop into the mailbox so I can laugh!


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